Government of Canada Privy Council Office
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Privy Council Office > Information Resources

Annex B - Financial Performance

Financial Performance Overview & Tables

This section provides an overview of PCO’s financial performance, described using various financial tables. The format of these tables is standard throughout the federal government. All figures reported under "Planned Spending," "Total Authorities" and "Actual" columns of the financial Tables correspond to amounts published in the 2001-2002 Main Estimates and in the 2001-2002 Public Accounts.

In 2001-2002, only the following financial tables were applicable to PCO’s operations:

1. Summary of Voted Appropriations
2. Comparison of Total Planned Spending to Actual Spending
3. Historical Comparison of Total Planned Spending to Actual Spending
5. Revenue
7. Transfer Payments

Financial Table 1 - Summary of Voted Appropriations

Financial Requirements by Authority (thousands of dollars)
Vote   2001-2002
    Planned Spending Total Authorities Actual

    Privy Council Office  
  1 Program expenditures 91,469.0 114,147.4 111,936.6
  (S) The Prime Minister's salary and motor car allowance 77.2 146.6 146.6
  (S) President of the Privy Council -- Salary and motor car allowance 52.1 68.0 68.0
  (S) Leader of the Government in the Senate -- Salary and motor car allowance 52.1 69.1 69.1
  (S) Ministers without Portolio or Ministers of State -- Motor car allowance 23.0 24.3 24.3



(S) Contributions to employee beneit plans 9,626.0 10,031.0 10,031.0
  (S) Spending of proceeds from the disposal      
    of surplus Crown assets - 33.0 28.0

    Total Department 101,299.4 124,519.4 122,303.6

Note: Total authorities are Main Estimates plus Supplementary Estimates plus other authorities.

Financial Table 2 - Comparison of Total Planned to Actual Spending

  Departmental Planned versus Actual Spending by Business Line (thousands of dollars)

  Business Lines TEs Operating Capital Grants & Contributions Total Gross Expenditures Less: Respendable Revenue* Total Expenditures

  Office of the Prime Minister 85 6,900.2 - - 6,900.2 - 6,900.2
  (total authorities) 85 7,643.0 - - 7,643.0 - 7,643.0
  (Actuals) 87 7,536.2 1.1 - 7,537.3 - 7,537.3

  Ministers' Offices 80 8,339.3 - - 8,339.3 - 8,339.3
  (total authorities) 80 8,177.9 - - 8,177.9 - 8,177.9
  (Actuals) 71 7,514.8 92.0 - 7,606.8 - 7,606.8

  Privy Council Office 379 37,685.0 - 4,997.0 42,682.0 - 42,682.0
  (total authorities) 413 43,639.6 1,822.1 4,997.0 50,458.7 - 50,458.7
  (Actuals) 394 44,848.2 470.2 4,482.5 49,800.9 - 49,800.9

  Commissions of Inquiry,              
  Task Forces and Others 35 10,140.0 - - 10,140.0 - 10,140.0
  (total authorities) 35 18,829.5 100.0 - 18,929.5 - 18,929.5
  (Actuals) 31 18,441.4 341.9 - 18,783.3 - 18,783.3

  Corporate Services 232 33,238.0 - - 33,238.0 - 33,238.0
  (total authorities) 233 36,687.3 2,623.0 - 39,310.3 - 39,310.3
  (Actuals) 235 31,799.7 6,775.6 - 38,575.3 - 38,575.3

  Total 811 96,302.5 - 4,997.0 101,299.5 - 101,299.5
  (total authorities) 846 114,977.3 4,545.1 4,997.0 124,519.4 - 124,519.4
  (Actuals) 818 110,140.3 7,680.8 4,482.5 122,303.6 - 122,303.6

  Other Revenues and Expenditures              
  Non-respendable Revenues **             (645.0)
  (total authorities)             (1,100.6)
  (Actuals)             (1,100.6)

  Cost of Services Provided by Other Departments         10,827.0
  (total authorities)             16,666.7
  (Actuals)             16,666.7

  Net Cost of the Program             111,481.5
  (total authorities)             140,085.5
  (Actuals)             137,869.7

* Formerly "Revenues Credited to the Vote". In some cases, respendable revenues can also include the statutory item "Expenditures pursuant to Section 29.1(1) of the AA".

** Formerly "Revenues Credited to the General Government Revenues" (GGR).

Financial Table 3 - Historical Comparison of Total Planned to Actual Spending

  Departmental Planned versus Actual Spending by Business Line (thousands of dollars)  
      1999-2000   2000-2001   Planned   Total      
  Business Lines Actual   Actual   Spending   Authorities*   Actual  

    Office of the Prime Minister 6,411.4   6,779.3   6,900.2   7,643.0   7,537.3  
    Ministers' Offices 6,992.7   6,959.6   8,339.3   8,177.9   7,606.8  
    Privy Council Office 39,298.3   43,891.5   42,682.0   50,458.7   49,800.9  
    Commissions of Inquiry,                    
    Task Forces and Others 4,536.0   9,581.6   10,140.0   18,929.5   18,783.3  
    Corporate Services 31,996.3   34,473.9   33,238.0   39,310.3   38,575.3  

  Total 89,234.7   101,685.9   101,299.5   124,519.4   122,303.6  

*Total Authorities are Main Estimates plus Supplementary Estimates plus other authorities.

