Town Tour
Gold Rush
Town Maps
First Nations
HBC Store
St. John the Divine
Barnard's Express
Wagon Road
Oppenheimer Store
On Lee House
Shilson House
All Hallow's
St. John the Divine
On Lee House
Shilson House
Town Maps of Yale
Coloured blocks on this map show areas drawn up in 1859.
Click on the red lots to see more on what buildings or landmarks were there. Below the map is a key to the selected lots, arranged by block and lot numbers:
Lots were originally auctioned off, but some of the original owners re-sold them soon after.
Town lots were bought and sold throughout Yale's history. For example, the lot where the Barnard's Express office was situated (Lot 10, Block 17) was originally purchased by a Mr. William Davis:
Lot 10. Block 17
Is claimed by W. Davis, who has paid
instalments to the amount of $ 30, and
who has repeatedly offered to complete
the purchase. (BC Archives)
Click to see the original. (BC Archives: CAB 30.1k)
Locations in Yale were named after important people at the time:
- Since Front Street runs parallel to the Fraser, and was probably given such a name because it consisted of river frontage.
- Douglas Street was named after James Douglas, who was a Hudson's Bay Company chief trader.
- Victoria Street was named after Queen Victoria, who was the reigning monarch of that era.
- Albert Street was named after Prince Albert, the Husband of Queen Victoria.
Map and Plans
Plan of the Jail at Yale. (BC Archives: CM A367) |
Fort Yale (part of). (BC Archives: CM A177) |
Plan of Yale 1860. (BC Archives: CAB 30.1k) |
Long before the gold rush town of Yale, a First Nation's village was all that resided here. Learn something about this long history in the First Nations page.
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