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The underlying theme of the Conference was "Youth speak, Canada listens" and the issues that youth of the 1994 Students Commission conference choose to speak on were Youth Employment, Violence in Society, Gender Issues, and Education. These topics were chosen to reflect the recommendations of the previous year's delegates.

These are the issues that Canadian youth feel are important to the country:

1. By discussing the issue of Youth Employment, and recognizing that Canada is experiencing difficult economic times, Canadian youth are now preparing themselves for successful entry into the labour force.

2. In this, the "International Year of the Family", we realize that the fabric of the family, just like that of society, is acutely affected by Violence. As a result, this is an issue of concern and one which Canadian youth feel needs to be addressed.

3. In a society where all its member are still not considered or treated equally, Gender Issues holds great relevancy. In order to fulfill our vision, all members must achieve equity.

4. Mirroring the previous years, youth feel that Education is indeed the key to addressing many of our problems. This National Report recognizes that to achieve our vision, youth need to be prepared with knowledge, creativity, and ingenuity. These are the ingredients that will propel us into the future.

Within fourteen teams, representing all regions of Canada, its languages and faces, students generated the contents of this National Report after conversation with panelists that introduced the framework of each topic.

Each issue is addressed within three component parts - vision, the recommendation, and the Action Plan. The vision enables the 200 students of the 1994 conference to communicate and share our ideas and concepts with the rest of the nation. We collectively used our many voices to create the consensus recommendations that express our vision, . The panel discussions and the following team discussion sessions gave the students the opportunity to communicate, create and unanimously agree on the recommendations that will achieve our vision. However, without steps, visions cannot be realized. The Action Plans then become the necessary steps that will allow individuals, educators, government, community groups, and labour to work together to attain our goals.

To increase the power of the National Report, we have also included in the Appendix, the various other resolutions that we generated in discussions, and which further reflects the diverse opinions of Canadian youth.

The Appendix further demonstrates the importance of the connection to community within The Students Commission by detailing the varied list of sponsors who believed and supported the ideas of Canadian youth. Those who invested in The Students Commission through financial donations, services, the acceptance of the National Report, or the contribution to the enclosed ideas, are truly investing in the present and the future of this nation.

The Students Commission believes that when young people are given the opportunity to speak and take action.... changes will occur!