
Archives - Paul Martin
Archives - Notices
Cabinet meeting
December 15, 2004
Cabinet meeting
December 8, 2004
Prime Minister attends Chanukah menorah lighting
December 7, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Asia
December 3, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Libya
December 3, 2004
Prime Minister appears on CNN
December 3, 2004
Cabinet meeting
December 1, 2004
Cabinet meeting
November 24, 2004
Cabinet meeting
November 17, 2004
U.S. President George W. Bush to visit Canada
November 16, 2004
Cabinet meeting
November 15, 2004
Foreign Affairs Minister to represent Canada at funeral for Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat
November 11, 2004
Prime Minister to meet with Premiers John Hamm and Danny Williams
November 10, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Haiti
November 8, 2004
Senator Hays to offer condolences on behalf of Canada following death of Sheikh Zayed
November 4, 2004
Cabinet meeting
November 3, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Chile, Brazil, Burkina Faso and Sudan
November 2, 2004
Prime Minister to meet the Canadian Little League Baseball Champions
November 2, 2004
Prime Minister to meet with representatives of the Council for the European Union
October 20, 2004
Cabinet meeting
October 20, 2004
Prime Minister to meet with the President of Mongolia
October 19, 2004
Prime Minister meets with Dr. Jane Goodall
October 18, 2004
Cabinet meeting
October 6, 2004
Cabinet meeting
September 29, 2004
Cabinet meeting
September 22, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Russia, France and Hungary
September 21, 2004
Cabinet meeting
September 15, 2004
Prime Minister to meet with His Excellency Ion Iliescu President of Romania
September 10, 2004
Canadian Representation at NATO Summit
May 25, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin will meet Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson
May 22, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin meets His Highness the Aga Khan
May 18, 2004
Cabinet meeting
May 11, 2004
Prime Minister and Bono attend symposium on HIV/AIDS
May 11, 2004
Prime Minister to visit Normandy, France
May 7, 2004
Cabinet meeting
May 5, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Toronto
May 1, 2004
Prime Minister will attend the launch of the National Immunization Awareness Week
April 27, 2004
Cabinet meeting
April 26, 2004
Cabinet meeting
April 21, 2004
Prime Minister visits the Iogen Corporation
April 21, 2004
Prime Minister addresses the Empire Club and the Canadian Club
April 15, 2004
Prime Minister to attend gathering of religious and community leaders
April 15, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to the provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
April 8, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin to travel to Washington
April 7, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels throughout the province of Quebec
April 5, 2004
Prime Minister attends the opening ceremony for the Junos
April 2, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels throughout the province of Ontario
April 2, 2004
Cabinet meeting
March 30, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Vancouver and Kamloops, British Columbia
March 30, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Toronto, Ontario
March 29, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin attends funeral for the Honourable Mitchell Sharp
March 26, 2004
Cabinet meeting
March 25, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Winnipeg, Manitoba
March 24, 2004
Cabinet meeting
March 22, 2004
Governor General to attend state funeral for the victims in Madrid
March 22, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin and Minister Speller to hold news conference
March 20, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Lethbridge, Alberta
March 20, 2004
Mr. Graham to attend commemorative mass for the victims in Madrid
March 18, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Quebec City and Montreal
March 16, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to the Province of Quebec
March 12, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Montreal
March 11, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Windsor
March 10, 2004
Cabinet meeting
March 10, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to London and St. Thomas
March 9, 2004
Announcement on Infrastructure funding for Canadian research
March 5, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Montreal
March 3, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to the Eastern Ontario Region
March 1, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin’s visit to the United Nations
February 29, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin meets His Excellency Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations
February 29, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to Alberta
February 26, 2004
Prime Minister Martin travels to British Columbia
February 25, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin travels to the United Nations
February 23, 2004
Cabinet meeting
February 23, 2004
Prime Minister travels to Toronto and Montreal
February 20, 2004
Cabinet meeting
February 18, 2004
Prime Minister travels to Saskatoon and Northern Manitoba
February 18, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin visits Quebec City and Montreal
February 13, 2004
Prime Minister appears on Cross Country Checkup
February 13, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin attends State funeral for Claude Ryan
February 12, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin holds press conference
February 12, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin visits Brockville
February 12, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin visits Newfoundland and Labrador
February 12, 2004
Cabinet meeting
February 11, 2004
Prime Minister provides media availability
February 10, 2004
Prime Minister meets with students’ alliance
February 6, 2004
Prime Minister Paul Martin to Attend Townhall Meetings
February 4, 2004
Meeting of the Cabinet
February 4, 2004
Meeting of the Cabinet
February 2, 2004