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A Guide For Ministers and Ministers of State
Governing Responsibly: A Guide for Ministers and Ministers of State,
published in December 2003, has been re-issued with technical
updates including those to reflect recent changes to the ethics
regime, notably the establishment of the independent Ethics
Commissioner and amendments to the Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders.
and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication data
Table of Contents
A Message to Ministers and Ministers of State
I - Ministerial Responsibility and Accountability
1. Individual Ministerial Responsibility
2. Collective Ministerial Responsibility
3. Ministerial Accountability and Answerability
II - Portfolio Responsibilities and Support
1. Powers, Duties and Functions
2. Integrated Portfolio Management
3. Ministers of State
4. Parliamentary Secretaries
5. Deputy Ministers
6. Departmental Officials
7. Non-departmental Bodies
8. Acting Ministers
III - Ministerial Relations with Parliament
1. Ministerial House Duties
2. Ministerial Senate Duties
3. Parliamentary Committees and the Role of Departmental Officials
IV - Consultation and Coordination
1. Central Agencies
a) Privy Council Office
b) Department of Finance
c) Treasury Board Secretariat
d) Other Departments
2. The Prime Minister’s Office
3. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Relations and Regional Coordination
4. Appointments
5. Communications and Public Announcements
V - Standards of Conduct
1. Ministerial Conduct
2. Conflict of Interest
3. Relations with the Judiciary and Other Government Agencies
4. Invitations
VI - Administrative Matters
1. Ministers’ Offices and Exempt Staff
2. Security
3. Cabinet, Institutional and Personal Records
4. Public Access to Information and Privacy
5. Financial and Resource Management
6. Ministerial Travel Coordination
7. Foreign Honours
Annex A - Federal Government Institutions: The Executive
1. The Crown, the Governor General and
the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada
2. The Prime Minister’s Functions and Powers
3. The Ministry, the Cabinet and the Governor in Council
4. Ministers and the Law
Annex B - Cabinet Decision Making
1. Basic Rules for Cabinet Business
2. Decision-making Process and Procedures
a) The Policy and Fiscal Frameworks
b) The Process
3. Legislative Program
4. The Cabinet and Cabinet Committees
5. Orders in Council
6. Financial Procedure
Annex C - Appointments
Annex D - Cabinet, Institutional and Personal Records
Annex E - Dealings with Quasi-judicial Tribunals
Annex F - The Ministry and Crown Corporations Guidelines
A Message to Ministers and Ministers of State
Canadians are expecting more from their government and
representatives. We must lead in adapting our political
institutions to enhance confidence in our system of government,
rather than to diminish it. To this end, we must recognize and
strengthen the critical role of the parliamentary process. The core
principles of our government will be transparency, accountability,
financial responsibility and ethical conduct. Canadians must also
have confidence that their government is acting in an open,
honest and transparent manner.
As Ministers, you will need to work hard to earn the
support and respect of both Canadians and your colleagues in
Parliament through active engagement and the highest standards
of ethical conduct.
Governing Responsibly: A Guide for Ministers and Ministers
of State explains the principles of ministerial responsibility and
actions that are intended to guide you in undertaking your official
duties. The conduct of Ministers is to be guided by the following
Ministers must act with integrity. They must uphold the
highest ethical standards so that public confidence and
trust in the honesty, objectivity and impartiality of
government are upheld. Ministers, in particular, have an
obligation to perform their official duties and arrange their
private affairs in a manner that bears the closest public
scrutiny. This obligation is not fully discharged merely by
acting within the law.
Ministers are accountable to Parliament for the use of
powers vested in them by statute. This requires their
presence in Parliament to answer questions about the use
of those powers. They must accept the responsibilities
that flow from those powers. It is of paramount
importance for Ministers to give honest, accurate and
truthful information to Parliament. They must take steps
to correct any inadvertent error at the earliest opportunity.
- Ministers must respect the non-partisan nature of the
Public Service of Canada. They can rely on it to provide
the support they need to fulfil their ministerial functions
and mandate without regard to political partisanship.
This Guide will aid you in your role as leaders in promoting
a culture of integrity, achievement and respect for our democratic
institutions. Our commitment to the people of Canada demands
no less.

Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada
This Guide sets out the duties and responsibilities of the
Prime Minister and of Ministers, including Ministers of State. It
outlines key principles of responsible government in Canada, and
the government’s approach to democratic reform. This essential
information will help members of the Ministry individually and
collectively support the Prime Minister in managing the business
of the Government of Canada. The Guide also covers the duties
and responsibilities of Parliamentary Secretaries.
Ministers who want further information or advice about the
subject matters of this document may consult the Clerk of the
Privy Council or their deputy minister. This document has been
prepared by the Machinery of Government Secretariat in the Privy
Council Office, which is responsible for supporting the Clerk of the
Privy Council and deputy ministers by advising them on matters
contained in this Guide.
I - Ministerial Responsibility
and Accountability
Ministers of the Crown are chosen by the Prime Minister,
who may ask for their resignation at any time. The Ministry
includes Ministers and Ministers of State who together help carry
out the mandate of the government. Government policy is
established by the Cabinet, which is made up of both Ministers
and Ministers of State.
Ministers of the Crown are responsible and accountable to
the Prime Minister and Parliament in two fundamental ways:
- Individually, for their performance in carrying out
the responsibilities of the portfolio assigned to
them by the Prime Minister.
- Collectively, in support of the Cabinet team and its
Ministers’ individual and collective responsibility is an
essential principle guiding the rule of Cabinet government in
Canada, and is at the core of the standards for ministerial
behaviour. 1
I.1. Individual Ministerial Responsibility
Parliament confers power on a Minister through
parliamentary statutes that set out the duties and functions for
which the Minister is individually responsible. In addition to these
enabling statutes, there are “unwritten” conventions or
precedents governing the ways in which Ministers fulfil their
responsibilities and account for their actions in exercising their
statutory authority.
In addition to statutory powers conferred on them by
Parliament, Ministers and Ministers of State may also have other
responsibilities assigned to them by the Prime Minister. Ministers
of State may also be authorized to exercise certain responsibilities
and duties by the Minister they are appointed to assist.
I.2. Collective Ministerial Responsibility
All members of the Ministry, including Ministers of State,
are collectively responsible for carrying out the government’s
policies as established by the Cabinet. They are therefore
expected to work in close consultation with their ministerial
colleagues. This principle is the foundation of a key “unwritten”
constitutional convention known as Cabinet solidarity.
