Speech from the Throne
to Open
the First Session
Thirty-Sixth Parliament
of Canada
Honourable Members of the Senate,
Members of the House of Commons,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
My wife, Diana, and I were happy to welcome Her Majesty the
Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh when they arrived in Canada last
June and to be their hosts during their stay in the National
Capital over Canada Day.
As Governor General I have visited every province and
territory, and I wish every Canadian could share that experience.
Our cities, towns, and villages reflect the diversity of all
those who have come to this country. And yet our communities,
whether on the coasts or the prairies, whether in the woodlands
or on the northern tundra, show the same friendliness, openness,
and generosity.
People care for each other in many ways, and they give their
time and their support to their community.
When I became Governor General, I stated my intention to
honour the generosity of Canadians, especially as demonstrated by
volunteers. We have now created the Caring Canadian Award to
recognize the most dedicated among them.
In my functions, I visit with many units of the Canadian
Forces. They have impressed me with their dedication, as
demonstrated by their peacekeeping role, their heroic work in
search and rescue, and their immediate response to natural
disasters such as the Saguenay region and Red River floods.
Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation
of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as
National Aboriginal Day -- a day to honour the First Peoples of
this land.
A New Parliament...
Today marks the opening of a new Parliament, the last
Parliament of the 20th century and the first Parliament of the
21st century, a Parliament with a unique and historic opportunity
to provide leadership on national issues to secure the future for
On June 2, 1997, the people of Canada renewed the mandate of
the Government. Over the course of this Parliament, the
Government will fulfil the commitments it made to the people in
its election platform.
The Parliament of Canada is the only institution directly
elected by all Canadians with the mandate to protect and express
the national interest. Elected by all Canadians and endowed with
the legitimacy that this bestows, the Government of Canada will
stand up for the shared values of Canadians at home and abroad.
But governing in the 21st century also means recognizing that
no one government can act alone. Given the complexity of the
issues that face us as citizens in a global economy,
collaboration is an essential ingredient for the success of
Canada. More than ever, Canadians want their governments to work
together in partnership.
As we look forward to the beginning of a new millennium with
new challenges and new opportunities, we can look back at the
last century of Canadian history and state with certainty that
Canada is rightly regarded, the world over, as an extraordinary
success. Canada represents a triumph of the human spirit,
bringing together the best of what people can do.
...For a New Century of Canadian Achievement
As the 21st century approaches, Canadians face changes in
technology and information that are as profound as those of the
Industrial Revolution and that are creating dramatic
opportunities for our growth and development. As old and familiar
constraints of time and distance are breaking down, individuals
and communities can accomplish things once unimaginable.
Canada is ready. We are poised for success. Our citizens have
the qualities that are needed to succeed in the 21st century:
- We have the values of sharing and mutual help.
- We are well educated.
- We welcome innovation and new ideas.
- We are an open and democratic society.
- We are a bilingual and multicultural country at a time of
increasing globalization.
- We have learned to accommodate our differences and
diversity and turn them into strengths.
Our federation makes the most of these talents. It gives us
the cohesion we need to multiply our strengths by combining our
talents, by pooling our resources and by sharing risks. It also
gives us the flexibility we need to experiment and innovate in
order to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
The Government wishes to recognize the important role of a
professional, non-partisan public service in a well-performing
civil society. Canada is served well by its public service, and
the effort and dedication it exhibits in meeting the needs of
citizens and in building partnerships among governments and other
sectors of society. The Government will continue to renew the
Public Service of Canada to ensure its members have the skills
and dedication to continue serving Canadians well.
We Have Already Built a Foundation for Our Success
In recent years, Canadians worked hard and sacrificed to
overcome many of our nation's challenges. We succeeded, and have
started to put in place a strong foundation for our success in
the new millennium.
This 36th Parliament opens at a time when we have brought
order to our public finances, and the economy is entering a
period of strong growth. While unemployment is still too high,
hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created by the
private sector, inflation is at very low levels, and interest
rates are lower than they have been in more than three decades.
More Canadian companies are selling more goods and services to
the world than ever before.
Stimulating job creation and economic growth has been,
remains, and will continue to be a major objective of the
Government of Canada. The Government will build on the progress
achieved and the foundations put in place over the last four
years to strengthen the economy and increase confidence. We will
pursue this course and take further action to encourage new
investment, to create new jobs, and to generate the national
wealth necessary to assure Canadians a stable and secure future.
