Strengthening transparency, accountability, and management across the public sector

February 10, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario


The Government of Canada has made a clear commitment to restoring trust and accountability in government. It has adopted a series of measures to further strengthen transparency, oversight, accountability and management across the public sector.

February 10, 2004

Today, in response to concerns raised by the Auditor General, the government will take immediate action to:

December 12, 2003

Today's initiatives build on and further strengthen the initiatives announced by the new government on its first day in office.

On December 12, 2003, the new government:

Broader Public Service Initiatives

In addition to these measures, the federal public service, under the leadership of the
Treasury Board Secretariat and Privy Council Office, have introduced measures to strengthen oversight, management accountability, and integrity across the public service.

Over the past year, they have introduced:

A New Management Accountability Framework

The new Management Accountability Framework is a rigorous new tool for assessing management accountability both at the departmental level and government-wide. The Framework, introduced in June 2003 identifies key areas for management to assess, monitor and track performance, emphasizing citizen-centred services, the need for policies and programs to achieve intended results, sound risk and people management, effective stewardship, accountability and effective reporting to Parliament.

A New Guidance Document for Deputy Ministers

The new Guidance for Deputy Ministers clarifies how Deputy Ministers are expected to fulfill their role in the Government of Canada. It is directly linked to the Management Accountability Framework and sets out the various roles and responsibilities of Deputy Ministers, as well as their accountabilities. The new guidance was issued in June 2003.

A New Code of Values and Ethics

The Government introduced a new Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service which came into effect in September 2003. The new code outlines the values and ethical principles that should guide public servants in the conduct of their professional activities, requires all public servants to act in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny, and outlines the type of relationship that should exist between elected representatives and public servants.

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