Explanation of variance between Planned Spending and Total Authorities.

During 2001-2002, additional unding of $23.2 million was obtained for the ollowing items:

  • $7.4 million or the operation of the Commission of the future of Health Care in Canada;
  • $4.4 million related to salary issues such as compensation or collective bargaining, Bill C-28 and employee beneits plans;
  • $3.9 million to support the Task orce on Modernizing HR Management;
  • $3.4 million or costs associated with enhancing analysis, foreign intelligence and security;
  • $2.8 million or various items such as the operating budget carry forward and the Public Works and Government Services Canada Accommodation Incentive. These resources were used to alleviate internal workload pressures; and
  • $1.3 million to support the Policy and Communication communities.

Financial Table 5 - Revenue

  Revenues by Business Line (thousands of dollars)  
  Business Lines 1999-2000 Actual   2000-2001 Actual   Planned Revenues   Total Authorities   Actual  

  Office of the Prime Minister -   -   -   -   -  
  Ministers' Offices -   -   -   -   -  
  Privy Council Office -   -   -   -   -  
  Commissions of Inquiry,                    
  Task Forces and Others -   -   -   -   -  
  Corporate Services -   -   -   -   -  

  Total Respendable Revenue -   -   -   -   -  
  Tax Revenues 38.5   -   -   -   -  
  Non-Tax Revenues 875.8   1,153.6   645.0   1,100.6   1,100.6  

  Total Non-respendable Revenues 914.3   1,153.6   645.0   1,100.6   1,100.6  

  Total Revenues 914.3   1,153.6   645.0   1,100.6   1,100.6  

The Privy Council Office has very little sources of revenues and generally, the non-tax revenues represent adjustments to prior's years expenditures. Fiscal year 2001-2002 was unusual as, about 50% of the non-tax revenues came from prior years' expenditures while the other half were revenues generated by the Policy Research Initiative Annual conference.

In order to alleviate additional expenses generated by this conference, PCO's spending authority was increased by an amount equivalent to the monies collected ($453,703).

The Privy Council Office has few sources of revenue and, generally, non-tax revenues represent adjustments to prior years’ expenditures. Fiscal year 2001-2002 was unusual as about 50% of the non-tax revenues came from prior years’ expenditures while the other 50% were revenues generated by the Policy Research Initiative’s Annual conference. In order to alleviate additional expenses generated by this conference, PCO’s spending authority was increased by an amount equivalent to the monies collected ($453,703).

Financial Table 7 - Transfer Payments

  Transfer Payments by Business Line (thousands of dollars)
      1999-2000   2000-2001   Planned   Total    
    Business Lines Actual   Actual   Spending   Authorities   Actual

    Office of the Prime Minister -   -   -   -   -
    Ministers' Offices -   -   -   -   -
    Privy Council Office 48.0   53.0   53.0   53.0   53.0
    Commissions of Inquiry,                  
    Task Forces and Others -   -   -   -   -
    Corporate Services -   -   -   -   -
  Total Grants 48.0   53.0   53.0   53.0   53.0

  Contributions -   -   -   -   -
    Office of the Prime Minister -   -   -   -   -
    Ministers' Offices -   -   -   -   -
    Privy Council Office 3,979.6   4,955.9   4,944.0   4,944.0   4,429.5
    Commissions of Inquiry,                  
    Task Forces and Others -   -   -   -   -
    Corporate Services -   -   -   -   -
  Total Contributions 3,979.6   4,955.9   4,944.0   4,944.0   4,429.5

  Total Transfer Payments 4,027.6   5,008.9   4,997.0   4,997.0   4,482.5

The grant was paid to the Institute of Intergovernmental Aairs, Queen's University ($53,000).

Contributions were allocated as ollows: Forum of Federations ($500,000), Aboriginal self-government negociations ($1,652,147) and Gathering stength: Canada's Aboriginal action plan ($2,277,312).

The Federal Interlocutor or Métis and Non-Status Indians, through PCO, provided $3.9 million in contributions or eligible Métis and non-status Indian groups and organizations to assist them in realizing economic, social and political self-suiciency, and to enable them to participate fully in Canadian society. Speciically contributions were made to:

  • Assist the Congress of Aboriginal People and the Métis National Council with policy development, programming and communications, including advocating the interest of Aboriginal people and the inclusion of their perspectives into policy and program planning across all federal, provincial and territorial governments and departments;
  • Conduct tripartite self-government negotiations with provincial governments and Métis organizations;
  • Build the capacity of representative aboriginal organizations and support the development of financial accountability in these organizations based on the principles of modern comptrollership;
  • Support institutions that deliver social and cultural services;
  • Honour Louis Riel and Métis contributions to Canada; and
  • Support Métis litigation and legal research, assisting Métis and non-status Indian organizations in the resolution of their legal claims.

The balance of the $4.4 million in PCO’s contributions ($0.5 million) went to the International Forum of Federations.