The Government will continue to be vigilant and responsible
about keeping the financial affairs of the country in order:
- It will put the debt-to-GDP ratio on a permanent downward
- It will balance the budget no later than fiscal year
- It will seek to devote one-half of the surplus in this
mandate to addressing the social and economic needs of
Canadians. The other half will go to a combination of
reducing taxes and the national debt.
- It will introduce legislation to implement the proposed
changes to the Canada Pension Plan and the new Seniors
Benefit in order to ensure Canada's public pension system
remains sustainable in the 21st century.
One in three Canadian jobs depend on trade. Our prosperity and
our ability to create jobs are directly linked to how well we
capitalize on international opportunities. Team Canada trade
missions have successfully generated new opportunities for
Canadian businesses and have illustrated what we can accomplish
when governments and the private sector collaborate. The
Government will build on this success with a focussed strategy,
developed in consultation with industry, to improve our
international economic performance by expanding Canada's trade
base, becoming the location of choice for global investment, and
making Canada a preferred tourist destination.
The Government has regained the ability to address priorities
of Canadians while living within its means. It is now in the
position to make strategic investments in our children and our
youth, our health, our communities, and our knowledge and
creativity while continuing to improve the nation's finances.
The Government is committed to following this balanced
approach of social investment and prudent financial management as
it leads Canada toward renewed and lasting economic health and
increased social cohesion.
As important as all of these accomplishments is the fact that
the federal, provincial and territorial governments are
developing new and better ways of working together. We are making
the federation better able to serve the differing needs of
Canadians across the country.
Canadians feel better about their own future and the country's
future. We are looking to our future together with a new
optimism. The fact that we have demonstrated our ability as a
country to set ambitious goals and achieve them gives us new
confidence to set higher goals for the years ahead and succeed.
We need to go beyond the limits of our expectations. It is the
task of Parliament and the Government to rise to this new spirit
of optimism.
Our Challenge for the Future
Our challenge is to ensure that no Canadian is left behind as
the country moves forward. The future belongs to societies whose
economy is sound; who invest in knowledge, education and
innovation; whose population is healthy; whose children are well
prepared to learn; and who focus on securing a high quality of
life for all citizens. Canadians have already set these
priorities for this new Parliament. These are the Government's
Building a Stronger Canada
The federal, provincial and territorial governments owe it to
all Canadians to take responsible leadership on the unity of the
country. The single most important commitment of the Government
is to keep Canada united. The Government of Canada can have no
greater duty or responsibility. The overriding goal of the
Government of Canada as we approach the 21st century is both
simple and ambitious. It is to strengthen and unite this country
by joining in the common purpose of keeping Canada one of the
best places in the world in which to live.
Our values of openness, tolerance and sharing, our qualities
of social and linguistic diversity, and our high standard of
living equip us exceptionally well for the challenges of the new
Canadians want a just and sharing society. A prosperous
society. A tolerant and highly diverse society. A society that
fosters excellence and creativity. Realizing these aspirations
fully will require the active engagement of Canadians in all
walks of life, as well as our institutions, businesses, voluntary
organizations and our governments. It will require collaboration
and partnership. It will require reaching out.
The federal, provincial and territorial governments have been
developing a more collaborative approach to strengthening and
modernizing Canada's social union -- the new National Child
Benefit System is an early result of this new approach. In their
meeting last week, nine Premiers and the two territorial leaders
reiterated their desire for closer co-operation with the federal
government in the areas of health care and social policy. The
Government welcomes the Premiers' and territorial leaders'
continuing interest in working together, and is committed to even
closer collaboration on these important issues. As a next step,
the First Ministers will meet this fall to work on co-operative
approaches to address youth unemployment, health care and social
policy renewal.
The Government will take a very broad and encompassing
approach to promoting and strengthening our unity. All its major
initiatives will serve to make Canada better and thus more
united. The Government will approach its mandate committed to
collaboration and partnership with all its partners in Canadian
society. Canada provides our common space and our common means
for realizing our potential. We would all be forever diminished,
forever changed, should we fail to maintain the example Canada
provides to the world. Our future as a country is too precious
for us to risk losing it through misunderstanding. Therefore, the
Government will bring frankness and clarity to any debate that
puts into question the future existence or unity of Canada. It
will create a better understanding of the true complexity and
difficulty for all of us in severing ties that have developed in
building a nation together. Most of all, it will demonstrate how
much more we can do together than apart.
