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Coastal Marine Resource Mapping Project

The Coastal Marine Resources Mapping Project was jointly funded by Human Resources Development, Western Valley Development Authority, Fisheries and Oceans (Habitat Branch), Digby Industrial Commission and the Town of Bridgetown. The project was designed to identify various marine resources in Digby and Annapolis Counties. By identifying these resources the area hopes not only to ensure their sustainability but also to move towards utilizing these non traditional sectors as a source of employment, in an effort to replace jobs lost with the decline of the Atlantic Fishery.

Data was collected from all levels of the government and industry, with the bulk of the data coming from interviewing local people working or who formerly worked within the marine sector. In many instances it was the first time data of this nature was collected. Field data collectors used maps when conducting interviews to allow participants to accurately locate specific areas of activity. After the data was collected and documented it was presented at an "open house" where the data was discussed and could be refuted or confirmed by all groups involved.

The completed project produced a hard copy atlas consisting of 61 1:10 000 36"x42"map sheets and four Canadian Hydrographic sheets and a digitized version of the atlas to be stored on a PC. Resources identified included such things as herring weir locations, scallop and lobster fishing zones, the locations of wharves, processing plants and boat builders. The project also classified shoreline types (i.e.: cobble beech, salt marsh etc) as well as identifying accommodation, restaurant, shipwreck and lighthouse locations.

The research team consisted of a contract cartographer/project manager and three local former fisheries workers trained as field data collectors. The research team worked with a mapping sub-committee comprised of volunteer business people and members of the community and was co-ordinated by a member of the Western Valley Development Authority.

Upon completion of the project the hard copy atlas and the digitized version will be housed in the Marine Resource Centre of Excellence at the Cornwallis Business Park.

The Centre was established to provide local organizations and businesses with training and research facilities and resources to aid in a community based approach to coastal zone management. Fishing, educational, research and environmental groups and organizations will utilize the centre. Currently the centre is working with a local clam digger to develop a management board as well as working with St Francis Xavier University Extensions to develop an Aquatic Studies Program.

Digby Neck Eco-Tourism Mapping Project

The Digby Neck Eco-Tourism mapping project was a six-month long initiative to create a high-end guide to aid people visiting Digby Neck and the Islands. Data was collected on the areas of ecological interest and on Ecotourism activities in the area. This information was then digitized and a full colour brochure produced consisting of a detailed map of Brier Island, Long Island and Digby Neck. The map showcases areas of ecological interest as well as general tourism information. The brochure is not only to direct visitors to points of interest but also to educate them about the area's geology, geography, marine and bird life as well as land ecology. It is hoped that by better educating visitors about the ecological importance of this area visitors will travel the area in a non-destructive manner and truly gain an appreciation for what it has to offer.

Golden Crest Study

The Nova Scotia Museum recently gave a Rare Species Research Grant to Ruth Newell and Gini Proulx to document the occurrence of Golden Crest (Liphiola aurea) in the Digby Neck and Islands region.

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