National Council of Welfare
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Archived - Poverty advisory council launches Canada-wide forum

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The National Council of Welfare today, on the eve of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, is launching an on-line questionnaire at to find out what Canadians think about solutions to poverty and insecurity in Canada. For over 25 years the NCW has published detailed statistics on poverty, with its most recent reports released in July and August this year. During the past quarter century, poverty rates among seniors have improved dramatically. For all other age groups, including children, poverty is as widespread as ever and for some people, poverty is deeper as well.

John Murphy, the Chairperson of the Council, is "concerned that Canada has tended to hide its poverty in silence rather than fight it. If other countries have successfully tackled poverty, however, Canada can too. Quebec is making an antipoverty strategy a priority and so is Newfoundland and Labrador. It makes good economic sense to enable everyone to be as productive as possible. I also want to believe that Canadian men and women care what happens to fellow human beings who are struggling to survive in their own rich country". The questionnaire will run until mid-December and the results will be made public. They will also guide the advice the NCW provides to the federal government.

The Council encourages individuals and organizations across Canada to respond to the questionnaire and tell us what you think.

The National Council of Welfare is an independent body established to advise the federal Minister of Human Resources and Social Development on issues of importance to low-income Canadians. Its Poverty Profile, 2002 and 2003 report was released July 20, 2006 and its Welfare Incomes 2005 report, on August 24, 2006.


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