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Table of Contents


 Ai'lul (The Unlucky Gambler) a.029
Ancient Ones:
    Coyote and Old-One a.040
    Old Coyote and the CoyotePeople a.007
    Old One a.041,a.060
    The People of Ancient Timesa.092
Arrow-Chain a.064
Badger a.054
Bald-Headed Eagles a.013
    Coyote and Grizzly-Beara.040
    Grizzly-Bear and Coyotea.097
    Grizzly-Bear and Raccoona.101
    The Bears a.090
    The Bear-Woman a.046
    The Man Who Married a Beara.102
    War with the Sky Peoplea.043
    Diving Beaver a.100
    Eagle and Beaver a.047
    A Man Eats His Sister'sBerries a.068
    Coyote Berries a,006
    Coyote and the Berry Pickersa.004
Bowlders a.006
Boy who travelled to the Sun a.022
    Coyote and Buffaloa.017, a.039
    The Water-Buffalo a.064
    Coyote in Buffalo Countrya.098
    Coyote of the Lower Countrya.098
    The Cannibal Who Used Elkas a Decoy a.005
    Division of the Cannibal'sBody a.062
    The Cannibal a.069
Chipmunk a.053
Coyote Tales:
    Coyote and the Flood a.007
    Coyote and the Geese a.003,a.074
    Coyote and the Ice Peoplea.038
    Coyote and the Moon a.096
    Coyote and the SwallowingMonster a.076,a.076
    Coyote and the Water orRain a.034
    Coyote and the Woodpeckersa.005
    Coyote, Fox and the SunPeople a.003
    Coyote is Attacked by Comband Awl a.003
    Coyote Introduces Salmona.036,a.061
    Coyote Kills the Moon a.089,a.090
    Coyote Liberates The Salmona.071,a.072,a.073
    Coyote Steals Fire a.002
    Coyote steals Sweat-houseMan's Blanket a.005
    Coyote Wars a.077,a.078
    Coyote's Wars a.093
    Coyote and Fox a.087,a.095
    Coyote Goes Fishing a.032
    Coyote wears Fox's Rattlea.005
    Frog and Coyote a.096
    Coyote and His Son a.069,a.071
    Coyote and the Blackfeeta.038
    Coyote's Son a.061
    The Bungling Host a.085,a.093
    The Coyote People a.007
    The Rival Suitors a.081
    Striped-Face a.032
Crane a.079
Crow a.016
    The Island of Death a.057
    The Origin of Death a.001,a.054, a.063,a.092
    The Dead Woman and HerChild a.023
    The Man who brought tolife his Sweetheart a.023
    The Warrior and His FaithlessWife a.050
    Coyote and Deer a.002
    Lynx and Deer a.014
    The Deer a.021
Deluge a.068
Dirt- Boy a.043
    Dog and the Girl a.016
    Dog-Children  a.067
Eagles a.055
Egg Gatherers a.003
    Coyote and Elk a.002,a.059
    Coyote and his Elk Wifea.004
    Elk and Antelope a.014
Eye-Juggler a.079
Fire a.002
Fish-Man a.067
Flea a.013
Flood a.007
    Coyote and Fox get Fooda.095
    Coyote and Fox run Racesa.095
    Coyote, Fox, and the Egg-Gatherersa.003
    Coyote wears Fox's Rattlea.005
    Fox Steals Coyote's Food(from Nicola Valley) a.004
    Fox Steals Coyote's Fooda.005
Frog a.056
Frog and Bluejay a.100
Geese a.003
Giant a.069
Grouse a.058
Heat and Cold a.063
Holholakwo'xa or Holakwo'xa a.024
Kelauna a.050
Kingfisher a.004
Kweskapi'nek a.011
Left Arm a.050
Log-Worm a.079
Lytton Girls a.020
Marmots a.003
    Coyote Marries His Daughter(or Niece) a.037
    The Girl Who Married Crowa.016
    The Sisters Who MarriedCoyote and Lynx a.006
    The Man Who Married Cold'sDaughter a.029
Mating a.003
Meadow-Lark a.053
Migration Legend a.025,a.026
Moon a.062,a.100
   Coyote and the Snake-Monstera.058
   Coyote and Wewei'.tc a.061
   The Seven-Headed Monster a.103
Mouse a.047
Mountain-Sheep a.059
Mythological Times a.060
Nka'memen a.064
Nke'kaumstem a.018
   Bushtail Rat a.012
   Coyote and his Elk Wife a.004
   Coyote and the Flood a.007
   Coyote and the Sun a.061
   Coyote, Fox and the Egg Gatherers a.003
   Coyote People a.007
   Coyote Steals Fire a.002
   Coyote Teaches People to Matea.003
   Creation a.043
   Columbia River a.033
   Death a.001,a.054
   Earth and People a.043
   Fire a.054
   Fox steals Coyote's Food (fromNicola Valley) a.004
   Hot and Cold Winds a.063
   How the Cold Lost its Power a.053
   Introduction of Salmon a.034
   Mosquitoes a.005
   Origin of the Different Languagesa.056
   Origin of the Sturgeon a.067
   Origin of the Sxo'exo'e Maska.068
   Sun-Fire a.011
   Tick and the Deer a.052
Orphans a.027
Owl a.091,a.099,a.014
Panther a.038
Peqo's El Ea'pila a.024
Poisoned Arrows a.055
Qwa'qtqwetl and Kokwe'la a.008
Race between Turtle and Frog a.056
    Coyote and the Rabbitsa.006
    How Rabbit got his Wifea.091
Rolling Head a.066
Roots a.004
    Coyote and the Steel-HeadSalmon a.036
    Coyote becomes Chief ofthe Salmon a.051
Shamans a.096
Simon Fraser's Visit a.033
Skunk a.054
Skukula'na Women a.059
Speeches a.103
Striped-Face a.032
Skwotilkwola'na a.047
Starvation a.057
Star Myths:
    Etsko'.lko.l a.064
    Tceleiku'tsen a.064
    Te'equl a.064
Sxo'exo'e Mask a.068
Sweathouse a.005
Sun People a.003
The Man Who Brought Life to His Sweethearta.023
The Winds:
    The Hot Wind People andthe Cold Wind People a.011
    The Wind Man a.011
    The Wind a.063
    The Hot and Cold Windsa.063
The Woman Who Became A Horse a.027
Thunder a.063
Timtimenee a.057
Toad a.054
Transformer a.066
Transformer Stories:
    Coyote is attacked by Comband Awl a.003
    Coyote and Elk a.002
    Coyote and the RollingBowlder a.006
    Coyote and the Marmotsa.003
    Mosquitoes a.005
    Sesulia'n and Seku'liaa.008
    The Bushtail Rat a.012
    The Five Wolves a.054
    The Martin and Fisher a.012
    The Rolling Stone a.052
Turtle a.056
Water-Mystery a.064,a.066
Weeping Woman a.057
Wildcat a.100
Wolf-Boy (first version) a.018
Wolf-Boy (second version) a.020
Wolverine and the Elk Skull (a fragment) a.017
Wolverine and Elk's Skull (from the NicolaValley) a.018
Woodpeckers a.005
Wren a.058


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