
Paddlewheel Steamboats

The Cariboo Wagon Road

Cable Cars and the Ferry

The Railway

The Railway

In 1871 British Columbia became part of Canada. In result, the Canadian Government promised to build a railway to connect the Atlantic coast with the Pacific coast of the country. During the period of railway construction in the 1880's Yale became the main supply centre for all the work in the Cascade Division of B.C. Some 7,000 were employed; a machine shop, sawmills and other industries were also created. After railway construction was complete boat traffic to Yale ceased and Yale began to decline.
Cpr Engine at Yale
CPR Engine at Yale
(BC Archives: A-00856)
The first excursion by train
The first excursion by train
(BC Archives: A-03593)
Train Wreck between Yale and North Bend
Train Wreck between Yale and North Bend
(BC Archives: A-07145)
Cpr Work Train
Cpr Work Train
(BC Archives: D-08888)
Cpr Contractors Locomotive No.1 at Yale
Locomotive No.1 at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30841)
Cpr Contractors Tool Car No.2 at Yale
Tool Car No.2 at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30847)
Cpr Contractors Flat Car No.4535 at Yale
Flat Car No.4535 at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30842)
Cpr Contractors 20 Ton Box Car No.266 at Yale
20 Ton Box Car at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30843)
Cpr Contractors Cattle Car No.260 at Yale
Cattle Car No.260 at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30844)
Cpr Contractors Mail Car No.1 at Yale
Mail Car No.1 at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30845)
Cpr Contractors Bridge Materials Holstings Car at Yale
Bridge Materials Holstings Car at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30846)
Cpr Contractor A.Onderdonk's Engine Houses at Yale
A.Onderdonk's Engine Houses at Yale
(BC Archives: I-30854)

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.
Produced by Canada's Digital Collections Team.
Content provided by BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.