
Panning for Gold

Faces of the Gold Rush

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You be the Judge...

Thompson River First Nations

Letters Written by George Perrier

compiled by F.W. Howay

(Source: The Early History of Fraser River Mines. compiled by F.W.Howay. Published by John Forsyth, British Columbia Provincial Archives, Victoria 1926. Accession no.: NW 971.3 5F H853 c.6)

December 31st, I858.

Thomas Piesley, being duly sworn, makes affidavit to the following:
I reside at the Hole in Wall on Fraser River above Fort Yale. I was at Fort Yale this morning. I know Mr. Hickson, constable of Hill's Bar. I saw him at the Court-house this morning; saw him hand a letter to Judge Whannell, which he read and appeared very much excited, and called Mr. Hickson up to the desk and said: "I want you to bring those men before me forthwith." Mr. Hickson said he could not without an order from Judge Perrier, as the men were already before Judge Perrier. Captain Whannell says: "I am your superior officer; I wish them to be brought before me." Captain Whannell appeared very much excited and said: "Do you not acknowledge me as your superior?" Hickson answered: "No, not as a superior." Captain Whannell did not ask Hickson if he did not recognize him as a superior officer, but as a superior.(86) Captain Whannell desired an officer to remove Hickson from the Court-house. Hickson replied: "I have another letter," which he handed to Captain Whannell, but he refused to read it. An officer then removed Hickson from the Court-house. After he (Hickson) left, Captain Whannell said: "I will commit him to jail," and ordered the clerk to write a commitment, I then went to see Hickson, not expecting to find him locked up, but found that he was before a commitment was made out.

Sworn before me at Hill's Bar this 31st day of December, I858.
Justice of the Peace.

(86) This is probably the "insolence of contmept at Captn. Whannel's authority" to which Judge Begbie refers in his letter of February3, 1859, ante, p.35.)

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