Coordinated and consistent communication with Parliament and
the public is another essential requirement of Cabinet
Policies presented to Parliament and to the public must be
the agreed policies of the Cabinet. Ministers cannot dissociate
themselves from or repudiate the decisions of their Cabinet
colleagues unless they resign from the Cabinet.
Cabinet solidarity is further reinforced by the Privy
Councillor’s oath requiring Ministers to declare their opinion as
decisions are being made, and to strictly uphold the confidentiality
of Cabinet decision making. In assisting their Ministers,
Parliamentary Secretaries are also bound to maintain any Cabinet
confidences of which they become aware, and must support the
solidarity of the Cabinet in the case of policy related to their own
portfolio. The involvement of Parliamentary Secretaries in the
Cabinet decision making process is not intended to erode in any
way the principle of Cabinet confidentiality which is an essential
feature of collective responsibility.
Ministers also make decisions collectively for practical
reasons. In working towards achieving government objectives,
ministerial responsibilities may overlap or have implications for
other Ministers. The increasing complexity of issues means that,
if the government’s objectives are to be achieved, policies and
programs must be reviewed in relation with each other. Ministers
also have responsibilities for representing the different
perspectives and interests of their regions, and these inevitably
cut across the departmental division of government activities.
Ministers also share two limited assets: parliamentary time
and financial resources of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Only a
relatively small number of major initiatives can be handled at one
time. Thus, the government’s overall policy agenda necessarily
impinges on the portfolio goals of individual Ministers. Ministers
therefore need to work closely together to ensure their goals are
considered in the broader objectives of the government’s agenda.
I.3. Ministerial Accountability and Answerability
In providing good government for the people of Canada,
Ministers are responsible and accountable to Parliament for the
use of those powers vested in them by statute. Ministers must be
present in Parliament to respond to questions on the use of those
powers, as well as to accept responsibility and account for that
use. Whether a Minister has used the powers appropriately is a
matter of political judgment by Parliament. The Prime Minister
has the prerogative to evaluate the consequences and to reaffirm
support for that Minister or to ask for his or her resignation.
Ministers are also required to answer to Parliament by
providing information to Parliament on the use of powers by
bodies that report to Parliament through them. In providing the
information, Ministers must take into account all implications,
including the lawful protection of privacy and the Minister’s
statutory authority over the organization. The Public Service
supports Ministers by providing information that assists them in
answering to Parliament.
II - Portfolio Responsibilities
and Support
In appointing a Minister to a portfolio, the Prime Minister
may assign a broad range of responsibilities, from their immediate
departmental powers, duties and functions to other special
assignments or roles. In exercising the powers conferred by
Parliament and in implementing Cabinet decisions, Ministers are
supported by a deputy minister and departmental officials. They
are also provided with resources for exempt staff, 2
whom they
personally appoint to assist them in constituency and political
Given his role as head of government, the Prime Minister
has a responsibility for the effective operation of the whole of
government and often has to answer in the House for the
operation of all departments and agencies. This may mean that,
in carrying out this overarching responsibility, the Prime Minister
will be involved in matters within the responsibility of individual
This Chapter provides information on the framework and
management of ministerial portfolios and on the Public Service
resources that provide support to Ministers.
II.1. Powers, Duties and Functions
Departmental powers, duties and functions are vested in
Ministers through statute. Many of these powers are normally
delegated to deputy ministers and departmental officials, who act
on their behalf. Ministers are individually responsible to
Parliament and the Prime Minister for their own actions and those
of their department, including the actions of all officials under
their management and direction, whether or not the Ministers had
prior knowledge. In practice, when errors or wrongdoings are
committed by officials under their direction, Ministers are
responsible for promptly taking the necessary remedial steps and
for providing assurances to Parliament that appropriate corrective
action has been taken to prevent reoccurrence.
Ministers’ responsibilities may include a variety of non-departmental bodies such as Crown corporations or tribunals. In
accordance with the enabling legislation, Ministers exercise
varying degrees of control and responsibility for the agencies that
are part of their portfolio.
The Prime Minister may assign additional responsibilities to
a Minister, either through an Order in Council 3
or as a result of a
designation by the Prime Minister (for example, political regional
responsibilities). Consequently, ministerial responsibilities can
encompass a range of diverse activities, some based on statute,
others on specific direction provided by the Prime Minister.
II.2. Integrated Portfolio Management
Quality programs and services in keeping with the
government’s objectives depend strongly upon Ministers’ ability to
manage their respective portfolios in an integrated way.
Portfolios are organized to bring together bodies that share
common purposes. Ministers must ensure that all actors and
organizations within the portfolio work together in a coherent
fashion, while respecting any necessary degrees of independence.
The Minister is always responsible for all aspects of his or her
portfolio, even in situations where the Minister is assisted by
Ministers of State.
One or more other Ministers may also be appointed within
a Minister’s portfolio, either filling a position to which Parliament
has assigned powers or functions in legislation, or as a Minister of
State whose mandate is determined by the Prime Minister. Any
arrangements made with respect to portfolio management must
fully respect any statutory responsibilities and accountabilities
vested in Ministers. One or more Parliamentary Secretaries may
also be appointed to assist the Minister or Ministers in the
portfolio. These Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries must all
work together to ensure coordinated and integrated functioning of
the portfolio.
The portfolio, the actors in it and its organizations should
function as a team. Portfolios are varied, and the organizational
bodies can include:
- a department that has a role in shaping future
policies and laws, and, in some cases, delivering
- service agencies that provide services within the
government’s policy and legislative framework and
on the basis of a Business Plan;
- administrative tribunals that make decisions and
hear appeals at arm’s length from the government
and on an independent basis; and
- Crown corporations that provide specific services
on a commercial basis.
Each organization is different. They all have different
mandates, a variety of organizational structures, and a different
relationship to the Minister which reflects their purpose.
However, they all provide services to Canadians and report to
Ministers, or through Ministers to Parliament.
Building on existing statutory roles under a Minister’s
authority and his or her leadership role as assigned by the
Prime Minister, the goal of integrated portfolio management is to
ensure all actors and organizations work together in the most
effective fashion. The Minister must captain the portfolio in order
to achieve good governance, coherent coordination of policy,
legislation and programs, excellence in delivery of programs and
services, and meaningful accountability to the public, through
Parliament, for the activities of the full portfolio.
