The decision-making process in Saskatchewan
rests principally with the Cabinet which is composed of the Premier and Ministers of the
governing party who hold seats in the Legislative Assembly. Its meetings, by
tradition, are chaired by the Premier. The size of the Saskatchewan Cabinet varies
depending on the wishes of the Premier. It has had as many as 25 members but
currently has 18 Ministers and the Premier. Cabinet is the major decision-making body of
government and the forum to which Ministers bring matters whenever they wish input or
advice from their colleagues or need the approval of Cabinet to proceed. Cabinet is
responsible for determining the governments policies, priorities, legislative agenda
and budget; appointing individuals to certain agencies, boards and commissions;
initiating, revising or deleting programs; and making decisions regarding other
legislative instruments of government such as regulations and orders in council.
Cabinet committees are delegated some of the
responsibility for gathering and analysing information and recommending appropriate
action. Saskatchewan legally has nine Cabinet committees. These committees have from six
to ten members, including the chair and vice-chair. Some of these members are Government
MLAs. Any members who are MLAs but not Ministers must take the same oath of
confidentiality as Cabinet Ministers. The membership of the Treasury Board and
Investment Board is identical. Unlike the other Cabinet committees, the Treasury Board,
Investment Board and Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) have some statutory
decision-making responsibilities.
The existing Cabinet committees are:
- Planning and Priorities Committee: oversees and
coordinates the development of the Governments policy agenda including providing the
Premier and Cabinet with advice on medium to long range planning; leadership in policy
development on initiatives best managed by central government; corporate recommendations
on key policy initiatives; and the integration of policy initiatives; (8, 2)*
- Treasury Board: (required by statute): is
responsible for managing the finances of the government, establishing administrative and
accounting policy and practices, program evaluation and displaying the organization of
government in the Estimates (7);
- Investment Board: (required by statute): is
responsible for matters relating to investments made by the executive government. While
this is a separate statutory committee, in practice, it meets in conjunction with Treasury
Board. The chair simply adjourns the Treasury Board meeting and immediately reconvenes the
meeting as a meeting of the Investment Board (7);
- Economic Development Committee: develops economic
development policy and strategies for economic development and job creation (6);
- Crown Investments Corporation: (CIC) (required by
statute): is the holding company for the Governments commercially viable
investments. It is governed by a board of directors which also serves as a Cabinet
committee. As the board of a holding company, it is responsible for approving capital
allocations. As a Cabinet committee, it provides leadership and support in the use of
commercial Crowns and investments as instruments of public policy. All decisions related
to the acquisition, divestiture and management of investments are the responsibility of
the CIC (6);
- Legislative Review Committee: recommends the
legislative agenda to Cabinet; reviews all legislation proposed and recommends its
disposition; enforces the Code of Regulatory Conduct as it applies to
legislation (6);
- Regulations Review Committee: reviews all regulations
which require Cabinet approval; enforces the application of the Code of Regulatory
Conduct to regulations; and monitors the progress of regulatory reform (5);
- Orders in Council Review Committee: reviews all
proposed orders in council and recommends their disposition to Cabinet (5); and
- Public Sector Bargaining Compensation Committee:
manages the implementation of the mandates for public sector collective bargaining and
addresses policy matters dealing with compensation of public servants (6).
The chairs, vice-chairs and members of each
Cabinet committee are designated by the Premier. While the chairs and vice-chairs must be
Ministers, MLAs are occasionally members of the committees. Currently, inclusion of MLAs
is usually meant to achieve one or more of the following purposes: as a link to caucus,
for example the chair of caucus is a member of the Planning and Priorities Committee; for
special expertise, for example an MLA who is a lawyer may be a member of the Legislative
Review Committee; to provide a promising MLA with experience prior to a ministerial
appointment. Previous administrations have used Legislative Secretaries and frequently
assigned them to Cabinet committees in order to lessen the workload of Ministers.
