Vancouver Public Library's Leonard Frank Photograph Collection  
Project Overview
The Collection
Search for Leonard Frank Photographs
Biography of Leonard Frank
Project Credits

Project Credits

Project Sponsors
Industry Canada: Canada's Digital Collections
Young Canada Works in Heritage Institutions
• The Jaymac Foundation
• The Gates Foundation
• Special thanks to the City of Vancouver Archives

Library Team
• Mary-Anne MacDougall Supervising Librarian, Special Collections
• Wendy Godley Librarian, Special Collections
• Laura Safarian Librarian, Special Collections
• Susan Camelleri Konar Library Assistant 3, Special Collections
• Corinne Sam Library Assistant 3, Special Collections
• Melina Bowden Library Assistant 3, Special Collections
• Barbara Adams Library, Archival and Information Sciences Student, Special Collections
• Jon Whipple Graphics Technician, Marketing Development and Communications
• Christine Hagemoen Scanning Technician, Special Collections
• Jan Rennie Library Technician, Special Collections
• David Poolman Scanning Technician, Special Collections
• Mary Jane Culbert Library Technician, Special Collections
• Special thanks to VPL System Support Group

Technical Information
> Seanix P3 600, 512MB RAM, 13GB HD, CD-RW, Windows 98
> ViewSonic G810 22 inch CRT
> Microtek ScanMaker III,
> Wacom Intuos 6x8 Graphics Tablet
> Scanwizard Image Acquistion Software,
> Adobe Photoshop 5.5
> Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4

Text Database and Web
> Inmagic® DB/TextWorks®4.0, Web Publisher 4.03
> Apache Web Server 1.3.12 Win 32
> Netscape Navigator 4.7
> Microsoft Internet Explorer 5

The Archiving and Scanning Process
Before the image scanning and creation of the electronic database could begin, a system was created to inventory all manifestations of each image in the Frank Collection. A logbook was created (listing negatives: glass plate, film base, copy and source and display prints: copy and source) from which the data was gathered and entered into the InMagic® database. This information was merged with all additional information from the Special Collections Department photograph accession records and historical photograph index shelflist thus enhancing the descriptive information for every image. This entire process was highly labour intensive because of the need to gather and organize information in hand written and index card format in preparation for transfer into the new electronic database.

After the text was entered, the source image was removed from the historical photographs vault and was checked against the accompanying text. Once this step was completed scanning of the photos then commenced, with each photograph scanned in greyscale at a minimum of 300dpi. The scans were saved as TIFFs and burned to CD-ROM for archival storage. The database was updated to reflect this information. The TIFFs were used as the source for the creation of JPEGs suitable for display on the web in two sizes at 72dpi.

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Vancouver Public Library
Canada's Digital Collections  

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© Vancouver Public Library, 2000