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Competency Profile - Communications (IS) Community

 Background / Description of content / Next steps

  • This document was developed by PCO in consultation with a working group composed of both regional and NHQ staff.
  • The August 2000 version was sent to all DGs of Communications for comments in May.

Description of content

This profile focuses on the skills competencies and is meant to be used in conjunction with other framework competencies:
  • values and ethics of the Public Service
  • leadership competencies
  • departmental specific documents

There are 7 identified competencies:
  • Structures and operation of government
  • Research and analysis
  • Strategic planning and advice
  • Project management
  • Media relations
  • Consultation and citizen engagement
  • Verbal and written communication

Next steps
  • This document is "final" as it reflects the results of the consultation; it will be reviewed on an on-going basis to ensure the competencies continue to evolve in response to the workplace, government concerns, challenges, internal factors, etc.
  • A Learning Framework will be developed over the coming months, as a companion tool to assist managers and employees in ensuring they have the skills and competencies required to achieve our overarching goals.

 Communications Function Overarching Goals

  1. Communicators are able to provide value-added strategic advice and support.
  2. The community is representative and able to retain and attract talent.
  3. The core function resides in Communications Branches with the capacity to influence department-wide behaviour.
 Competencies for Junior/Middle/Senior Levels

LEVEL COMPETENCY 1: Structures and operation of government
  • Understands the Canadian parliamentary system and government priorities
  • Understands the roles and responsibilities of central agencies relative to communications
  • Accurately links government priorities with departmental/agency mandates, policies, programs and services
  • Integrates government priorities and themes into departmental/agency communications plans and activities
  • Analyses parliamentary debates, ministerial correspondence, etc. and proposes strategies and activities to support department/agency business before parliament and in the public domain
  • Participates in interdepartmental committees and creates solid working relationships based on in-depth understanding of government-wide structures and responsibilities
  • Synthesizes and integrates wide-ranging knowledge of government and parliamentary operations and participates in decision-making processes
  • Thinks strategically and is sensitive to Ministers' needs and to wider political and departmental/agency issues
  • Consults widely inside and outside government and directs the development and implementation of complex, horizontal communications initiatives
  • Keeps abreast of communications approaches being promoted in government and ensures their systematic and consistent application in departmental and horizontal initiatives

LEVEL COMPETENCY 2: Research and analysis (public environment, focus groups, campaign pre/post-testing)
  • Recognizes issues and priorities relevant to the strategic communications objectives of the government and the department/agency and informs appropriate contacts
  • Consults multiple sources to research and assemble information required for public environment analysis, such as parliamentary debate, correspondence, public opinion research, media, Internet, stakeholders, etc
  • Determines research needs; recommends and coordinates appropriate research related to public environment analysis
  • Provides public environment analysis on a timely basis and identifies pertinent communications issues and trends to departmental officials and ministerial staff
  • Seeks and synthesizes relevant public opinion research from other sources and integrates into departmental/agency public environment analysis
  • Uses research strategically to advise clients and to support approaches recommended in communications plans
  • Integrates knowledge of a wide range of departmental and corporate public environment analysis
  • Counsels senior officials and ministerial staff on emerging issues and trends identified in public environment analysis
  • Uses results of research strategically to influence policy development and the decision-making process
  • Anticipates public environment research needs and initiates complex research projects which may involve other partners both inside and outside government

LEVEL COMPETENCY 3: Strategic planning and advice (communications and marketing)
  • Applies communications and marketing theories and principles
  • Refers to the government's communication policy and other related guidelines and directives in the development of communications and marketing plans
  • Assists in the drafting of communications and/or marketing plans
  • Researches approaches and methods from a variety of sources to find alternative solutions to an issue
  • Based on research and data from various sources, anticipates communications needs for client portfolios and develops appropriate communications and marketing strategies and plans
  • Manages and coordinates horizontal communications and marketing plans involving several partners and/or sponsors
  • Asks pertinent questions to help clients articulate their needs and ensure they contribute to meeting departmental objectives and overall government agenda
  • Recognizes when a situation calls for a different approach and seeks alternatives; adapts and applies models and concepts from other sources
  • Sets communications/marketing priorities, in consultation with senior officials and ministerial staff, that are consistent with overall government objectives
  • Negotiates sponsorship and partnership arrangements to maximize government initiatives
  • Uses research to anticipate change; challenges ideas; assesses risk and recommends alternative strategies to address new and evolving issues
  • Provides sound advice based on solid data and research (however sometimes with limited information) to senior officials and ministerial staff, which demonstrates confidence and political sensitivity
  • Finds creative solutions in response to new challenges