The deputy minister, as the Minister’s principal source of
public service support and policy advice, will be expected to
advise the Minister on all matters under the Minister’s
responsibility and authority. He or she will have a key role in
promoting appropriate policy coordination, and building coherence
in the activities and reporting of the portfolio bodies. Deputies
can provide advice to Ministers on the appropriate means to
ensure integration in the undertakings of their portfolio, while
respecting any accountability requirements and mandates set out
by legislation. Depending on the portfolio, the deputy may also
be assigned certain specific responsibilities by the Minister. In
those cases, it is important that the Minister provide clear
guidance to all agency heads on his or her expectation of the
portfolio integration role of the deputy.
Agency and Crown corporation heads – while maintaining
the necessary arm’s length relationship and managerial autonomy
required for their bodies – should seek out opportunities to
contribute to the overall functioning of the portfolio. Ministers
need to make sure that the perspectives of these bodies are
brought to bear in the policy development process within the
II.3. Ministers of State
A Minister of State can be appointed to assist a Minister or
to undertake responsibilities assigned by the Prime Minister.
While a Minister of State does not have a portfolio independent of
the Minister he or she assists, the Minister of State is a Cabinet
colleague and peer, not a subordinate, of that Minister. Ministers
of State are members of the Cabinet, participate in collective
decision making and must uphold the confidentiality of Cabinet
decision making.
When Ministers of State are appointed to assist a Minister,
the Prime Minister sets out their specific mandate in a letter. The
portfolio Minister will outline more detailed roles or requirements
within the portfolio, bearing in mind that in most instances, it is
the Minister who ultimately is legally responsible and accountable
for the entire portfolio, as well as for responding to any broad
direction on priorities conveyed by the Prime Minister. Since
Ministers of State generally do not themselves formally preside
over a department, the deputy minister of the portfolio Minister’s
department is usually responsible for ensuring that they are
provided with senior departmental support.
II.4. Parliamentary Secretaries
Parliamentary Secretaries are chosen by the Prime
Minister, and are assigned to assist Ministers. They are key
resources in a Minister’s portfolio, and full participants in the
government’s work. Parliamentary Secretaries receive a mandate
letter from the Prime Minister, and their responsibilities are carried
out within the policy and program frameworks set out by their
Minister. They may also be called upon to support other Ministers
in the portfolio.
Parliamentary Secretaries are expected generally to
support a Minister with respect to House and public duties as well
as department-related duties, as discussed below:
House and Public Duties
- Parliamentary Secretaries are a fundamental link
between Ministers and Parliament. They help
Ministers maintain contacts with Senators and
Members of Parliament in order to promote
effective parliamentary decision making and to
assist in the development of the legislative agenda.
They play a necessary liaison role within the
Caucus and throughout the House of Commons
and its committees. In committees, they help in
sharing departmental information, and can work
with committee chairs to plan appearances of
Ministers and departmental officials to ensure
productive dialogue. They are expected to
facilitate departmental appearances by
representing the Minister’s views and addressing
political issues which may arise. On private
members’ business, Parliamentary Secretaries are a
link between the Caucus and the Minister, and can
also facilitate interaction with departments in the
development of private members’ business which
the government chooses to support. Parliamentary
Secretaries may also be called upon to answer
policy questions during Question Period in the
Minister’s absence, although acting Ministers may
respond to particularly sensitive questions. Given
that they work under the direction of a Minister,
Parliamentary Secretaries do not introduce their
own private member’s bills or motions.
Department-related Duties
- Parliamentary Secretaries may have specific policy-related priorities to pursue, as set out in a mandate
letter from the Prime Minister, and are expected to
be engaged as key players in making strategic
contributions to policy development. A Minister
may delegate to a Parliamentary Secretary specific
duties for policy development initiatives. Overall
responsibility and accountability remains with the
Minister, who also remains responsible for direction
of public servants and departmental resources, and
authority to initiate departmental actions.
Parliamentary Secretaries must also assist in
ensuring liaison between parliamentary committees
and the Public Service.
Cabinet Policy Development
- Reflecting their important role in the development
of policy and consultations supporting it,
Parliamentary Secretaries may attend meetings of
the Cabinet on the Prime Minister’s invitation, or a
Cabinet committee meeting on the invitation of the
chair. Parliamentary Secretaries can also enhance
the decision making process through Caucus
consultations and in discussions with the Minister.
Beginning in December 2003, Parliamentary Secretaries
are members of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada.
Consequently, they are bound to maintain Cabinet confidences
and must support the solidarity of the Cabinet in the case of
policy related to their own portfolio. This is intended to support
the principle of Cabinet confidentiality which is an essential
feature of collective responsibility. However, they are appointed
to assist a specific Minister, and are consequently not expected to
speak for the Ministry as a whole.
Parliamentary Secretaries are subject to the Conflict of
Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders.
Further information on the Code can be obtained from the Ethics
Commissioner or the Privy Council Office. Effective the first day
of the 38th Parliament, they are also subject to the Conflict of
Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons in their
capacity as members of the House of Commons. Further
information on the House Code can be obtained from the
Ethics Commissioner.
II.5. Deputy Ministers
Deputy ministers are professional, non-partisan public
servants. They are chosen and assigned by the Prime Minister on
the advice of the Clerk of the Privy Council and are appointed by
the Governor in Council 4
. Their role is to provide their Minister
with the broadest possible expert advice and support needed for
the Minister’s portfolio responsibilities, and to undertake the day-to-day management of the department on behalf of their Minister.
However, deputy ministers do not exercise direct authority over
non-departmental bodies within the portfolio. Deputy ministers
are required to manage a complex set of multiple accountabilities
which arise out of various powers, authorities and responsibilities
attached to the position.
Deputy ministers are responsible and accountable for a
wide range of duties including policy advice, program delivery,
internal departmental management, and interdepartmental
coordination. In performing these duties, deputy ministers have a
fundamental responsibility to support both the individual and
collective responsibilities of their Minister. They are accountable
on a day-to-day basis to their Minister, and a cooperative
relationship between the two is critical. The advice that deputy
ministers provide should be objective and must respect the law.
If conflict occurs between the Minister’s instructions and the law,
the law prevails.
The Prime Minister is responsible for the unity and
direction of the Ministry and the government’s policies. As a
result of their role in the collective management of the
government, deputy ministers are also accountable to the Prime
Minister for responding to the policies of the Ministry as a whole
and to the requirements of the Treasury Board and the Public
Service Commission. This includes ensuring that appropriate
interdepartmental consultation occurs on any matter that may
touch upon broader ministerial responsibilities. In this capacity,
deputy ministers are required to keep the Clerk of the Privy
Council informed of any matter they consider significant enough
to affect their responsibilities or those of their Minister. If the
issue is of sufficient concern, the Clerk of the Privy Council will
inform the Prime Minister.
