fall 1997
a solo intervention / durational performance within the group project
entitled sur l'expérience de la ville : interventions en milieu
urbain organized by Gallery Optica Over a period of eight weeks
beginning in September of 1997, I on a wooden market bench placed
in various places around the city of Montreal which have a high
degree of pedestrian traffic. My work during this time consisted
of crocheting an object ( memory / tent/ garment / cocoon / body
bag). Two colours were used: yellow for the time that I was working
in solitude and alternately I switched to purple when people chose
to make contact or establish a connection with my being (out of
context) involved in this activity. The thread, used traditionally
in the making of Jewish religious men's head-coverings called Kippot
or Yarmulkas is extremely fine and made from pure cotton.