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Privy Council Office. Government of Canada Regulatory Policy. November 1999.


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Policy requirements

When regulating, regulatory authorities must ensure that:

  1. Canadians are consulted, and that they have an opportunity to participate in developing or modifying regulations and regulatory programs;

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Regulatory authorities proposing new regulatory requirements, or changes to existing regulatory requirements, must carry out timely and thorough consultations with interested parties. The consultation effort should be proportional to the magnitude of the impact of the proposed regulatory change. Notice of proposed regulations and amendments must be given so that there is time to make changes and to take comments from consultees into account.

Regulatory authorities must clearly set out the processes they use to allow interested parties to express their opinions and provide input. In particular, authorities must be able to identify and contact interested stakeholders, including, where appropriate, representatives from public interest, labour and consumer groups. If stakeholder groups indicate a preference for a particular consultation mechanism, they should be accommodated, time and resources permitting. Consultation efforts should be coordinated between authorities to reduce duplication and burden on stakeholders.

Regulatory authorities should consider using an iterative system to obtain feedback on the problem, on alternative solutions and, later, on the preferred solution.

Consultations should begin as early as possible in order to get stakeholder input on the definition of the problem, as well as on proposed solutions.



Last Modified: 2001-07-12  Important Notices