Attendance at Cabinet meetings is
restricted. The Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary attends to observe
the discussions, support the Premier, and understand the rationale for the decisions in
order to communicate them accurately to officials. The Clerk of the Executive Council and
Assistant Cabinet Secretary attends to record the decisions and ensure proper procedures
are followed. The Chief of Staff to the Premier attends in order to liaise afterwards with
the caucus. Senior officials of the Secretariat to the Treasury Board may attend during
the budget preparation to support the Minister of Finance. Occasionally, at the request of
the Premier or Cabinet, other officials may attend to provide expertise and advice.
Attendance of officials at Cabinet committee
meetings varies depending on the specific committee. The secretary of the committee and
policy analyst(s) attend to support the committee chair, record decisions and prepare the
minutes for Cabinet. Officials from departments sponsoring a proposal, usually the Deputy
Minister and public servants specializing in the subject matter, attend to provide
information, answer questions and assist Ministers. Attendance of officials, in addition
to the secretariat and departmental staff is as follows:
- Planning and Priorities Committee: Deputy Minister to
the Premier and Cabinet Secretary; Chief of Staff to the Premier; Deputy Minister of
Finance or designate; and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs.
- Treasury Board: Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance
(Expenditures); Executive Director of Economic and Fiscal Policy; Deputy Minister to
the Premier and Cabinet Secretary.
- Crown Investments Corporation: Deputy Minister to the
Premier and Cabinet Secretary; and Deputy Minister of Finance.
- Public Sector Bargaining Compensation Committee:
Deputy Minister of Finance or designate; and President of CIC or designate.
- Legislative Review and Regulation Review Committees:
legal advisors and legislative drafters from the Department of Justice; and staff from the
House Business and Research Office for legislation.
- Economic Development Committee: Assistant Deputy
Minister (Policy); Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary; Deputy
Minister of Finance or designate; President of CIC; and Deputy Ministers of affected
economic development departments.
Except for committees with statutory powers
that authorize them to make certain decisions, all conclusions of the committees become
recommendations to Cabinet and are subject to Cabinet review and decision. Each committee
has a secretariat which is usually located in a central agency such as Executive Council,
Finance, or the Crown Investments Corporation. The secretariat for the Cabinet Committee
on Economic Development is located in the Department of Economic and Co-operative
Development. The secretariat for the Public Sector Bargaining Compensation Committee is
independent of any department or agency and reports directly to the secretary of the
committee. The secretariats to the Cabinet committees therefore are fairly decentralized
and are responsible for preparing their respective committees agendas, managing the
committees meetings, and preparing the committees minutes.
While the Cabinet committees
secretariats are decentralized and Executive Council has limited formal control of the
committees agendas, informal mechanisms exist to ensure that the Premier retains
overall control of the Cabinet agenda. Mechanisms used in Saskatchewan to assist the
Cabinet Secretary and Premier to control policy development and Cabinet agendas are
meetings of the secretaries to the Cabinet committees with the Cabinet Secretary; joint
Cabinet committee meetings; the Cabinet Secretarys briefing meetings with the
Premier; the power of the Cabinet Secretary and the Clerk of the Executive Council to
withhold items from a Cabinet agenda for further work; and, the integration capabilities
of the Policy and Planning Secretariat in Executive Council.
Every Monday morning, the Cabinet Secretary
meets with the secretaries of the Cabinet committees to review what policy issues their
committees are working on, the agendas for the next committee meetings, when the
committees will be ready to bring specific items to Cabinet, and whether there is need for
coordination among the committees. At this meeting, the Cabinet Secretary also reviews the
agenda for the next Cabinet meeting and provides an opportunity for the secretaries to
discuss the policy submissions. These meetings encourage cooperation and teamwork in
policy development and synchronization of efforts.
When issues cut across the mandates of more
than one committee, the committees hold joint meetings. Such meetings have been held
between the Planning and Priorities Committee and the Economic Development Committee;
Treasury Board and the Economic Development Committee; Treasury Board, Crown Investments
Corporation and the Public Sector Bargaining Compensation Committee; and Crown Investments
Corporation and the Economic Development Committee.
