
Liste des œuvres
The Boys Ride
The Chickens
Coal Scuttle
Goose Chase
Squash/Striped Cloth
Red Peppers
The Sheep Field
Small Poppyfield
The Story

Coal Scuttle, 1998

Coal Scuttle,

lowers/Grapefruit, 1997
Red Peppers, 1999
Red Peppers
The Story

The Story, 1990
The Boys Ride, 1993
The Boys Ride
The Chickens

The Chickens,

Formation :1981 Baccalauréat en arts plastiques, University of Waterloo, Ontario.
1989 Baccalauréat en arts plastiques, majeur en création.

Prix : 1989 Certificate of Acknowledgement: Valley Arts Council.
1981 Ontario Arts Council - Grant funding assistant printmaker position.

Expositions : Nov. 1998 The Sporting Life: Artist Look at Athletes:, The Gallery Stratford, Stratford, Ontario.
- Nov. 1996 à Sept. 1998 The Jack Pine Gallery: Ottawa, Ontario
- Juil. 1993 Canada Day Presentation of Work: U of W Alumni, Chrysanthemum Club, Tokyo, Japon.
- Avril 1992 Celebration of Spring, Michael Moncion Gallery, Pembroke, Ontario.
- Sept. 1991 Homage to Goya, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Mai 1991 C.H.H.A. 'Sound Affair', House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Nov. 1990 Introduction to Public, Studio Colleen, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Mai 1989 VAC Queen's Park Exhibit, Toronto,
- Mai-Jun 1988 Works in the Gallery, University of Waterloo, Ontario.
- Mars 1988 Stepping Out: Honours Student Show, Modern Languages Gallery, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Avril 1988 21st Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa.
- Jan. 1988 Grand Opening East Campus Hall, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
1986 Wilfred Laurier Group Show, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Mars 1985 Curator's Choice Alumni Show, Philip Street Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario.
- Avril 1982 Art's Sake Inc Fourth Exhibition, #l Phoebe St. Toronto, Ontario.

Expérience : 1993-1995 Coordonnatrice de la galerie Madawaska Valley Community Arts Council Summer Arts and Crafts Show à Barry's Bay, Ontario.
1988-89 Institutrice à Madawaska Valley District High School, Barry's Bay, Ontario
1985-86 Institutrice à Harold Wagner Elementary School, Waterloo Regional Board of Education.