Deputy ministers also carry a general obligation of
accountability to the Treasury Board for the overall management
capacity and performance of the department. In order to assist in
managing this accountability, and to ensure performance is
subject to regular review, deputy ministers are required to
implement the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Management
Accountability Framework. The Comptroller General of Canada
also sets reporting requirements on departmental spending, and
deputy ministers and departmental comptrollers must ensure that
all requirements for expenditure planning, control and oversight
are met, including in the development of policy proposals.
Further details on the accountability and duties of deputy
ministers are included in Guidance for Deputy Ministers, a
companion to this Guide.
II.6. Departmental Officials
The department reports to the Minister through the deputy
minister in a clear chain of command. Deputy ministers are
chosen by the Prime Minister, whereas assistant deputy ministers,
other executives and departmental officials are appointed
according to conditions set out by the Public Service Commission.
The accountability of departmental officials is to the Minister
through the deputy minister, but it is the Minister who is
accountable to Parliament.
Federal officials must work within the laws of Canada, and
are expected to maintain the tradition of the political neutrality of
the Public Service. This ensures their continuing ability to provide
professional, candid and frank advice. In no circumstances should
departmental officials be asked to participate in partisan political
activities. The Treasury Board’s 2003 Values and Ethics Code for
the Public Service notes that Ministers are responsible for
preserving public confidence in the integrity of management and
operations within their departments, and for maintaining the
tradition of political neutrality of the Public Service and its
continuing ability to provide professional, candid and frank advice.
II.7. Non-departmental Bodies
Most Ministers are responsible for several non-departmental bodies such as Crown or departmental corporations,
agencies, commissions, tribunals or boards. A Minister’s degree
of control and responsibility for a non-departmental body is
defined in the Act that establishes that body. While a Minister’s
relationship with a non-departmental body is at arm’s length, the
Minister must still provide the organization with general guidance
on the government’s objectives and expectations. Ministers need
to know both the details of their responsibilities, as well as the
limits of their powers, for those bodies. Deputy ministers can
provide advice to Ministers on these issues, particularly in the
context of integrated portfolio management.
The nature of the relationship between a Minister and an
administrative tribunal with independent decision making or quasi-judicial functions is a particularly sensitive issue. Ministers must
not intervene in specific decisions of those bodies. Specific
guidance governing Ministers’ dealings with quasi-judicial tribunals
is included in Annex E, as are guidelines on Crown corporations in
Annex F.
Heads of non-departmental bodies are appointed by the
Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the responsible
Minister, after consultation with the Prime Minister. Their
responsibilities and duties, and those of the designated Minister,
vary with each governing statute. Many are responsible not to
Ministers, but through Ministers, to Parliament. While their
degree of independence from the portfolio Minister may vary, all
have a responsibility to answer to Parliament. Heads of non-departmental bodies and their officials appear before
parliamentary committees and do so in accordance with the
principles of ministerial responsibility and the political neutrality of
public servants. Many non-departmental bodies are required to
report annually to Parliament, through their designated Minister,
on their performance and planning.
II.8. Acting Ministers
The Prime Minister establishes a standing roster of acting
and alternate Ministers who assume additional duties when their
colleagues are unable to perform their duties. The roster is
formalized by an Order in Council. The Prime Minister can act for
any Minister, but normally does so only when the designated
acting Minister or the alternate Minister is not available.
Ministers acting on behalf of their colleagues may exercise
the full powers of the Minister, but are advised not to make major
decisions in the Minister’s temporary absence. In urgent cases,
they traditionally consult the Minister, the Prime Minister or other
Cabinet colleagues as appropriate.
III - Ministerial Relations
with Parliament
Clear Ministerial accountability to Parliament is
fundamental to responsible government 5 , and to ensuring that
Canadians have confidence that their government is acting in an
open, honest and transparent manner. A Parliament that makes
real decisions requires Parliamentarians who have and can use
information and tools to promote the interests of the regions they
live in, and to hold the government to account for its decisions.
The Prime Minister expects Ministers to place a high priority on
ensuring that Parliament and its committees are informed of
departmental policy priorities, spending plans, and management
challenges. Ministers are expected to seek the views of
Parliamentarians and parliamentary committees on future plans
and priorities, and to dedicate time to consulting and engaging
their colleagues in Parliament in order to earn their support.
These elements are key to bringing the public will and the
purpose of a government into productive alignment.
Parliament confers the powers of the state on Ministers on
the condition that they, and through them the officials under their
management and direction, be accountable to Parliament for their
actions. Parliamentary review of spending is a key element of this
accountability. The framework for ministerial responsibility lies in
the statutes establishing the departments and organizations
within a Minister’s portfolio.
III.1. Ministerial House Duties
The daily proceedings in the House of Commons are key
to the government’s effectiveness. Consequently, the
Prime Minister expects Ministers to place a very high priority on
their House duties. These duties include the following activities:
- Daily attendance at Question Period. Any proposed
absences must be cleared with the Prime Minister’s
Office before other commitments are made. When
a Minister is absent, a designated Minister or
Parliamentary Secretary answers for him or her.
- Attendance. Attendance at other specified times is
required according to a mandatory schedule of
House duties prepared by the Leader of the
Government in the House of Commons. Ministers
are personally responsible for arranging
replacements if they have to be absent and for
notifying the Leader of the Government in the
House of Commons and the Chief Government
Whip of the arrangements.
- Piloting legislation. The Prime Minister expects
Ministers to pilot their own legislation through the
House and to appear before parliamentary
committees of both Houses as required. The
government will be pursuing its legislative agenda
by using a Three-line system to classify the
importance of votes for government MPs. A Three-line vote will be used for votes of confidence and a
limited number of matters of fundamental
importance to the government. For a Two-line free
vote, the government will take a position, and
recommend a preferred outcome to the
government caucus. Cabinet Ministers will be
bound to support the government’s position on a
Two-line vote, as will Parliamentary Secretaries of
Ministers affected by it, but Private Members will
be free to vote as they wish. On One-line free
votes, all government MPs, including Ministers, will
be free to vote as they see fit. The Prime Minister
also expects Ministers to refer bills subject to Two-line and One-line votes to committee before
Second Reading whenever the circumstances allow
- Private Members’ business. Under the Standing
Orders of the House of Commons, all Private
Members' Business items are votable. The
government determines its position on all Private
Members’ items. If an item specifically opposes
government policy, Ministers who are responsible
for the policy should ensure that Members of
Parliament, including caucus members, are
informed about the government's position, and
should seek the support of caucus members for the
government's position.