The Cabinet Secretary uses two briefing
mechanisms to assist the Premier. The first mechanism is briefing prior to each Cabinet
meeting of the items on the agenda along with written notes on key agenda items. The
second mechanism involves weekly briefings on matters of an emerging nature, which often
require anticipatory strategies, preplanning or research and development.
The Policy and Planning Secretariat not only
provides direct support to the Cabinet Secretary and Premier by providing them with
environmental scans and corporate advice, but also, by undertaking on their behalf,
facilitation and mediation activities to bring departments and agencies to a common
recommendation. This secretariat promotes understanding of the governments goals and
priorities; encourages, supports, and coordinates the development of policy by departments
and agencies by acting as a resource, coordinating initiatives that cut across
departmental and agency lines, and chairing interdepartmental or interagency committees;
and mediating conflicts in policy development among departments and agencies.
The Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary also chairs the Management Committee of Deputy Ministers (MCDM)
which meets on a monthly basis. The Deputy Minister picks the issues, and while 30 minutes
of the meeting are usually spent discussing administrative matters, 90 minutes are spent
on sectoral areas (e.g., welfare reform), to get a broad, horizontal policy perspective
and provide corporate thinking on public policy issues.
Saskatchewan is currently reviewing its
entire Cabinet system with a view to streamlining; providing better integration of certain
aspects of policy development; making better use of Ministers time; improving the
efficiency of the system; and enhancing the accountability of the Cabinet committees.
Consultations with the major participants in the system, including Ministers, secretariats
to the committees, Deputy Ministers, the Chief of Staff, and others, are part of this
review process. The review is examining the number and type of Cabinet committees
required; the mandates of the various committees; the requirements for secretariats and
the location of the secretariats; the composition of the committees; the relationships to
caucus, caucus committees and the House Strategy Committee; formats of Cabinet documents;
and a variety of procedures.
Policy development and implementation is a
co-operative process in which Cabinet bears the major responsibility. However, resources
are the overriding restriction in policy development and require that public servants
thoroughly analyse a variety of options for presentation to their Ministers and Cabinet.
Much of government policy is developed at the department level. Departments establish
policy development processes within their own departments; propose new policy and
amendments to existing policy; consult internally with other government departments and
agencies and externally with stakeholders; work through policy and resource issues with
the committee secretariats; prepare decision items for the Minister; and provide
recommendations and advice to the Minister. Officials in departments also prepare whatever
other material is needed for Cabinet committees and Cabinet planning meetings. In addition
to providing advice and recommendations to their respective Ministers, Deputy Ministers
also provide information and advice to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary.
The Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary and the Clerk of Executive Council and Assistant Cabinet Secretary
prepare Cabinet agendas for the Premiers consideration. They must ensure that
adequate advance consultation has occurred, particularly within the relevant central
agencies, line departments and among key stakeholders. They also ensure that the
appropriate Cabinet committees and interdepartmental committees have reviewed the
submission and that outstanding issues have been addressed. Central agencies and the
Cabinet Secretary facilitate coordination among departments and committees.
The Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary and the Clerk of the Executive Council and Assistant Cabinet
Secretary attend Cabinet meetings to provide secretariat support, including recording all
decisions made. Cabinet meetings often end with a discussion of the "State of the
Nation" which is a political discussion and does not result in decisions being made
that require recording. Decisions are recorded in the Cabinet minutes and communicated on
a confidential basis to the relevant Ministers, heads of departments, agencies and
Crown corporations.
There are 58 seats in the Saskatchewan
Legislative Assembly, divided among the following party lines:
- 40 New Democrats;
- 8 Saskatchewan Party;
- 6 Liberals;
- 3 Independent; and
- 1 vacancy.
The New Democrats form the governing party
while the Official Opposition is formed by the Saskatchewan Party. The Saskatchewan Party
resulted from a merger between the Conservative MLAs who remained after their party
decided to become inactive and some sitting Liberal MLAs who left their party.
In Saskatchewan, the Premier and the Cabinet
are supported in the exercise of their responsibilities by the Department of Executive
1. The Department of Executive Council
The Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Secretary to Cabinet is the most senior official in the Department of Executive Council.
