Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation

Fifteenth Ministry

7 August 1930 to 23 October 1935

The Right Honourable Richard Bedford Bennett[2]


Minister of Agriculture
Vacant 7 Aug. 1930
Hon. Robert Weir 8 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Secretary of State for External Affairs[3]
Rt. Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Rt. Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett 7 Aug. 1930 - 2 Feb. 1932
Hon. Edgar Nelson Rhodes Senator 3 Feb. 1932 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Fisheries
Hon. Edgar Nelson Rhodes[4] 7 Aug. 1930 - 2 Feb. 1932
Hon. Alfred Duranleau Acting Minister 3 Feb. 1932 - 16 Nov. 1934
Hon. Grote Stirling Acting Minister 17 Nov. 1934 - 13 Aug. 1935
Hon. William Gordon Ernst 14 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Immigration and Colonization
Hon. Wesley Ashton Gordon[5] 7 Aug. 1930 - 2 Feb. 1932
Hon. Wesley Ashton Gordon Acting Minister 3 Feb. 1932 - 23 Oct. 1935
Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs[6]
Hon. Thomas Gerow Murphy 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of the Interior[7]
Hon. Thomas Gerow Murphy 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Hugh Guthrie 7 Aug. 1930 - 11 Aug. 1935
Vacant 12 Aug. 1935 - 13 Aug. 1935
Hon. George Reginald Geary 14 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Labour
Hon. Gideon Decker Robertson Senator 7 Aug. 1930 - 2 Feb. 1932
Hon. Wesley Ashton Gordon[8] 3 Feb. 1932 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Marine
Hon. Alfred Duranleau 7 Aug. 1930 - 19 July 1935
Vacant 20 July 1935 - 29 Aug. 1935
Hon. Lucien Henri Gendron 30 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Mines[9]
Hon. Wesley Ashton Gordon 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of National Defence
Hon. Donald Matheson Sutherland[10] 7 Aug. 1930 - 16 Nov. 1934
Hon. Grote Stirling 17 Nov. 1934 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of National Revenue
Hon. Edmond Baird Ryckman 7 Aug. 1930 - 1 Dec. 1933
Vacant 2 Dec. 1933 - 5 Dec. 1933
Hon. Robert Charles Matthews 6 Dec. 1933 - 13 Aug. 1935
Hon. James Earl Lawson 14 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Pensions and National Health
Hon. Murray MacLaren 7 Aug. 1930 - 16 Nov. 1934
Hon. Donald Matheson Sutherland 17 Nov. 1934 - 23 Oct. 1935
Postmaster General
Hon. Arthur Sauvé 7 Aug. 1930 - 13 Aug. 1935
Vacant 14 Aug. 1935 - 15 Aug. 1935
Hon. Samuel Gobeil 16 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
President of the Privy Council
Rt. Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Public Works
Hon. Hugh Alexander Stewart 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Railways and Canals
Hon. Robert James Manion 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Secretary of State of Canada[11]
Hon. Charles Hazlitt Cahan 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Solicitor General of Canada
Hon. Maurice Dupré 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister of Trade and Commerce
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens 7 Aug. 1930 - 26 Oct. 1934
Vacant 27 Oct. 1934 - 16 Nov. 1934
Hon. Richard Burpee Hanson 17 Nov. 1934 - 23 Oct. 1935
Minister without Portfolio
Hon. John Alexander Macdonald Senator 7 Aug. 1930 - 13 Aug. 1935
Rt. Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley 7 Aug. 1930 - 23 Oct. 1935
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen Senator 3 Feb. 1932 - 23 Oct. 1935
Hon. Onésime Gagnon 30 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935
Hon. William Earl Rowe 30 Aug. 1935 - 23 Oct. 1935

[1] On 7 Aug. 1930, after the defeat of the Government in the general election of 28 July, King formally tendered his resignation. On the same day the Fifteenth Ministry took office. In relation to the election of ministers, it is of interest to note that, pursuant to Statute 21 -22 Geo. V, c. 52, assented to on 3 Aug. 1931, an amendment to the Senate and House of Commons Act, members of the House of Commons were no longer required to seek re-election when appointed to an office in the ministry.

[2] Bennett was also President of the Privy Council, Minister of Finance, and Receiver General.

[3] The Prime Minister was ex officio the Secretary of State for External Affairs.

[4] Rhodes was appointed Minister of Finance and Receiver General on 3 Feb. 1932.

[5] Gordon was also Minister of Mines. He was appointed Minister of Labour on 3 Feb. 1932.

[6] On 19 June 1930 the office of Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs was transferred from the Minister of the Interior to the Minister of Immigration and Colonization. On 7 Aug. 1930 the Governor in Council cancelled the Order in Council and thus the Minister of the Interior once again held the office ex officio.

[7] On 19 June 1930 the office of Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs was transferred from the Minister of the Interior to the Minister of Immigration and Colonization. On 7 Aug. 1930 the Governor in Council cancelled the Order in Council and thus the Minister of the Interior once again held the office ex officio.

[8] Gordon was also Minister of Mines.

[9] The Department of Mines was presided over by the minister of another department, who was to be named by the Governor in Council and who was to be called "The Minister of Mines". The Minister of Immigration and Colonization and the Minister of Labour were designated to be ex officio the Minister of Mines on 7 Aug. 1930 and 3 Feb. 1932, respectively.

[10] Sutherland was appointed Minister of Pensions and National Health on 17 Nov. 1934.

[11] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada.


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