The quality of chlorine is not strain'd,
It riseth as the gentle fog from ocean
Unto the breath inhaled; it is twice interesting,
It interests him who sniffs and him who looks;
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; not a gas,
Can even try to hold a candle to 't;
Its scent doth show the power of Hel,
A compound of hydrogen and chlorine,
The last of which would choke you in a jiff
For, as to smell, it makes all else go way back:
It gets entangled in the student's lungs,
A smell that is peculiar to chlorine;
All chlorine has that same unearthly smell
When O seasons Hel., so, students,
When chlorine you study, remember this,
That when you make this chlorine, none of you
Should try to smell it; for you'll wish you hadn't.
And so, when you experiment, remember
The smell of chlorine.
The Camosun: Christmas Number, January 1906, p. 14.(Arc LH3 C3)
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