August 22, 1997

Anne-Louise Belliveau : Anne-Louise is a 29 year old Southville resident working on an Industry Canada-sponsored project for the second consecutive summer. During this project, she was the HTML chief editor, image processor, and computer technician. She is presently enroled in the Bachelor of Arts program at Université Sainte-Anne.

Tanya Comeau : Tanya is a resident of Meteghan River. At 24 years of age, she has recently graduated from Université Sainte-Anne with a bachelor in education. She is actively seeking employment and is also considering substitute teaching in the local schools.

Marie-Claude Robichaud : Marie-Claude is a native of Saulnierville and is 21 years old. She graduated from Université Sainte-Anne in April 1997 and will persue her studies in law at Université de Moncton.

Francine Saulnier : Francine lives in Petit-Ruisseau and is 26 years old. With a bachelor in education already to her credit, she is presently studying business administration at Université Sainte-Anne and will graduate in April. She is particularly interested in marketing and accounting fields.

Special Thanks!

We would like to thank the people who voluntarily gave their time and advice in order to make this project a success:

  • Neil Boucher
  • Adèle Bourque
  • Murielle Comeau
  • Gérard d'Entremont
  • Richard Landry
  • Elaine LeBlanc
  • Jean-Louis Robichaud
  • Michael Robichaud, a very special thank you!!
  • Philippe Thibault

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