

Jeux de Mots II
Jeux de Mots II, 2000

Jeux de Mots III
Jeux de Mots III, 2000

Artist's Statement

As an artist, I work in different disciplines: painting, printing (etching and silk screen), drawing, photography and poetry. I have also created scenery for theatre, pieces of furniture and other objects in collaboration with other artists and designers. However the bulk of my artistic production consists of mixed media paintings which integrate poems, drawings, prints and photographic images.

After my poems are written in calligraphy on the canvas, several layers of collage and glazes are introduced to mark the passage of time. Other elements are accentuated by the use of architectural details underlining the duality of inside and outside where mystery resides.

The mirror, symbol of purity of soul and the reflection of the self on consciousness, reflects the memories enclosed in my mind. The words, objects, and architecture of the past contain the memories of my imaginary world.

As in a film on the passage of time, my paintings form the sequence of my artistic memory. Distant memories, writings, suggested, unclear, in places where boundaries cease to exist, all are twirled together in the semi darkness of the dream world.

In other works, ancient architectural elements formed and drawn out clearly, invade the space on the canvas evoking the atmosphere of a now deceased epoch. Portraits of the great masters spring forth with their penetrating glaze. Emerging from the past, my self-portrait appears at times in my work as a symbol of the present moment.

Those insistent looks and the architectural openings invite the onlookers to enter, to go more deeply into the immense intimacy of some unknown being or place, encouraging them to try to reach the heart of the matter, the very essence. The mirror of an intense glance returns the reflection of their own glance.

In my recent works, I pursue my poetic and pictorial research on time, light, architecture, art history and the duality between container and content which had already begun in my work, to which I have added quite recently, texture and relief work on wood supports. I wish to transmit my poems as well as my dreams and my imaginary world in the richest possible way to the visitors who come to my exhibitions so that we may cross the mirror of time together.

Élaine Boily

translated by Catherine Bookless

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