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The organizations listed below were directly and indirectly used to develop content for this web site. Click on the above links for other sources used to develop content.


Nova Scotia Trails Federation
5516 Spring Garden Rd
P.O. Box 3010, Halifax, NS
B3J 3G6
(902) 425-5450 ext. 325
Fax: (902) 425-5606

Canoe Kayak Atlantic Division
17 Banook Ave
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 3Y3
(902) 466-9925

Kejimkujik National Park
P.O. Box 236,
Maitland Bridge, NS
B0E 2W0
Tel: (902) 682-2772

Canoe Nova Scotia
5516 Spring Garden Rd
P.O. Box 3010, Halifax, NS
B3J 3G6
Tel: (902) 425-5450 ext. 325
Fax: (902) 425-5606
Annapolis Valley Paddlers
991 Lydiard Rd.
Centerville, NS
B0P 1J0
Tel: (902) 679-2852
Bob Johnston
Annapolis County Recreation Dept
P.O. Box 100
Annapolis Royal, NS
B0S 1A0
Tel: (902) 532-2331

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