As Deputy Minister to the Premier, the incumbent is the senior public servant in executive
government. In this capacity, he must keep abreast of the overall goals, priorities and
policies of the government, progress being made, emerging issues, and trends and future
needs. He must also provide vision and leadership to the public service and champion
attitudes, values, and changes which strengthen a professional public service. He draws on
the staff of the Executive Council and other central agencies and senior officials
throughout government to assist him in these areas.
The Deputy Minister to the Premier also
strives to improve the quality of senior management; strengthen relationships between
Ministers and Deputy Ministers; ensure the public service has a strong policy capacity;
and encourage effective means of achieving corporate goals. To assist him in fulfilling
these responsibilities, he obtains advice from the Director of Senior Management
Services, the Chair of the Public Service Commission and the Human Resources
Management Committee; undertakes disciplined objective setting and performance review
exercises with all senior personnel; facilitates opportunities to further develop
individuals; provides mandate letters and orientation information to new Ministers and new
senior officials; facilitates appointments and mechanisms that will strengthen policy
development; and uses forums such as the Management Forums for Deputy Ministers and for
Assistant Deputy Ministers and the staff of the Policy and Planning Secretariat
to achieve more effective policy and program integration.
The role of the Cabinet Secretary requires
the incumbent to ensure that the Cabinet system supports effective and efficient
decision-making, and to oversee the work of the Clerk of Executive Council and
Assistant Cabinet Secretary and the Director of Machinery of Government with respect to
the design and implementation of the system. The Cabinet Secretary is also responsible for
encouraging high quality recommendations being brought forward to Cabinet and Cabinet
committees and in forums outside of Cabinet such as in issues management teams. The
Cabinet Secretary uses the Committee of Cabinet Secretaries, ad hoc committees, briefing
meetings with the Premier, and appointments of staff with specific expertise to assist him
with these responsibilities.
Almost all positions in Executive Council
are staffed by order in council. The mandates of departments, including the Department of
Executive Council, are stated in the annual Estimates. The mandate is:
To facilitate and communicate decisions of
the Executive Council (Cabinet) by providing research, analysis and policy advice to
Cabinet and Cabinet committees, coordinating policy development and government
communications and managing Cabinet records. It also provides support to the Premier in
his role as head of government, chair of Cabinet and head of the political party with the
mandate to govern.
The department is the secretariat to Cabinet
and to certain committees designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and, when
required, to interdepartmental/interagency committees. The department provides
administrative support to the Premier and Cabinet Ministers; coordinates and organizes the
governments business in the Legislative Assembly and provides research support
services for the Premier and Members of the Executive Council. The department is also
responsible for setting the standards, rules and procedures for the decision-making
The Department of Executive Council has two
sections: the Office of the Deputy Minister to the Premier, which is the bureaucratic
side, and the Office of the Chief of Staff to the Premier, which is the political side.
The Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary and the Chief of Staff to the Premier are in contact on a daily basis.
This informal consultation system rests on absolute trust between both of them. The
incumbents usually meet with the Premier at the same time and deal with issues under the
obligation that they are to provide constructive suggestions on how the political and
policy agenda can best be meshed.
Cabinet requires political support from the
Government caucus on policy issues. During policy development, Ministers may have their
departments take policy ideas to a caucus committee for feedback. Ministers may also, on
an informal basis, have their department officials discuss potential initiatives with a
group of the Ministers colleagues. The Chief of Staff to the Premier attends all
Cabinet meetings and liaises with caucus. Legislation is forwarded to the caucus for
review after it has been approved by the Legislative Review Committee. Ministers may also
take Cabinet decisions from proposals they have sponsored to the relevant caucus committee
and through this committee to full caucus for information and approval.
a) The Office of the Deputy Minister to the Premier
The Office of the Deputy Minister to the
Premier is comprised of the:
- Deputy Ministers Office;
- Policy and Planning Secretariat;
- Cabinet Secretariat; and
- Administration and Information Systems.