The Government will work closely with provincial and
territorial governments to further advance the progress made by
nine Premiers and the territorial leaders last week in Calgary
toward the full recognition of the diversity inherent in the
federation, including the unique character of Quebec society.
We will build on the mutual respect Canadians have for one
another to achieve our common aspirations for a better future.
Investing in Children
A country that has decided to invest in its children is a
country that is confident in its future. A country that invests
in its children successfully will have a better future. One of
our objectives as a country should be to ensure that all Canadian
children have the best possible opportunity to develop their full
potential. We must equip our children with the capacities they
need to be ready to learn and to participate fully in our
While families have the greatest responsibility in the
nurturing and development of our children, they are not alone.
Developing our children requires a concerted effort and
partnership by parents, governments, and the private and the
voluntary sectors. It requires focussing on what children need to
The experiences of Canada's children, especially in the early
years, influence their health, their well-being, and their
ability to learn and adapt throughout their entire lives. By
investing now in the well-being of today's children, we improve
the long-term health of our society. Addressing the needs of
low-income families with children is therefore a priority of the
Federal, provincial and territorial governments have agreed to
address in a co-operative way the problems of low-income families
with children. Together we are now building the comprehensive and
effective National Child Benefit System.
The Government has already demonstrated its initial commitment
to this project by increasing its contribution to the Canada
Child Tax Benefit by $850 million a year, with higher payments to
families beginning July 1, 1998.
The Government will work with its provincial and territorial
partners to establish jointly a common timetable for increasing
the federal contribution to the Canada Child Tax Benefit by at
least an additional $850 million during the course of this
mandate. The Government will also work with the provinces and
territories to establish the National Re-Investment Framework to
guide the re-allocation of our partners' savings into new
services and benefits for low-income families with children.
We can make a difference in the lives of all our children.
Children need a substantial investment of time and attention for
healthy development; they need strong families; they need safe,
supportive communities. The federal, provincial and territorial
governments agreed in January 1997 to work together to develop
the National Children's Agenda, a comprehensive strategy to
improve the well-being of Canada's children.
Federal, provincial and territorial governments will work
together to develop this broader agenda for children, including
clear outcome measures by which to gauge success. As part of this
national agenda, the federal government will undertake three new
- It will establish Centres of Excellence to deepen our
understanding of children's development and well-being
and to improve our ability to respond to their needs.
- It will expand our Aboriginal Head Start program onto
reserves to ensure that all Aboriginal children have the
opportunity to get a good start in life.
- It will measure and report regularly on the readiness of
Canadian children to learn, so that we can assess our
progress in providing our children with the best possible
Investing in Quality Care and Good Health
For decades, the Canadian health care system has been a source
of pride for Canadians: it reflects the fundamental values that
Canadians most cherish. Our publicly financed system of health
care is recognized at home and abroad as simply the best in the
Nonetheless, there is an increasing anxiety among Canadians
about the present state and the future of our medicare system.
Citizens worry about whether they will have access to the highest
possible quality of health care when they need it. The anxiety
arises from a number of sources, including the pace and extent of
restructuring that has gone on in recent years.
The federal government recognizes that this restructuring has
been difficult for Canadians and, therefore, it will increase
health care funding to the provinces from previously budgeted
levels. It will introduce legislation to increase to $12.5
billion a year the guaranteed annual cash payments to provinces
and territories under the Canada Health and Social Transfer.
One of our goals as a country must be to continue providing
all our citizens with access to the highest possible quality of
health care and the other tools they will need to enjoy healthy
lives as we move into the 21st century. Canadians have a right to
expect their governments to work together in harmony to better
meet the shared goals and desires of Canadians for a better
health system.
The Government is firmly committed to a publicly administered,
comprehensive health care system that provides universal access
to high quality care for Canadians anywhere in the country.
The Government has a leadership role in preserving and
enhancing medicare. It has a constructive role to play as a
partner with provinces and other interested parties. The
Government will play that role in a spirit of openness,
pragmatism and innovation. There are steps that we can and will
take to lead the efforts by all governments.
Preparing Canada for the 21st century means ensuring the
medicare system meets the needs of the future. It means
responding to emerging issues in health care. Working with its
partners, the Government will undertake the following
- It will take measures to support Canadians in responding
to the expanding needs for home care and community care.
