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Archives - Paul Martin

Prime Minister announces new initiatives toward increased security in Sudan

November 25, 2004


Prime Minister Paul Martin, on the occasion of a visit to Khartoum, Sudan, today provided a status report and update on new Canadian contributions to increase security in that country, including in the Darfur region. The Prime Minister and President al-Bashir also outlined an undertaking by the Government of Sudan to provide access to all regions of Sudan for humanitarian aid workers.

“Canada continues to urge all parties to the Sudan conflicts to respect international humanitarian law and human rights, including the protection of humanitarian aid workers in the region”, said the Prime Minister. Our current contribution and the initiatives announced today are aimed at improving the current security situation and relieving the suffering of innocent people.”

During discussions with the Prime Minister, Sudanese President al-Bashir agreed to facilitate humanitarian efforts as well as open up access for humanitarian aid workers to eastern Sudan. The Government of Sudan will facilitate procedures that will help guarantee delivery of equipment and supplies needed for humanitarian work. This will include customs clearance as well as travel documents for aid workers. Instead of requiring a travel permit, aid workers will now only need a three month entry visa which they can obtain from Sudanese missions abroad within 48 hours of application. The Government had previously granted aid workers access to Darfur in May 2004 and to southern Sudan in 1989.

Following on the Prime Minister’s commitment at the United Nations in September to support the expanded African Union (AU) Peace and Security Mission in Darfur, Sudan, Canada has already contributed close to $2 million to charter helicopters in Darfur. Within one week of an AU request, Canada had five helicopters in Sudan ready to transport AU mission monitors and protection forces to remote areas in a region the size of Manitoba.

The helicopters, currently based in Al Fasher, Kabkabiya and Al Geneina, have so far transported supplies and over 330 UN officials, humanitarian workers and new AU observers from Nigeria, Rwanda, Egypt, Gambia and Ghana. There are now over 700 AU mission members in Darfur, on track to the AU’s goal to having a 3,320 strong force by early 2005.

Canada will continue to support the AU mission by providing another 15 chartered helicopters as of January 1, 2005, with an additional 3 helicopters arriving in May. The helicopters will remain in Darfur until August 31, 2005. The estimated value of this contract is $13.4 million. This builds on Canada's initial contribution of five helicopters which comes to an end on December 31, 2004.

The Department of National Defence will provide $1.165 million in basic Army supplies to the AU military contingent as it mobilizes to provide security and stabilization in the Darfur region of Sudan. These supplies consist of approximately 2,200 helmets and body armour vests. This is the second shipment of supplies to the AU. This past September, similar equipment valued at about $250,000 was provided.

Finally, Canada will provide an additional $2.5 million to the World Food Programme (WFP) for operations in Sudan. Of this, $1.5 million will be provided to address emergency food needs of war- and drought-affected people in Sudan. The remaining $1 million will be used for emergency mine clearance and road repairs in Sudan. This will facilitate the safe return of internally displaced people and returnees throughout the country, and enable WFP to distribute food aid to beneficiaries in areas previously inaccessible due to landmines. Today's contribution increases Canada's overall support for humanitarian efforts in Sudan to $40 million since October 2003.  

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