LEVEL COMPETENCY 4: Project management (products, research and evaluation, events/scenarios)
  • Assists in the development of written and visual communications/marketing products and activities, using new and traditional media
  • Liaises with clients and suppliers in the development of communications/marketing products and activities
  • Coordinates distribution of communications and marketing products
  • Manages development of communications/marketing products and activities; coordinates input, balancing ministerial, departmental and corporate perspectives
  • Incorporates innovative communications/marketing practises, using new and traditional media
  • Manages budget and placement (advertising)
  • Manages service agreements with partners, clients and suppliers; ensures quality of products and deadlines are met; coordinates approval processes
  • Ensures projects support corporate communications objectives and are in compliance with the government`s communications policy and relevant guidelines
  • Determines and secures necessary financial and human resources to effectively deliver communications and marketing plans
  • Identifies opportunities and creates partnerships for horizontal approach to development of joint or corporate initiatives
  • Provides overall direction and challenge function to development of complex and horizontal projects, involving several partners (senior departmental/agency officials, ministerial staff, central agency and industry representatives); manages large business contracts
  • Reacts quickly and appropriately to changing communications needs, ensuring project is top quality and delivered on time
  • Monitors and evaluates communications initiatives against planned objectives, and integrates results into future planning/best practices

LEVEL COMPETENCY 5: Media Relations
  • Develops and maintains media contact lists
  • Monitors media coverage and prepares reports for departmental/agency officials and ministerial staff
  • Assists in the development of media strategies, media lines, media advisories, news releases, etc
  • Prepares media coverage analysis report on issues of interest to the department and identifies emerging trends
  • Anticipates media interest in departmental/agency or government issues and develops appropriate media strategies
  • Coordinates news conferences, media briefings, interviews with departmental/agency staff or the Minister, in consultation with senior officials and the Minister`s office
  • Responds to media requests in an accurate and timely manner and acts as a departmental spokesperson (following departmental policy), taking appropriate action to correct inaccuracies or misinformation when necessary
  • Quickly recognizes situations which will draw media interest and advises senior departmental/agency officials, Ministers and their staff on appropriate action to take
  • Consults and coordinates media strategies on hot issues with PCO and other affected departmental/agencies
  • Possesses broad understanding of media, builds and maintains working relationships with key journalists (e.g. national, regional, columnists, beat reporters, etc.) and acts as departmental spokesperson when required

LEVEL COMPETENCY 6: Consultation and citizen engagement
  • Researches, assembles and shares information related to concerns, issues and activities of stakeholders
  • Assists in the development and implementation of communications activities related to consultation and citizen engagement
  • Provides communications advice on the design and organization of public consultation and citizen engagement strategies
  • Develops communications strategies and products to support public consultations and citizen engagement
  • Analyses the results of public consultations and proposes appropriate communications activities
  • Advises senior departmental/agency officials and ministerial staff on innovative and effective methods for engaging and serving Canadians
  • Ensures coordination with all interested parties within the department (i.e. regional and local offices, etc.)
  • Advocates a citizen focussed approach to the development of government policies, programs and services
  • Builds networks and partnerships inside and outside government to ensure effective citizen participation
  • Directs and evaluates complex, high-profile public consultations and integrates results into future planning/best practices

LEVEL COMPETENCY 7: Verbal and written communication
  • Speaks and writes clearly and simply
  • Listens to the views of others, balances viewpoints and questions effectively
  • Communicates in a manner that demonstrates enthusiasm and commitment to service
  • Interprets complex information and communicates it in a manner which is clear, concise and appropriate for specific audience needs
  • Ensures that information is accurate and provided on a timely basis to all interested parties
  • Articulates clear directives and encourages teamwork
  • Seeks to build consensus and successfully addresses diverse views
  • Facilitates group discussions and makes appropriate presentations to clients and colleagues
  • Demonstrates leadership through building trust, morale and teamwork
  • Communicates in a concise, succinct and persuasive way and can sustain a point of view under pressure
  • Synthesizes complex information and briefs effectively to various audiences (Ministers, senior officials, colleagues, media, etc)
  • Negotiates effectively to reach consensus among partners with divergent interests and objectives

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Last Modified: 2001-11-09  Important Notices