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Address by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
on the occasion of the Dedication of Monument to Canadian Fallen

September 28, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario

It gives me great pleasure today to speak to Canada's Korean War and Korean Peacekeeping veterans, to welcome those who are here with us, in Ottawa, marking the largest gathering of Korean veterans since the war ended fifty years ago.

The Monument to Canadian Fallen in Korea that we are unveiling honours the heroism and courage of our troops. Of the more than 30,000 who served in Korea, as well as the 516 Canadians who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

When the United Nations was called upon to provide a multinational force in Korea, Canada responded. You were an integral part of that force, embodying Canadian values of freedom, tolerance and democracy.

You showed the world that Canadians are strong, and dedicated, and brave!

You helped to ensure the United Nations' success, back in the 1950's!

You did so at risk of life and limb.

Many of you, and your friends, paid the price of wounds and suffering.

It has been said that Korea is the forgotten war. The depth of your sacrifices compels us to make sure that this is not the case.

This commemorative monument will ensure that the memory and the story of Canada's military and civilian contributions and efforts during the Korean War will never be forgotten.

Other initiatives such as the visit that Minister Pagtakhan undertook with fifty of you in Korea this year will keep the memory alive. Initiatives such as the vow that Minister Copps took to ensure your achievements will not be forgotten by future generations. Initiatives such as dedicating this year's Remembrance Week theme to the Korean War.

Today, we are gifted with a visit from a little children's choir from Pusan, Korea.

They live near the United Nations Cemetery, where 378 of your comrades are buried.

The children just sang a simple, but moving song, about the brave Canadians who are buried there.

The words are simple, but they tell the story of all of you.

They sang:

"We will never forget you, Brave Canadians…

"We see your faces… all shining so sweetly…

"In every calm day… that blesses our land!"

I say thank you, to all of you brave Canadians, your loved ones, your families.

Your valour will never be forgotten.

Thank you.

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