1990: The Centenary

The year 1990 marked the Université’s one hundreth anniversary. Many activities, festivities, concerts, and banquets took place that year.

Centenary reception

These celebrations gave the opportunity to both past and present students at Université Sainte-Anne to meet and reunite.

Centenary mass Eudist Fathers

Many important people participated in the various activities that commemorated the centenary. In August, nearly 300 former students organized a class reunion dubbed Retour 90.

Deep sea fishing Clam bake by the sea

Class reunion Centenary golf tournament

During this reunion, activities such as a deep-sea fishing tournaments, a golf tournament, and many evening concerts took place.

Old cafeteria New cafeteria

The Université's centennial year also marked the official opening of the new cafeteria and of the Salle Marc-Lescarbot auditorium.

That same year, honorary doctorates were given to Bertin Nadeau, Naomi Griffiths, Philippe LeBlanc, Rémi Saulnier, Jean-Roland Aucoin, Père Pierre Drouin, Sister Lise Plante, Msgr Nil Thériault, Msgr Austin Burke, and George Durand. Mr. René LeBlanc received the Palmes académiques from the Government of France. This very prestigious award was made by Mr. Michel Couthures, General Consul of France in Moncton and in Halifax.

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