1. Mandate and Responsibilities
The Public Service Commission of Canada is an independent agency which oversees the application, in the federal public service, of the principles of competence and representativeness in appointments and of political non-partisanship. It is a key partner in helping make human resource management more effective and efficient so that government can better serve Canadians. This is a public interest mandate and thus forms part of Canadas governance system.
The Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) establishes the Commission, sets out its mandate and assigns the following key responsibilities to it:
In addition, the Commission carries out a number of functions under delegation from the Treasury Board. These include:
Lastly, usually with the Canadian International Development Agency as sponsor, the Commission manages or coordinates projects relating to human resources management and training in countries abroad; and in concert with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Commission is responsible for maintaining a high level of Canadian representation in the secretariat of international organizations.
2. Structure and Organization
The powers, duties and functions of the Public Service Commission rest with the three Commissioners who compose the Commission - one of whom is both its President and Chief Executive Officer. They hold office during good behaviour for a 10-year term, are removable on a joint address by the Senate and the House of Commons, and have the status of deputy head.
To discharge its responsibilities, the Commission maintains an important headquarters establishment in the National Capital Region, and regional and district offices in St. Johns, Halifax, Moncton, Charlottetown, Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Whitehorse and Yellowknife.
Contact for further information:
The Public Service Commission of Canada
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M7
Telephone: (613) 992-9562
Fax: (613) 992-9352
Website: http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca