Teacher Activity Links:

Gold Panning Excursion

Yale Citizens in the Gold Rush Era

Gold Miner's Glossaries

You be the Judge...

Thompson River First Nations

Kid's Section

Exploring the Thompson River First Nations Culture
Provide your students with a valuable on-line source of First Nations culture.
To research, using this website and possibly other sources, the Thompson River First Nations people and explore their heritage.
Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
BC Grade 5 Social Studies Curriculum: Applications :
- develop alternative interpretations from varied sources
BC Grade 10 Social Studies Curriculum: Applications :
- identify and clarify a problem, an issue, or an inquiry
- gather and organize a body of information from primary and secondary print and non-print sources, including electronic sources
- interpret and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary sources
- plan, revise, and deliver written and oral presentation
Group Size: Individual/pairs
- Printer to make paper copies of note-taking guide from the web-site
- Internet accessible computers to access the collection (one per pair)
- note-paper, pens/pencils
- various other materials dependent on choice of project
1. Bring your students into the internet accessible facility and have them sit in pairs at each station. Explain that they will be looking at a collection of First Nation artifacts, stories, and other parts of their culture to find out more about them. Have the whole group look through the information. You can either assign them one of the following or assign all three projects to be completed over a length of classes):
(A) create artwork similar to the rock painting but use ideas which are familiar to you (i.e. create symbols of important things in your life and create a picture to represent these aspects)
(B) develop a 3-Dimensional artifact from the 2-D versions on the website (colour, texture, and weight can all be replicable factors.)
(C)write a story of similar nature to the ones read. It could have a hero, animal spirit, or ramifications towards humankind.
2. Direct your students to the website (address) and have them go straight to the "Kids" section. From here they move into the "Thompson River First Nations Collection" section.
3. Once they have finished perusing the website, hold a class brainstorming session (write the ideas they come up with on large paper or chaulkboard) about what is different/similar from the First Nations culture to our own.
4. The teacher acts as a facilitator by collecting all their findings and writing them onto a chart (on large paper or poster board). The pool of ideas about the paintings, writings, or artifacts will help develop and share ideas within the entire class.
5. The students then go ahead with the personal challenges (A or B or C or all three!)
- have each students present their product to the class. Provide the opportunity for questions to be asked of the presenter.
- Invite a memeber of a local First Nations Friendship Centre to talk about their heritage (have class develop quesions prior to the visit.)
- Have a presentation of the artifacts to other classes by the students. (i.e. school-wide travelling museum)
- Bulletin Board: Display their stories/pictures for other classrooms to enjoy.
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