- It will develop a national plan, timetable and a fiscal
framework for providing Canadians with better access to
medically necessary drugs.
- It will improve the quality and effectiveness of health
services across Canada by establishing the Health
Transition Fund to help the provincial governments
innovate in the areas of primary care and provide more
integration in the delivery of health services, home care
and pharmacare.
Canadians recognize that good health depends on much more than
medical care. Our social and economic situations also help to
determine the quality of our health. As a country, we must
increase our efforts to promote healthy lives. The Government
will contribute to this goal with an agenda to promote good
health. Emphasis will also be placed on those factors that
determine the health of a country's population, including the
equality of economic and social opportunity for all citizens.
Some of the most urgent health problems today are found in
Aboriginal communities. The Government will work with other
partners and Aboriginal communities to
- develop new initiatives to address the rapid increase in
tuberculosis and diabetes in Aboriginal communities; and
- enhance research and dissemination of health information
focussed on the needs of Aboriginal people through a new
Aboriginal Health Institute.
To fulfil other pressing health needs, the Government will
expand the Canadian breast cancer initiative, renew the national
HIV-AIDS strategy; and double the resources for the tobacco
reduction strategy, with a particular focus on community-based
programs to prevent young Canadians from starting to smoke and to
encourage smokers to quit.
The Government will work with its provincial partners and
other interested parties to improve Canadian health information
systems to improve decision making about health and health care
across the country.
Building Safer Communities
Safe communities are among the hallmarks of our Canadian
identity. While the reported crime rate has decreased for four
consecutive years, it is still too high. The Government is
committed to ensuring that Canada remains a place where Canadians
feel secure in their homes and on the streets of their
communities. A safe society depends on strong crime prevention
efforts as well as traditional legal responses. Governments
around the world are developing community-based crime prevention
The Government will help protect the right of all Canadians to
feel safe in their communities by working with other governments,
the private sector and voluntary groups. It will
- increase funding for community-based crime-prevention
initiatives to $30 million per year;
- develop alternatives to incarceration for low-risk,
non-violent offenders, such as sentencing reforms,
community diversion programs, and alternative sanctions;
- integrate information systems of all partners in the
criminal justice system.
Creating Opportunity for Young Canadians
Today's generation of young Canadians is the best educated in
our history. Young Canadians are living in a country
well-positioned for opportunities in the new economy. Yet, the
level of unemployment among Canadians between the ages of 18 and
25 is unacceptably high. The federal, provincial and territorial
governments will act to address this problem, and First Ministers
and territorial leaders will be working on this issue when they
meet this fall.
To secure our future as a society, our immediate challenge is
to make sure that our young generation makes a successful
transition to the world of work, that young people who want to
continue to learn have access to education, and that young people
who found it difficult getting started in the workplace get a
second chance.
All Canadians have a stake in meeting this challenge
successfully. No single sector of society nor any one level of
government has all the answers. We must all contribute, each in
our areas of competency, to meet the challenge we have set for
ourselves. The Government welcomes the action being taken by the
private sector, through initiatives such as Career Edge and the
Corporate Council on Youth in the Economy, and encourages the
private sector to do more. The Government is committed to work
with other governments, the private sector, communities and
individual Canadians to help equip young people for the future.
An important role for governments is to ensure the widest
possible access to post-secondary education. Canadians are
concerned about the increasing cost of higher education, and the
resulting debt burden on students. The Government took some
important measures to address this problem in its budget of
February 1997. The Government will continue to reduce barriers to
post-secondary education through further changes to the Canada
Student Loans Program, increased assistance for students with
dependents, and new scholarships to encourage excellence and to
help low- and moderate-income Canadians attend university or
The Government finds it unacceptable that thousands of jobs
are going unfilled in high-growth sectors of our economy at the
same time as young Canadians are unemployed. The Government will
work with the provinces, universities and colleges, the high-tech
industry and other rapidly growing sectors to better forecast the
number and types of jobs that will be available and to develop a
plan for ensuring that people are appropriately educated to fill
Three factors make a significant difference to young people
getting started in the world of work -- a good education, a
chance at a first job, and a mentor to work with as they
establish themselves. The Government will increase its resources
devoted to helping youth to make a smooth and productive entry
into the world of work. Internship programs have been
particularly successful in helping young people get started.
These programs will be extended and expanded. Enhanced funding of
student summer placements will be continued. In partnership with
provincial governments and the private sector, a Canada-wide
mentorship program will be developed.
