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Update on the 8-Point Action Plan
New Ministerial Guidelines

June 11, 2002

Fulfilling a pledge made in his May 23, 2002 address to the House of Commons to enhance the trust of Canadians in our public institutions, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today released new guidelines for ministers and announced a change to the appointment procedure for the Ethics Counsellor that will give the office new stature in how it reports and operates.

The new guidelines, which will apply to all members of the Ministry, are part of an Eight-Point Plan of Action on government ethics, the key elements of which the Prime Minister outlined in his May 23rd speech.

Documents Released Today:

The Guide for Ministers and Secretaries of State.

The Guide contains the Prime Minister's personal advice to the members of the Ministry on a wide range of issues, from ethical conduct to management priorities, and reminds Ministers and Secretaries of State of their constitutional, legal and ethical responsibilities while holding public office.

Guidelines for Ministerial Dealings with Crown Corporations

These guidelines will reinforce the managerial autonomy of Crown corporations and limit direct contact between all members of the Ministry and Crown corporations. In cooperation with Crown corporations, the offices of Ministers responsible for Crown corporations will establish procedures so that their staff can refer representations from parliamentarians and constituents to Crown corporations for appropriate action.

Guidelines to Govern Ministerial Activities for Personal Political Purposes.

Under these guidelines, Ministers may opt to put contributions in a blind trust that will be disclosed no later than 30 days before a convention. Donations, including contributions in kind, collected outside of a blind trust or which otherwise become known to a Minister, must be disclosed every 60 days.

Funds, and donations in kind, received prior to the publication of these guidelines will be disclosed within 30 days. Those working on a Minister's leadership campaign will be ineligible either to lobby or to receive contracts from the Minister's department or any agencies in the portfolio. Ministerial exempt staff wishing to become engaged full time in a leadership campaign must take a leave of absence without pay or resign.

New Appointment Procedure for the Ethics Counsellor

The Prime Minister announced today that the Ethics Counsellor will be appointed after consultation with the leaders of the opposition parties, serving for a term of 5 years. Further, dismissal could only take place with the concurrence of Parliament.

In addition, the Ethics Counsellor will inquire into complaints, or other matters related to a Minister of the Crown, referred to his Office by any member of Parliament. As promised by the Prime Minister on May 23, 2002, there will now be an annual report on the activities of the Office of the Ethics Counsellor that will be presented to the Speaker of the House.

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