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While the traditional industries of agriculture, forestry and fishing still represent a substantial part of the area’s economy, Eco-tourism has experienced rapid growth over the past few years. This should not come as a surprise; after all, not only is the area naturally suited to a wide variety of activities, we were also the birthplace of the "original adventure tourist", Joshua Slocum. Captain Slocum was the first person to sail (solo) around the world. He and his boat The Spray left from Brier Island in April of 1895 and returned in June 1898.

humpb_whale.jpg (16465 bytes)If a three-year sailing trip sounds like a little too much, there are numerous spots for day trips sea kayaking or canoeing, as well as scuba diving and fishing (both saltwater and freshwater). If you prefer to keep your feet on dry land, the area offers a bounty of trails for hiking and biking in the summer and cross-country skiing in the winter. The diverse physical geography and geology combined with the powerful forces of the Fundy tides make for breathtaking scenery and a coastline that is a haven for bird watchers and fossil hunters.

We ask that those making use of our area treat it with respect and practise ethical and responsible use of our environment. Stay on established paths and trails to avoid further impact on plant life. View wildlife from a distance so as not to disturb them or their nesting grounds. Keep your garbage until you return to civilization where you can safely dispose it in a garbage receptacle. Remember, the sign of responsible ecotourists is that there is no physical indication that they have ever been hiking. Annapolis County Recreational Services has initiated a back country watch program. They supply those entering the back country with a bag to keep your garbage and any you find while exploring our wilderness.

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