To help those young Canadians who need a second chance, the
Government will develop and expand community-based programs for
youth with the greatest difficulty making the transition to the
world of work because of low education and skills. These will
include establishing multi-purpose Aboriginal youth centres that
will provide targeted social and cultural support in addition to
increasing work and learning opportunities for urban Aboriginal
The Government will continue to support efforts of
individuals, communities and other governments to improve
Canadians' capacity to learn throughout their lives.
Investing in Knowledge and Creativity
The revolution in the knowledge and information economy is
transforming all sectors of the economy from primary resources to
service industries. Canada is well-positioned to be a world
leader in the global knowledge-based economy of the 21st century.
We have the talent, we have the resources, we have the
technology, and we have the institutions.
By rising to the challenge of mobilizing our resources well,
we can enable our citizens to succeed in the global
knowledge-based economy. This is how we will spur continuing job
creation and sustained growth in our standard of living in the
21st century. The Government is determined to do more to support
innovation and risk-taking in Canada and to attract more foreign
investment in knowledge-based industries to Canada. We will build
creative partnerships between the private and public sectors to
accelerate the adoption of innovative technologies in all sectors
of the economy.
With targeted growth strategies, we will build those
knowledge-intensive sectors where we are strong and where the
opportunities for growth and global leadership is highest.
Examples are aerospace; bio-pharmaceuticals; bio-technology in
agriculture and fisheries; and the environmental, information,
and telecommunications technologies. In particular, the
Government will significantly increase the resources allocated to
help small and medium-size businesses develop and commercialize
new technology.
The Government will explore innovative policies and measures
that give particular attention to increasing opportunity for
Canadians in rural communities. It will adapt its programs to
reflect the social and economic realities of rural Canada.
Further, the Government will redouble its efforts to ensure that
rural communities and all regions of Canada share in the economic
benefits of the global knowledge-based economy.
Governments have a crucial role to play in supporting science,
technology, and the creation of knowledge. The Government of
Canada's endowment of the Canada Foundation for Innovation in
partnership with the private sector, the provinces and
universities, is helping to build a leading-edge national system
of innovation. All levels of government must do more to provide
public support for research done in our universities.
Support for knowledge goes beyond support for university
research. Increasing support for the arts makes it possible for
Canadian culture to reach audiences at home and abroad. Our
movies, books, magazines, plays, videos, music, and multi-media
productions speak to us about our experiences at the same time as
they present Canadian creativity to the world. Therefore, the
Government of Canada will provide increased support to the Canada
Council and will make special efforts to support culture at home
and to promote trade in Canadian cultural and educational
products and services abroad.
We will make the information and knowledge infrastructure
accessible to all Canadians by the year 2000, thereby making
Canada the most connected nation in the world. This will provide
individuals, schools, libraries, small and large businesses,
rural and Aboriginal communities, public institutions, and all
levels of government with new opportunities for learning,
interacting, transacting business and developing their social and
economic potential. For example, we will enhance the voluntary
sector's capacity to engage Canadians by improving their access
to the technology they need to play a stronger role in Canadian
A connected nation is more than wires, cables and computers.
It is a nation in which citizens have access to the skills and
knowledge they need to benefit from Canada's rapidly changing
knowledge and information infrastructure. It is also a nation
whose people are connected to each other. The Government will
continue to work with provinces to ensure greater mobility for
people with disabilities and to ensure their integration into the
economic and social mainstream of Canadian life. The Government
will also bring forward measures to strengthen networks among
Canadians and to increase knowledge of Canada and understanding
among Canadians; these measures will include enhanced exchange
programs for young Canadians.
Expanding Opportunities in Aboriginal Communities
Thousands of years ago, Aboriginal people began building
Canada's first communities. Today, by strengthening our
Aboriginal communities, we are reinforcing the diversity that
makes Canada unique in the world. The Government will
- develop relationships with Aboriginal people based on the
principles of partnership, transparency, predictability
and accountability;
- support the building of strong Aboriginal communities --
communities that provide their members with better living
standards and opportunities; and
- strengthen the capacity for good government in Aboriginal
- To contribute, the Government of Canada is committed to
respond to the Report of the Royal Commission on
Aboriginal Peoples as soon as possible.