- Committee relations. The government will look to
parliamentary committees to play an active role in
policy and legislative issues, and Ministers should
place a high priority on developing good
relationships with parliamentary committee chairs
and members, and supporting the essential work of
the committee.
- Other House duties. The Leader of the
Government in the House of Commons assigns and
coordinates other House duties to Ministers, such
as attendance at votes and leading the
government’s response to Opposition Day motions.
The Constitution Act, 1867 sets out the principles
underlying the sovereignty of Parliament in the raising and
spending of public money. Revenue can only be raised and
moneys spent or borrowed by the government with the authority
of Parliament. Regular, ongoing parliamentary spending reviews
are part of ensuring that taxpayer dollars are aligned with the
priorities set by Canadians, and that the government’s
management of the public purse is credible and avoids waste.
Ministers must be prepared to respond to questions on spending
for which they are responsible, and to regular parliamentary
review of departmental expenditures.
Ministers’ duties and relations with Parliament are very
demanding and require significant support, particularly for
Question Period and committee work. They require careful daily
and long-term coordination with the Prime Minister and the
government’s Leaders in the Senate and the House. Ministers
normally assign a senior member of their exempt staff to support
their relations with Parliament. This person ensures ongoing
liaison with the Whip’s Office and the Office of the Leader of the
Government in the House of Commons regarding House business,
and acts as a key contact to obtain information from departmental
staff for Question Period. Ministers who are assigned a
Parliamentary Secretary are expected to make full use of this
valuable resource to support them in the House of Commons and
before parliamentary committees.
In the context of their accountability to the House of
Commons, Ministers are required to answer parliamentary
questions within their areas of statutory authority as clearly and
fully as possible. It is of paramount importance for Ministers to
give accurate and truthful information to Parliament, and to
correct any error at the earliest opportunity. Parliamentary
questions cannot be directed to a former Minister concerning
policies or transactions in a portfolio he or she no longer holds.
However, current Ministers must account to the House for taking
any corrective action required to address problems that may have
occurred prior to their appointment.
Parliamentary accountability recognizes that only the
person to whom responsibility and authority are assigned can take
action. Ministers cannot be accountable for matters over which
they have no authority. The statutes governing many non-departmental bodies such as regulatory commissions or tribunals
may assign only limited ministerial responsibility for internal
management and operations. In these cases, Ministers’
accountability is limited. Where Ministers do not have direct
responsibility for addressing issues raised by Parliament, they
must nevertheless ensure that the non-departmental body
concerned does address those issues.
III.2. Ministerial Senate Duties
The Leader of the Government in the Senate is responsible
for managing the government’s agenda in the Senate, and
Ministers are expected to work with the Leader of the Government
in the Senate on legislation and Private Members’ bills for which
they are responsible. In carrying out these duties, the Leader of
the Government in the Senate is supported by political staff and
the Privy Council Office. Ministers are responsible for ensuring
that their legislation is piloted through the Senate and that
questions related to their portfolio are answered in the Senate.
III.3. Parliamentary Committees and the Role of
Departmental Officials
Appearances before House and Senate committees by
Ministers and their officials are an essential part of informing
Parliament, enabling Parliamentarians to represent the views of
their constituents in the development of policy and legislation, and
to hold the government to account for its management and
policies. Ministers should promote an ongoing dialogue with
parliamentary committees on their department’s policy priorities,
legislative and spending issues, and management challenges.
Ministers, supported by the public service, should appear regularly
before their respective parliamentary committee to seek the
committee’s input into policy and spending priorities, and to
discuss departmental performance and results. Ministers are
expected to provide, consistent with Treasury Board guidelines,
informative and balanced reports to Parliament, most importantly
the Estimates, the Report on Plans and Priorities, and
Departmental Performance Reports. Ministers and their officials
must cooperate with the committees in their work and seek the
views of Parliamentarians and committees on future plans and
The principles of ministerial accountability and
responsibility guide Ministers and their officials appearing before
parliamentary committees. Ministers are responsible for providing
answers to Parliament on questions regarding the government’s
policies, programs and activities, and for providing as much
information as possible about the use of powers assigned to them
or delegated by them to others.
Ministers are also responsible for deciding which questions
they should answer personally and which questions may be
answered by officials speaking on their behalf. Officials can assist
Ministers by factually answering questions at parliamentary
committees, but they are to explain rather than defend or debate
policies. When appearing before a parliamentary committee,
officials maintain the traditional impartiality of the Public Service.
The authoritative political presence of either the Minister or his or
her political representative is required if politically controversial
matters are likely to arise. As members of parliamentary
committees, Parliamentary Secretaries are essential resources and
play a key role by representing their Ministers before committees.
Ministers should ask their Parliamentary Secretaries to address
partisan issues raised during departmental appearances, and to
act as a liaison between the committee and the Minister and the
Ministers should ensure that appearances by their officials
before parliamentary committees are fully consistent with the
ministerial responsibility assigned by Parliament in statute. Public
servants are ultimately accountable to Ministers and not directly
to Parliament 6 . Consequently, departmental officials do not
appear before committees without clear guidance from their
In appearing on behalf of their Minister before
committees, departmental officials are often able to provide more
detailed information on departmental plans and performance than
Ministers can. The deputy minister and other officials must be
prepared to describe in detail the plans, activities and
performance of the department in areas such as financial
management, program and service delivery, and human resources
Officials also have a duty and specific legal responsibility to
hold in confidence information that may have come into their
possession in the course of their duties. Therefore, when
appearing before parliamentary committees, they are bound by
these legal obligations, as well as an obligation to the Minister and
to the government, not to disclose information that is confidential
for reasons of national security or privacy, or because it consists
of advice to Ministers. In practice, officials should endeavour to
work with Members of Parliament, in cooperation with Ministers
and their offices, to find ways to respond to legitimate requests
for information from Members of Parliament, within the limitations
placed on them. In the context of a committee hearing,
information that is not in the public domain can only be made
available on the specific authorization of the Minister, and within
the context of statutory obligations.
Through their own initiative or in response to a request
from a parliamentary caucus, Ministers can also inform Parliament
by directing departmental officials to provide factual briefings to
parliamentary caucuses. Briefings organized for one caucus are
made available to other caucuses and, accordingly, House leaders
or Leaders of each party are kept informed of such briefings. It is
never appropriate for the deputy minister or departmental officials
to act in a partisan manner. Any questions of a political nature or
expressions of disagreement with government policy should be
referred to the Minister.
