
Liste des œuvres
The Big Front Yard
Dryden Slash and Burn
Fantasy garment
Bone/flesh garment
Hypopituitarism II: Duncan Phyfe Recamier
A Little Girl's Private World for the Telling and Retelling of Stories
A Little Girl's Private World for the Telling and Retelling of Stories, détail
A Little Girl's Private World for the Telling and Retelling of Stories, détail

Cycles, 1989
Bone/flesh garment
Bone/flesh garment, 1994
Fantasy garment, 1994
Fantasy garment
Hypopituitarism II: Duncan Phyfe Recamier

Hypopituitarism II: Duncan
Phyfe Recamie
r, 1994

Formation : Baccalauréat en arts plastiques, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Maîtriseen arts plastiques, University of British Columbia.

Expositions solo : 1994 Latitude 53, Edmonton, Alberta; Definitely Superior, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Expositions de groupe : 1996 Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Ontario.
1995 Artemesia, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Eastern Edge, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Niagara Arts Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario.
1994 Arthur Haberman Gallery, York University, Ontario.

Carrière : Enseignante à Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
