
Industry Canada
Mrs. Nancy Duchesne, from the Association touristique et culturelle de Dudswell
Mrs. Nicole Beauregard, Louis-Émile Beauregard's daughter
Mrs. Denise Provencher, ATCD, Educational file
Mr. Hugues Bergeron, ATCD, Animation
Mrs. Caroline Massicotte, Multimedia integration
Mr. Charles-Antoine Leblanc, Multimedia integration
Mrs. Julie Pomerleau, Cultural Development Officer, CLD du Haut-Saint-François
Mr. Robert Myre, Forestry Commissionner, CLD du Haut-Saint-François
Mrs. Hélène Leroux, Municipality of Dudswell
Mrs. Lorraine Lemelin, Municipality of Dudswell
Mr. Jean-Paul Gendron, Le CORDÉ, President
Mr. Frédéric Racine, Osmose, Graphic design
Mrs. Irika Meadows, Translation
Mrs. Annie Grenier, Correction of the texts
Mrs. Julie Humphries, Katimavik, Translation
Mr. Jean-Guy Paré, Technical support
The SADC of Haut-Saint-François : Mr. Raymond Breton, President
Mrs. Andrée Roy, Collaborator
Mr. Veetam Lachance, Collaborator
Mrs. Mélanie St-Pierre, Coordinator
Mrs. Mélanie Bernier, 2003 CDC Team
Mr. Maxime Robert, 2003 CDC Team
Mrs. Tina Paré-Beaudoin, 2003 CDC Team
Mrs. Sonia Tremblay, 2003 CDC Team

We would also like to thank those artisans and technical counsellors who supported and helped us throughout this project.