IV - Consultation and Coordination
This Chapter provides information on the roles of central
agencies to support the Prime Minister and the work of the
Cabinet. The Prime Minister expects Ministers and their
departments to work closely with all central agencies to
coordinate issues and to establish an overall program supported
by the Cabinet.
IV.1. Central Agencies
a) Privy Council Office
The Privy Council Office provides the Prime Minister with
public service support and directly assists the Prime Minister in
performing all of his or her duties and responsibilities as head of
government. It is also the Cabinet secretariat. Through ongoing
consultation with departments and agencies, the Privy Council
Office provides the Prime Minister with comprehensive information
and analysis on contemplated policies and priorities. Specifically,
it provides information on organization of the government and its
relations with Parliament and the Crown, appointment of holders
of senior offices, overall spending program of the government,
functioning of the Cabinet decision making system, development
of major policies, management of intergovernmental relations and
other specific issues.
The Privy Council Office also provides the necessary
support to the Deputy Prime Minister and to the other Ministers in
the Prime Minister’s portfolio.
The Privy Council Office is headed by the Clerk of the
Privy Council, whose role in the Government of Canada is
combined with that of Secretary to the Cabinet. The Clerk is a
non-partisan public servant selected by the Prime Minister. The
Clerk of the Privy Council acts as the Prime Minister’s deputy
minister and is also the custodian of the records of the current
and previous Ministries. In addition, this person is also Head of
the Public Service, as designated by statute. In that capacity, he
or she is responsible for the quality of expert, professional and
non-partisan advice and service provided by the Public Service to
the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. He or she reports annually to
the Prime Minister on the state of the Public Service.
b) Department of Finance
The Department of Finance is responsible for the
government’s macro-economic policy, including tax policy and tax
expenditures, as well as the overall fiscal framework, and for
analysing the economic and fiscal impact of proposals by any
Minister. The Department of Finance supports its Minister and
maintains a broad socio-economic analytical capacity.
c) Treasury Board Secretariat
The Treasury Board Secretariat supports the President of
the Treasury Board. As the administrative agency of the
Treasury Board, the Secretariat supports the Board, which is a
committee of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, and assumes
its legal responsibilities under the Financial Administration Act and
other statutes. It has a central oversight role to play in
government-wide management practices and ensuring value for
money. The Comptroller General ensures improved financial
management government-wide.
The Treasury Board Secretariat submits recommendations
and provides advice to the Treasury Board on all matters relating
to general administrative policy and organization in the Public
Service of Canada, financial and asset management policies and
procedures, review of annual and long term expenditure plans
and programs and determination of related priorities.
d) Other Departments
In addition to the central agencies described above, there
are two other departments that exercise certain central agency
functions. The Department of Justice makes available legal
services and advice to all Ministers and their departments. The
Department of Foreign Affairs provides government-wide
coordination of activities and issues that involve foreign policy.
IV.2. The Prime Minister’s Office
The Prime Minister’s Office consists of the Prime Minister’s
political staff. The Office serves the Prime Minister and is fully
accountable to him or her.
The Prime Minister’s Office supports the Prime Minister in
exercising his or her duties as head of government, leader of a
political party and Member of Parliament. The political staff in the
Prime Minister’s Office provide advice on policy development and
appointments, discuss House of Commons proceedings with him
or her, and facilitate the Prime Minister’s relations with Ministers,
the caucus and the party as a whole. In addition, the Prime
Minister’s Office schedules the Prime Minister’s time, organizes his
or her public statements and relations with the media, and
handles his or her correspondence.
In general, the Prime Minister’s Office plays an important
role in enabling the Prime Minister to guide the political strategy
of the government and is the central point of communication and
coordination with Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and
Members of Parliament. It also works closely with the Privy
Council Office. Together, these two organizations provide advice
and support from different perspectives on the issues of daily
concern to the Prime Minister.
IV.3. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Relations and
Regional Coordination
The Prime Minister is responsible for the overall
management of federal-provincial-territorial relations, since they
touch on virtually all areas of the federal government’s activities.
The Prime Minister is assisted by the Minister of
Intergovernmental Affairs in coordinating intergovernmental
relations. The Privy Council Office is the public service
department that advises and assists the Prime Minister and the
Minister in carrying out their responsibilities related to
intergovernmental affairs.
In general, the Prime Minister expects each Minister to be
responsible for the federal-provincial-territorial aspects of policies
and programs within his or her own portfolio, and to ensure
coordination with other intergovernmental initiatives.
The Prime Minister may also designate regional Ministers
for each province or major area, who play an important role in
coordinating regional or provincial issues with the federal
government’s activities. However, the administration of
departmental programs in every region remains the individual
responsibility of departmental Ministers.
IV.4. Appointments
The Prime Minister has committed to reform of the
appointment process, and Parliament will play a greater role in it.
Governor in Council appointments are made to a wide
range of positions, from deputy ministers and heads of agencies
to chief executive officers and directors of Crown corporations.
Many of these positions are very demanding, requiring extensive
work and difficult decisions. It is essential for appointees to be
well qualified, and senior government appointments must be
chosen through a process that ensures broad and open
consideration of proposed candidates.
By legislation or requirement under Standing Orders of the
House of Commons, some appointments – including those of
Agents of Parliament – are subject to parliamentary review and
resolution prior to being made final. Currently, other Governor in
Council appointments (except judicial positions) are tabled in the
House of Commons after each appointment is made in order to
give the appropriate standing committee the opportunity to call
the appointee and examine his or her qualifications.
Appointments to certain key positions, including heads of
Crown corporations and agencies, will now be subject to prior
parliamentary review. The government will consult with the
appropriate House committees on how best to proceed on prior
review of these appointments, and will specifically consult the
Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on how best to
implement prior review of appointments of Supreme Court of
Canada Judges. These committees will also have the opportunity
to consider which other appointments could be subject to their
IV.5. Communications and Public Announcements
Communicating with the public is an important
responsibility of the government. Communications must be timely
and clear. All government communications must therefore be
coordinated to ensure they are consistent with overall government
objectives and decisions.
The communications implications of an announcement are
among the issues considered by the Cabinet when it decides on a
policy. The content and timing of each public statement of a
policy or the announcement of some government action (including
appointments, grants or agreements) is coordinated by the
responsible Minister, acting with the Minister’s office and
department, the Privy Council Office and the Prime Minister’s
The Prime Minister expects Ministers to consult as well
with regional Ministers and affected caucus members on
impending announcements and to work with their own deputy
V - Standards of Conduct
The Prime Minister holds Ministers to the highest
standards of conduct for all their actions, including those that are
not directly related to their official functions. Ministers are
therefore expected to adhere to the following standards in all
circumstances, whether they are acting as a Minister, a member
of the House of Commons, a senator or a private citizen. This
Chapter outlines key areas where established government
standards of conduct apply to Ministers.
