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The first non-Native people to settle in this area were the Oblates of Mary Immaculate led by Father Fouquet in 1862. Eager to share their faith and protect the Stó:lo from the less-than-pious influence of prospectors fresh from the Caribou Gold Rush. The O.M.I. established a residential school and church called St. Mary's, which remained in operation until 1969.

St.Mary's schoolThe first St.Mary's school was located on the bank of the Fraser River by D'Herbomez creek. (Near the present day Chamber of Commerce office) The constuctoin of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1883 caused St. Mary's to relocate further up the hill to what is now known as Fraser River Heritage Park. The second school was built on a large scale and eventually comprised 10 buildings. This school remained in operation until 1961 when a third school site was built to the east by the Federal Government Department of Indian Affairs. The 1961 site is now under the direction of the local Stó:lo First Nations for education and business interests.

About the Museum - Soap Box Derby - General Tour
Local History - Teachers Corner

Father Fouquet
Father Fouquet