
List of works
Paper King
Couronne de feu
A thousand words
Le sacré printemps
Saint Somebody
The spirit of Christmas Past
Self-portrait with shaving cream
Self-portrait with fish
Self-portrait with butterfly

Paper King, 2001
Paper King
Self-portrait with fish
Self-portrait with fish, 2000

Saint Somebody, 2000
Saint Somebody
Couronne de feu

Couronne de feu, 2000

Le sacré printemps, 2000
Le sacré printemps
Rarebird, 2001
Self-portrait with shaving
, 1999
Self-portrait with shaving cream

Education: 1988 Bachelor of Fine Arts,
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.

Solo Exhibitions: Sept. 2002 George Laoun, Montreal, Quebec.
May 2001 Galerie la Seigneurie, Châteauguay
1999 Art Rebel; Gallery and art supplies,
Montreal, Quebec.
1996 Centre d'exposition l'Imagier, Aylmer
Café Les Belles Sœurs, Montreal, Quebec.
1992 Gallery Dan Delaney, Westmount, Quebec.

Group Exhibitions: June 2001 Galerie Luz, Montreal, Quebec.
2001 Ils sont jeunes…, Simon Blais Gallery, Montreal, Quebec.
2000 Paint or Die, peachpitpie, Montreal
- Art for Earth, Arts N.D.G., Montreal
1998 Sabar / La fête, Centre d'exposition l'Imagier, Aylmer, Quebec.
1997 A Season in Hell, #512 Belgo Building
- Lieu de la mémoire, Centre d'exposition l'Imagier, Aylmer, Quebec.
1995 The Feminin Viewpoint, Jacob Inc.
St-Bruno and Montreal store windows
1991 Los Artistas en Residencia, Galeria Principal, Dominican Republic.
1989 Young Artists Series, Liberty Yogurt Inc., Candiac, Quebec.

Grants and Projects: 1994 Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, B Grant
1990 Explorations Grant, Canada Council
Artist in residence, Altos de Chavón, Dominican Republic.

Experience: 2000 DrawingI Instructor, Visual Arts Centre, Westmount, Quebec.
2000 Guest Artist, Batshaw Youth and Family Services Centre, Montreal, St-Laurent.

Member of le Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels (R..A.A.V.)

Collections: 1997 Museum of Quebec, art rental collection
1992 Canada Council, Art Bank
1991 The Altos de Chavon Foundation, Dominican Republic.

Artist's Statement: I develop my paintings by sketching images from which spring from memory, imagination as well as through observation. Having been inspired by symbolism in religious art, folk art and indigenous or "primitive" art, I gather together my own images to create a personal symbology. My intention is to turn askew the conventional reading of portraiture and to reconstruct a contemporary iconography.

The head has been the central theme for a recent series of work in oils and in watercolour. I use photographs of family and friends as references or models. By developing one subject in two mediums I mean to create two parallel universes: The world of the imagination and one of the everyday. The individuals portrayed in these oil paintings come from an imaginary culture where everyday objects become tools, religious relics, or even fetish objects used to obtain some sort of paradise. The watercolour paintings then become the worlds these people imagine; a world of beliefs and superstitions, of dreams and of nightmares.