V.1. Ministerial Conduct
Ministers must act with honesty and must uphold the
highest ethical standards so that public confidence and trust in
the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of government are
maintained and enhanced. Ministers, in particular, have an
obligation to perform their official duties and arrange their private
affairs in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny. This
obligation is not fully discharged merely by acting within the law.
V.2. Conflict of Interest
Ministers and persons working on their behalf are subject
to the requirements of the Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders
7 and, effective the first
day of the 38th Parliament, Ministers are also subject to the
Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons
in their capacity as members of the House of Commons. The
Ethics Commissioner is responsible for administering both Codes,
investigating allegations against Ministers and other senior
officials involving conflicts of interest, applying compliance
measures and briefing Ministers on their responsibilities under the
Codes. The obligations of the Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders apply to Ministers and
Ministers of State, their exempt staff and Parliamentary
Secretaries as well as Governor in Council appointees, and some
provisions apply to their families. The Code does not apply to
other Senators or Members of Parliament.
Ministers are held accountable by the Prime Minister for
their adherence to the provisions of the Conflict of Interest and
Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders. In general, the
Code addresses basic principles of conduct. In addition, the
- requires Ministers to provide a confidential report
to the Ethics Commissioner on their assets and
liabilities, their former and current activities and
those of their spouse and dependent children;
- outlines rules regarding which assets may or may
not continue to be directly managed, and gives
direction on how to divest of assets;
- sets limitations on outside activities, acceptance of
gifts, invitations to special events and hospitality,
and post-employment activities; and
- sets out a recusal mechanism to assist ministers in
avoiding conflicts of interest in the performance of
their official duties and functions.
Ministers’ adherence to the provisions of the Conflict of
Interest and Post-employment Code for Public Office Holders is
essential to enhancing confidence in our system of government.
Ministers are also held accountable by the House of
Commons (or in the case of Ministers who are Senators, by the
Senate), for their adherence to the provisions of the Conflict of
Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons (or any
similar rules established by the Senate) in their capacity as
Members of Parliament.
V.3. Relations with the Judiciary and Other Government
As Members of Parliament, Ministers have responsibilities
to their constituents. However, there are limitations on their
ability to act on behalf of constituents or others, including
themselves, when dealing with certain government agencies.
The Prime Minister expects Ministers and their staff not to
intervene, or appear to intervene, on behalf of anyone, including
constituents, with the judiciary concerning any matter before the
courts. The Minister of Justice can provide detailed information
on relations with the judiciary.
Ministers and their staff are also expected not to
intervene, or appear to intervene, on behalf of anyone, including
constituents, with federal quasi-judicial tribunals on any matter
before them that requires a decision in their quasi-judicial
capacity, unless otherwise authorized by law 8
. Ministers are
therefore responsible for ensuring that they and their staff
understand and respect the need for non-interference and an
arm’s length relationship with these organizations.
While Ministers need to be in contact with the agencies
within their own portfolios on a broad range of matters, governing
statutes give some bodies such as Crown corporations a degree of
independence from ministerial direction. A Minister’s degree of
control and responsibility for these organizations is defined in the
Act that establishes them. Ministers need to know both the
details of their responsibilities and the limits of their powers for
these organizations. They must also understand and respect their
arm’s length relationship with them. 9
In matters regarding another Minister’s portfolio, a Cabinet
convention precludes a Minister from speaking about or otherwise
becoming involved in a colleague’s portfolio without first gaining
the colleague’s approval. This does not preclude the Minister
from speaking directly to the Minister responsible. Nor does it
prevent the Minister’s staff from raising the concerns of
constituents either with the staff of the Minister or through
channels in the departments or agencies that are specifically
intended for dealing with matters of constituents.
There are situations when the office of a Minister can
expect requests for assistance from other members of the Ministry
on behalf of their constituents. When such an intervention with
an agency is not appropriate because the request concerns a
quasi-judicial matter, the office should indicate that an
intervention is not possible by any Minister and suggest that the
constituent deal directly with the agency.
However, Ministers and their staff may seek information
that is available to the public. Guidance can be obtained from the
Ethics Commissioner, who provides detailed briefings on this
subject to Ministers, their Chiefs of Staff and other members of
their staff, including those dealing with constituency issues.
V.4. Invitations
Ministers often receive invitations to participate in or
endorse events, community initiatives or publications, to meet
with people or to travel to various countries. Ministers must be
aware that some invitations may come from individuals or groups
who have links to terrorism, crime, or violent or unsavoury foreign
Ministers are expected to exercise discretion at all times.
They are responsible for ensuring the bona fides of those with
whom they have dealings. When there is any doubt about
accepting an invitation, inquiries should be directed to the
Director of Security Operations in the Privy Council Office. The
Director will make inquiries, offer general advice to the Minister
and arrange briefings as necessary.
VI - Administrative Matters
Ministers have direct administrative responsibilities flowing
from their ministerial duties. This Chapter provides information
on administrative matters concerning Ministers and their offices.
Detailed requirements are also set out in Treasury Board
Secretariat’s Guidelines for Ministers’ Offices.
VI.1. Ministers’ Offices and Exempt Staff
Ministers are personally responsible for the conduct and
operation of their office. They hire their own office staff, who are
known as “political” or “exempt” staff. The staff are outside the
official Public Service and are exempt from Public Service
Commission staffing and other controls. They are nevertheless
subject to a broad range of terms and conditions set by the
Treasury Board for the government as a whole.
The purpose of establishing a Minister’s office is to provide
Ministers with advisers and assistants who are not departmental
public servants, who share their political commitment, and who
can complement the professional, expert and non-partisan advice
and support of the Public Service. Consequently, they contribute
a particular expertise or point of view that the Public Service
cannot provide. The exempt staff do not have the authority to
give direction to public servants, but they can ask for information
or transmit the Minister’s instructions, normally through the
deputy minister. Good working relations between the Minister’s
office and the department are essential in assisting the Minister
and deputy minister in managing departmental work.
A Minister’s office may also include a limited number of
Public Service departmental assistants. Departmental staff are
public servants in the employ of their departments who are
assigned to the Minister’s office and who are expected to carry
out their duties in a non-partisan manner. Their role is to liaise
with the department as well as to provide administrative support
and general assistance to the Minister on departmental or other
government matters.
As Members of Parliament, Ministers receive other support
provided by the House of Commons or the Senate. Such support
is provided and used only in accordance with established House of
Commons and Senate rules.