i) Deputy Ministers Office
The Deputy Ministers Office supports
the Premier in his roles as Head of Government and Chair of Cabinet and also provides a
coordination function between government departments, agencies, Crown corporations and
Cabinet. The Office oversees overall government operations; it coordinates the
appointments of senior executives for departments and agencies; and it provides executive
leadership for government, including chairing the Management Committee of
Deputy Ministers. The Deputy Minister to the Premier is the Premiers primary
source of advice on the structure of the Cabinet decision-making process.
ii) Policy and Planning Secretariat
The Secretariat acts as support staff to
the Cabinet Committee on Planning and Priorities. It promotes mutual understanding
of the governments agenda and priorities among departments and agencies. The
Secretariat also identifies medium and long term economic and social issues and examines
viable approaches and solutions; it coordinates and supports the development and
integration of departmental and agency proposals to address major social and economic
policy and examines the implementation of priority initiatives and evaluates
governments effectiveness in meeting its objectives.
iii) Cabinet Secretariat
The major tasks of the Cabinet
Secretariat are to provide administrative support to Cabinet and Cabinet committees, i.e.,
by organizing meetings, recording minutes of Cabinet and the Legislative Review and
Regulations Review Committees, maintaining public records of all orders in council and
regulations, coordinating Cabinet meetings with interest groups and the public, and
maintaining contracts of senior executives pursuant to The Crown Employment Contracts
iv) Administration and Information Systems
This branch provides human resource services
for the department and Cabinet Ministers. These services include information respecting
and processing of forms regarding benefits and compensation; preparation of documents to
bring into effect certain human resource decisions, and administration of relocation and
vehicle policies for senior executives. It is also responsible for the departments
annual budget and for providing computer systems support to the department and
Ministers offices.
b) The Office of the Chief of Staff to the Premier
The Office of the Chief of Staff to the
Premier is comprised of the:
- Chief of Staffs Office;
- Correspondence Unit;
- Itinerary Office;
- Premiers Office;
- Communications Coordination Unit;
- House Business and Research Office; and
- Media Services/Media Relations.
The Chief of Staff is the most senior
political advisor to the Premier. The Office is responsible, among other things, for:
- providing political advice to the Premier and Members of the
Executive Council;
- liaising between Cabinet and the caucus;
- coordinating, with the Deputy Minister to the Premier, the
Premiers itinerary;
- managing the political agenda of the party in the provincial
legislature; and
- planning communications and coordinating media relations.
2. The Department of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal
Affairs (IAA)
The management of intergovernmental
relations in Saskatchewan in the past 15 years has operated through two different
organizational models: in a separate department with its own mandate, or as a branch of
the Department of Executive Council. Saskatchewan has determined that the most suitable
model for todays environment is a separate department, i.e., Intergovernmental and
Aboriginal Affairs. The main reasons that prompted the adoption of this separate
configuration were the need for a large staff to support all aspects of intergovernmental
and Aboriginal affairs and the need to reduce the pressures on Executive Council exerted
by the constitutional component.
The mandate of the Department of
Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs is to protect and promote Saskatchewans
interests through the strategic management of the provinces relations with other
governments and their agencies in Canada and abroad. The Department assists in the
development, coordination and implementation of the intergovernmental activities of the
governments departments and agencies. It is directly responsible for the conduct of
the provinces policies regarding trade, telecommunications and broadcasting; and
constitutional, federal-provincial, and international relations. It manages several
interdepartmental international agreements and provides support for the Provincial
Secretary. (The Provincial Secretary is responsible for matters relating to official
protocol and special events; French language services; Government House and the Office of
the Lieutenant Governor; the government website; and local government elections.) The
department serves as a window into government for Indian and Métis people, coordinates
Aboriginal policies, and manages provincial obligations under the Treaty Land Entitlement
3. The Department of Finance
The Minister of Finance is the chair of
Treasury Board and the Deputy Minister of Finance is the Secretary of Treasury Board.
Cabinet and Treasury Board set the governments fiscal framework. Finance manages the
framework and the allocation of resources. Its mandate, as stated in the Estimates,
To manage the financing, revenues and
expenses of the Government in order to enhance the fiscal strength of the province.
