Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation

Thirteenth Ministry

29 June 1926 to 25 September 1926

The Right Honourable Arthur Meighen[2]


Minister of Agriculture
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmie 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Customs and Excise
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Secretary of State for External Affairs[3]
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen 29 June 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Immigration and Colonization
Hon. Robert James Manion Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs[4]
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of the Interior[5]
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Hugh Guthrie Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Esioff-Léon Patenaude 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Labour
Hon. Robert James Manion Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. George Burpee Jones 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Marine and Fisheries
Hon. William Anderson Black Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Esioff-Léon Patenaude Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Mines[6]
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of National Defence
Hon. Hugh Guthrie Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Hugh Guthrie 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Postmaster General
Hon. Robert James Manion Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Robert James Manion 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
President of the Privy Council
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen 29 June 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Public Works
Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Edmond Baird Ryckman 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Railways and Canals
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. William Anderson Black 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Secretary of State of Canada[7]
Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment[8]
Hon. Robert James Manion Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Raymond Ducharme Morand Acting Minister 13 July 1926 - 22 Aug. 1926
Hon. Eugène Paquet 23 Aug. 1926 - 25 Sept.1926
Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett[9] 7 July 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Hon. Raymond Ducharme Morand 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Hon. John Alexander Macdonald 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Hon. Donald Sutherland 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Solicitor General of Canada
Vacant 29 June 1926 - 22 Aug. 1926
Hon. Guillaume André Fauteux 23 Aug. 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Minister of Trade and Commerce
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens Acting Minister 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926
Hon. James Dew Chaplin 13 July 1926 - 25 Sept. 1926
Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment
Vacant 29 June 1926 - 12 July 1926

[1] On 28 June 1926, with the refusal of the Governor General to accept the Prime Minister's recommendation for the dissolution of Parliament, King informed the House of Commons that the Government had resigned. The Governor General invited Meighen, the Leader of the Opposition, to form a Government, and on 29 June a statement was made in the House of Commons announcing the appointment of a "temporary ministry composed of seven ministers" of which all but Meighen were Acting Ministers of departments. In accordance with Canadian customs and precedent the six Acting Ministers of departments were not sworn to office, but for all intents and purposes they could exercise the full powers of ministers. The Government was defeated in the House on 1 July and the next day Meighen asked for and was granted a dissolution. On 13 July the composition of the re-organized ministry was announced, the ministers having been appointed and sworn that day in the usual manner.

[2] Meighen was also President of the Privy Council.

[3] The Prime Minister was ex officio the Secretary of State for External Affairs.

[4] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[5] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[6] The Department of Mines was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council and who was to be called "The Minister of Mines". During the Thirteenth Ministry each successive Minister of the Interior was named Acting Minister of Mines.

[7] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada.

[8] The Department of Health was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council. During the Thirteenth Ministry each successive Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment was designated to preside over the department.

[9] Bennett was appointed Minister of Finance and Receiver General on 13 July 1926.


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