VI.2. Security
The Prime Minister holds Ministers personally accountable
for the security of their staff and offices, as well as of
“Confidences of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada” (commonly
referred to as Cabinet confidences) and other sensitive
information in their custody. The Privy Council Office briefs
Ministers on applicable security requirements.
Confidences of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada are
defined in section 69 of the Access to Information Act and section
70 of the Privacy Act. They include Cabinet documents and other
information related to Cabinet decision making.
Deputy ministers are accountable to their Ministers for the
security of departmental personnel, information, facilities and
other assets. All individuals who work in or for Ministers’ offices
(e.g., employees, contractors, students and persons on loan,
assignment or secondment) irrespective of their work location,
require Level 2 -Secret security clearances, as a minimum, prior to
appointment. They must also comply with other security
requirements for the safeguarding of government information and
assets. Clearances and security briefings are arranged by the
deputy minister.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) provide
material to Ministers on security precautions they can take to
ensure their safety. A 24-hour, 7-day emergency contact number
is provided to Ministers by the RCMP. In the case of specific
threat, the RCMP can offer additional assistance (e.g., could
include driver, vehicle and bodyguard).
Ministers are required to notify their deputy minister
immediately of any potential compromise of Cabinet confidences
or other security incident. Deputy ministers or the Clerk of the Privy Council can provide Ministers with further information on
security matters.
VI.3. Cabinet, Institutional and Personal Records
Records kept in the offices of Ministers must be broken
down into four categories: Cabinet documents, institutional
records, ministerial records, and personal and political records 10
Records in these categories are filed separately, for reasons of
operating efficiency and confidentiality and to facilitate compliance
with statutory requirements. Each category of documents may be
subject to different provisions and treatment under some of the
relevant laws, such as the Access to Information Act, the Privacy
Act, the Security of Information Act, the Canada Evidence Act and
the National Archives Act.
Ministers are expected to ensure that the provisions for
handling the four categories of records are met. For the most
part, however, Ministers delegate this responsibility, relying on
their staff to manage and control the documents.
Deputy ministers and Library and Archives Canada can provide
advice on the procedures.
VI.4. Public Access to Information and Privacy
The Access to Information Act provides a right of public
access to information in records under the control of government
institutions, subject only to certain necessary exceptions limited
and specified in law. Ministers, their deputy ministers and heads
of agencies are ultimately responsible for the application of the
Act in their respective institutions and within the overall ministerial
portfolio. Under the Act, decisions can be reviewed by the
Information Commissioner and, ultimately, by the Federal Court.
Ministers are expected to operate entirely in accordance
with the law when dealing with requests from the public for
information. Ministers are responsible for ensuring that necessary actions are taken with respect to departments meeting deadlines
and consulting other departments.
The Privacy Act imposes conditions that protect personal
information held by government institutions. Under the Act,
decisions can be reviewed by the Privacy Commissioner and,
ultimately, by the Federal Court. In accordance with the
legislation, Ministers may delegate these matters to their deputy
minister or other senior officials, but may wish to be advised of
particularly important files.
The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act do not
apply to Confidences of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada.
However, a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal has made
accessible, subject to exemptions in the Acts, background
explanations, analysis of problems or policy options contained in
Cabinet documents once a Cabinet decision has been made
public, or, if the decision has not been made public, four years
after the decision was made. Government policy requires that
government institutions consult with the Privy Council Office in all
instances where information which may qualify as a Cabinet
Confidence has been identified in response to a request under the
When producing papers in Parliament, Ministers are
expected to ensure that requests for information (for example, in
response to a Notice of Motion) are met. Matters related to the
production of papers in Parliament are coordinated with the
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons.
VI.5. Financial and Resource Management
Ministers’ expenditures are subject to statutory and
Treasury Board policies governing the use of public moneys.
These conditions are set out in Treasury Board Secretariat’s
Guidelines for Ministers’ Offices, and cover matters such as:
- security clearance requirements;
- exempt staff and hiring by contract;
- salary rates and employee benefits;
- departmental staff assigned to Ministers’ offices;
- contracting policies and procedures;
- budgets, expenditure authorization, and accounting
for expenditures charged to Ministers’ budgets;
- office accommodation and supplies; and
- travel and use of government aircraft and
ministerial vehicles.
Ministerial responsibilities include ensuring that all
expenditures in Ministers’ offices are properly and prudently
managed and are related to the conduct of official business.
Deputy ministers and the Treasury Board Secretariat can provide
further information.
Expenditures by Ministers, Ministers of State and
Parliamentary Secretaries are subject to scrutiny by Parliament.
Ministers, Ministers of State, Ministers' exempt staff and
Parliamentary Secretaries are required to disclose publicly, by
posting on their departmental Web-sites, all hospitality and travel
expenses incurred during program-related business. Reports will
cover the financial quarter, and will be posted on departmental
Web-sites within 30 calendar days following the last day of the
quarter. Ministers should be aware that high standards are
expected of them. This policy will also apply to Parliamentary
Secretaries and deputy ministers.
VI.6. Ministerial Travel Coordination
All proposed ministerial travel is coordinated with the
Prime Minister’s Office well in advance and before making
commitments. Ministers are also expected to consult the Leader
of the Government in the House of Commons or the Chief
Government Whip and to ensure the availability of acting
Ministers. When making use of government aircraft, Ministers
should make every effort to ensure joint travel in the interests of
efficient use of government resources. However, for security
purposes, no more than eight Ministers of the Crown may travel
on the same aircraft at the same time.
Generally speaking, Ministers should limit travel abroad,
especially while Parliament is in session. They should inform their
deputy minister and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of their
travel plans in order to be advised of any particular security
concerns and suggested protection measures. The actual
arrangements for official foreign travel are coordinated by the
Department of Foreign Affairs.
Ministers planning private travel abroad also need to
inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs well in advance, since
security or policy considerations may be involved. All goods
acquired by Ministers abroad are subject to normal customs
requirements and examination, and must be declared on arrival.
Ministers must not accept travel on non-commercial
chartered or private aircraft for any purpose except in exceptional
circumstances, and only with the prior approval of the Ethics
Commissioner and public disclosure of the use of such aircraft.
Any hospitality accepted must strictly adhere to the requirements
of the Conflict of Interest and Post-employment Code for Public
Office Holders.
VI.7. Foreign Honours
Long-standing government policy requires Ministers not to
seek the offer of, nor to accept, a foreign order or decoration,
either personally or on behalf of a colleague.
[ Annexes