Article 012 Index


After a certain period of military duty at the front, a soldier was entitled to a time of leave. Going on leave was time that was much enjoyed and coveted by most soldiers. It was an opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation of both the body and the mind for weary soldiers who had experienced long gruelling marches, fierce combat, and emotional stress during their time in the military.

The Canadian military provided entertainment for war-weary soldiers to lift their spirits and improve morale. Sports equipment was brought for soldiers by the Y.M.C.A. and groups like Dumbell's Concert Party entertained soldiers with songs such as "Dumbell Rag", "OH it's a Lovely War" and female impersonators. Famous musicians and celebrities from home also came to aid the war effort by entertaining the troops.

On leave, many soldiers took time to simply relax and enjoy the short time they had before they returned to the battlefield. For some, with extended leave, it was an opportune time to visit with friends and relatives. It was at this time when Jack Turner had the opportunity to leave photographs he had taken and developed with friends for safekeeping.

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