

Access, 1983

Démasquer, 2000



About drawing...

Drawing seems to be an extension of my arm and my body. I am guided by my perception, my dreams, my unconscious and my energy.

I keep notebooks of drawings that come from "seeing" and from inner
feelings and ideas. I also work from the human figure.

My sensuous and tactile research is often explored thru drawing. A certain tentativeness encourages random marks and thoughts, uncensored by aesthetic demands. My themes are often hinted at unexpectedly.

Drawing often enters my painting and painting influences everything I do... just as lithography with its transparent inks has become an analogy for time and dream and has marked my imagery.

About Démasquer...

At one of my exhibitions in Toronto, where I showed my "undressing" paintings, a friend, the psychoanalyst Dr. Robin Hunter asked me -"Why all this undressing?" I answered "Don't you know that undressing is unmasking?" Just saying it made the image real for me. In these "masking - unmasking" paintings, I have rediscovered my own varied sides as well
as something of my hidden self.

From Access and landscape, to Masquer and Démasquer, there has been a continuing integration of themes within my work of the last five years. I have made many studies of my body and my gestures. I have stirred up memories of my childhood and my family. I have tried to remember my dreams and to look for associational patterns and their meaning. I have worked once again, at personalizing my painting. ..both psychologically and aesthetically.

The Access theme has developed into Undressing figures and now into the "masking - unmasking" period. All of these works are in the continuing spirit of Access.

Ghitta Caiserman-Roth

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