Looking Outward
Our country has a tradition of being a responsible, engaged,
committed world citizen. This is a key characteristic of our
national identity and a source of pride to Canadians. Canada is a
force for peace and understanding around the world, for bridging
differences, and for finding common ground. Canada espouses the
common humanity that binds together the human family.
This tradition is the legacy of Nobel laureate and former
prime minister of Canada, Lester Pearson, whose 100th birthday we
mark this year. Canadians want their government to carry on this
tradition and give it new relevance as the world enters a new
Nothing better illustrates the ongoing commitment to this
tradition than Canada's leadership since 1994 in the
international effort to ban anti-personnel mines. This Canadian
initiative has evolved from a bold idea to be the focus of a
large and growing international consensus that will culminate in
the signing of an international treaty in Ottawa in December of
this year.
Canada's rich and diverse natural heritage is also a source of
national pride and international acclaim. Canadians are both the
beneficiaries and the stewards of a land that holds nine percent
of the Earth's fresh water, 10 percent of its forests, and 25
percent of its wetlands.
Canadians both delight in our magnificent environment and fear
for its future. Maintaining what is good, and improving what has
been degraded, requires constant effort. It is an effort that the
Government will make.
The Government is committed to working in the international
community to promote sustainable development and to achieve
practical solutions to global environmental problems, such as
greenhouse gas emissions and toxic chemicals. It will also
continue to address the serious international problem of
over-fishing. It is committed to acting at home to reduce our
contribution to these problems.
In this same Canadian tradition of internationalism, the
Government will undertake the following initiatives:
- It will promote Canadian values on the world stage by
co-operating with like-minded countries to revitalize the
United Nations and
- other key multilateral institutions. It will work
directly with other countries to enhance and promote
human rights, peace building and democracy.
- It will destroy the Department of National Defence's
stock of land mines, in advance of the signing of the
Ottawa Treaty in December, to continue its leadership and
illustrate its commitment to a global ban. And Canada
will continue to work toward an accompanying
international strategy to help land mine victims recover
and civilian populations reclaim their land from these
- It will continue to move forward with reforms to the
Canadian military.
- It will continue its campaign for liberalized trade.
Breaking down trade barriers, both within Canada and
around the world, helps ensure markets for Canadian goods
and services and provides the best opportunity for
greater prosperity.
Celebrating the Millennium
For Canadians, the start of the new millennium represents an
historic opportunity to celebrate our achievements as a nation
and our hopes for the future. It will be an unequalled
opportunity to show ourselves and the world the richness of our
diversity, the strength of Canadian values, and the great promise
of our future in the 21st century.
The Government will help build a partnership among
governments, communities and citizens to mark the new millennium.
Many Canadians have creative ideas and suggestions for millennium
projects. There will also be an opportunity for parliamentarians
from all parties to participate in developing ideas to mark the
Moving Forward into the 21st Century
Almost 100 years ago, Sir Wilfrid Laurier said, "The 20th
century shall be the century of Canada and of Canadian
development." He was right. Today, we have the opportunity
for success in the 21st century that is far beyond what Laurier
could have ever imagined.
To achieve this success we have more work to do -- work that
no one can do alone. Each and every one of us must assume
personal responsibility for our community and our country. Our
greatest responsibility is to build a new spirit of sharing and
mutual respect for a new century.
By working together, by respecting the value of our diversity,
we will secure our future and build a stronger country. We will
ensure that our future economic opportunities are sound, our
children well prepared, our lives healthy, and our communities
Each generation has the opportunity to choose the society it
wants to leave for its children. The greatest legacy we can leave
to our children in the new millennium is a vibrant living legacy
that will make Canada a better place: a stronger country with a
brighter future and greater opportunities for its young people.
By working together, we will build that future.
Members of the House of Commons:
You will be asked to appropriate the funds required to carry
out the services and expenditures authorized by Parliament.
Honourable Members of the Senate/Members of the House of
May Divine Providence guide you in your deliberations.
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Canada. Governor General
Speech from the Throne to open the ...
... Parliament of Canada [computer file]
36th Parliament, 1st session (1997)-
Text in English and French.
Added title: Discours du Trône ouvrant
la... session de la ... Législature du
Issued also in print format.
ISBN 0-662-63183-8
Cat. no. SO1-1/1997-MR1
ISSN 1203-9284
1. Speech from the Throne Canada
2. Canada Politics and government
I. Title.
Jl03 320.971 C96-980077-0E rev.