
List of works
Pour Borduas
Temps suspendu
Histoire de ma grand-mère
La clé des habitudes
Répétition générale
Fiction solitaire
Intangible en forme de poire
Présent imparfait
Eternellement à jamais
Roman savon

Histoire de ma grand-mère, 1995

Répétition générale, 1995
Fiction solitaire, 1995

Michèle Assal graduated from University of Québec in Montréal with a Master's Degree in creation. Assal's work has been exhibited for more than ten years. Her work is part of several prestigious collections including the collection of Loto-Québec and Canada Council Art Bank. She received twice a grant from the Ministère de la Culture du Québec. She has participated in many shows including Les Femmeuses organized by Pratt & Whitney Canada (1989, 1990 and 1991), Le Lieu de l'Être at the Québec Art Museum (1994). In 1990, she has also exhibited her work at the Manor of Martigny, Switzerland and in 1996, at the Rader Gallery in Washington. The Colombian Center in New York City was also approached in 1997 for an exhibition. Michèle Assal is represented in Montréal by Trois Points art gallery.