Finances duties and responsibilities
- developing and analysing revenue, expense and economic policies to
assist Treasury Board and Cabinet in developing and implementing the
Governments fiscal plan;
- managing provincial tax and refund programs, collecting revenues,
auditing businesses and providing information and rulings in accordance with legislative
- administering the Governments central expenditure, payroll
and revenue systems and preparing the Governments financial statements and Public
- managing the provincial debt and providing an investment managing
service for various funds administered by the Government, Crown corporations, and other
agencies; and
- administering public sector pension and benefit plans.
4. The Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission is created as
a legal entity separate and independent from executive government. It is the employer for
the Saskatchewan government. It is primarily responsible for upholding the principles of
merit, equity, fairness, and a professional, independent public service; acting as an
appeal tribunal for challenges to the recruitment process; and enforcing the
governments Conflict of Interest Guidelines. The Public Service Commission
consists of a chairperson and several members. The chairperson is also the permanent head
of a central agency, also called the Public Service Commission, which is made up of public
servants who provide staff support to the Commissioners. The chairperson works closely
with the Deputy Minister to the Premier and Cabinet Secretary to ensure there is
coordination between the two roles and their influence on corporate human resource policy.
The Public Service Commission is the
Governments manager of much of the human resource function. It provides leadership
and policy direction for the human resource function, is responsible for the
Governments classification system, and provides a quality control service for staff
recruitment. It coordinates the Governments Employment Equity Program and the
Employee Family Assistance Program and coordinates various learning and educational
programs in support of corporate strategies.
There is more encouragement now for
interdepartmental mobility (although there has yet to develop government-wide consensus on
the concept). There are internal management level programs for senior executives, and the
PSC has a parallel program for the whole public service (except for levels above Associate
Deputy Minister). Efforts are made to co-ordinate both programs.
Order-in-council, contract and Crown
corporation positions are not within the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
a) Appointment of Senior Officials
The appointment of senior officials is based
on merit and competency. Knowledge, skills, abilities, education and experience are
considered in the selection process.
While it is the Premiers prerogative
to appoint Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers, and the Clerk of the Executive
Council and Assistant Cabinet Secretary, the Deputy Minister to the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary is responsible for recommending candidates for his consideration. The
Premier makes the final selection. Ministers are not required to be involved in the
selection of Deputy Ministers because the Deputies are responsible first to the Premier,
and second to the Minister.
Incumbents of these positions are appointed
by Order in Council which gives effect to their employment and provides authority for
their employment contracts. Order in Council appointments are not strictly used for
political appointments. Many Department of Executive Council staff and incumbents of key
positions in government departments or agencies are appointed in this manner in order to
avoid potential conflicts of interest with unions.
Assistant Deputy Ministers, Executive
Directors, and many other senior officials are recruited and selected in the same manner
as other permanent staff. The Deputy Minister of the department is responsible for the
selection of incumbents of these positions. The Deputy Minister involves the office and
staff of the Deputy Minister to the Premier as well as a representative of the Public
Service Commission in the selection panels for these positions.
Senior staff of the Premiers and
Ministers offices are selected by the Premier or the Minister for whom they will
work. The Chief of Staff may assist in the recruitment and selection processes.
b) Performance
The Deputy Minister of the Premier and
Cabinet Secretary reviews the performance of Deputy Ministers, Associate Deputy Ministers,
the Clerk of the Executive Council and Assistant Cabinet Secretary, and the staff of
his own office.
The Chief of Staff reviews the performances
of senior officials in the Premiers Office. The Deputy Ministers are responsible for
establishing performance review procedures for their own staff.
c) Merit Pay
Wage freezes were imposed on the
Saskatchewan public service for three years, 1991-94. A new performance evaluation system
is being developed and should be introduced in the 1999-2000 fiscal year. It will have
important consequences for movement within the public service.
* The first number indicates ministerial
membership, the second number refers to MLAs who are members of the Cabinet committee.
Annex 1 - Department of Executive Council
[ Table
of Contents ]