Albums souvenirs du Canada
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Views of Canadian Cities
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Page 38 de 52

St. John (Reversing Falls and Bridges)

St. John, the metropolis of the Province of New Brunswick, is located at the mouth of the great St. John River. Where the river enters the harbour the outlet narrows to a channel only 450 feet wide, hemmed in by limestone cliffs 100 feet high. During low tide the waters of the river have a fall toward the harbour of fifteen feet, and at the return of the tide there is a fall in the opposite direction. The gorge is spanned by a suspension passenger bridge and a steel cantilever railway bridge.

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Musée des beaux-arts du Canada Cette collection numérisée a été produite avec le soutien financier du programme Les Collections numérisées du Canada, Industrie Canada.

"Droit d'auteur © Musée des beaux-arts du Canada 2001"

Les collections numérisées du Canada