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Memoranda to Cabinet - Resources


(Basic questions to promote the effective use of science and technology advice in government decision making)




Sound Science/
Science Advice

and Risk

and Openness


1. What is the issue? Outline the background, magnitude and implications.

2. What role do S&T considerations play in the development of policy options?

3. What is the public’s understanding of the scientific background of this issue?


1. Have the scope and implications of the scientific basis for this issue been explored with related disciplines and departments, including social sciences and sources of traditional knowledge?

2. What process was used to provide science advice? In-house expertise, external expertise, international expertise, or a combination of the above?

3.Was an external, independent body engaged to advise on this issue? What was the rationale for this decision, and what were its conclusions and recommendations?

1.What measures have been taken to avoid (or manage) potential or real conflicts of interest on the part of the science advisors?

2. What measures have been taken to ensure the quality, integrity and objectivity of the science advice?

3. How were science advisors involved in the identification and assessment of policy options, and how was their advice reflected in the options presented to decision makers?



1. What is the nature and degree of the scientific and technological uncertainty and risk related to this issue?

2. How was the scientific and technological uncertainty dealt with in formulating policy options?

3. How was the government’s Integrated Risk Management Framework applied in addressing this issue?


1.Was an existing or representative set of stakeholders selected to comment on the development of policy options? How was this group chosen?

2. How were the public and stakeholders informed as to:

a. the degree and nature of the scientific uncertainty and risks, and the risk management approach(es) utilized?

b. how science was taken into account in the decision-making and policy formulation process?

3. What public consultation was undertaken on the policy options? How have stakeholder views and public concerns been taken into consideration?


1. What tools and mechanisms are in place for monitoring, measuring and reporting on the scientific implications of the policy?

2. What are the provisions for a review of the science and the decisions (based on a set time period or on significant changes in the science or policy)?

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Last Modified: 2003-01-07  Important Notices