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Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation
Tenth Ministry

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Nineteenth Ministry

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12 October 1917 to 10 July 1920

Prime Minister
The Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden

The Ministry

Minister of Agriculture
Hon. Thomas Alexander Crerar L
12 Oct. 1917 - 11 June 1919
12 June 1919 - 17 June 1919
Hon. James Alexander Calder L Acting Minister
18 June 1919 - 11 Aug. 1919
Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmie C
12 Aug. 1919 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Customs[2]
Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton [3] L
12 Oct. 1917 - 17 May 1918

Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue[4]
Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton[5] L
18 May 1918 - 1 Sept. 1919
Hon. John Dowsley Reid C Acting Minister
2 Sept. 1919 - 30 Dec. 1919
Hon. Martin Burrell C
31 Dec. 1919 - 7 July 1920
8 July 1920 - 10 July 1920

Secretary of State for External Affairs[6]
Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Hon. Sir William Thomas White C
12 Oct. 1917 - 1 Aug. 1919
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton C
2 Aug. 1919 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Immigration and Colonization[7]
Hon. James Alexander Calder L
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs[8]
Hon. Arthur Meighen C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Inland Revenue[9]
Hon. Albert Sévigny C
12 Oct. 1917 - 1 Apr. 1918
2 Apr. 1918 - 13 May 1918
Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton[10] L
14 May 1918 - 17 May 1918

Minister of the Interior[11]
Hon. Arthur Meighen C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Charles Joseph Doherty C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Labour
Hon. Thomas Wilson Crothers C
12 Oct. 1917 - 6 Nov. 1918
7 Nov. 1918
Hon. Gideon Decker Robertson Lab. Senator
8 Nov. 1918 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Marine and Fisheries[12]
13 12 Oct. 1917
Hon. Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne L
13 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Militia and Defence
Hon. Sydney Chilton Mewburn L
12 Oct. 1917 - 15 Jan. 1920
Hon. James Alexander Calder L Acting Minister
16 Jan. 1920 - 23 Jan. 1920
Hon. Hugh Guthrie L
24 Jan. 1920 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Mines[14]
Hon. Martin Burrell C
12 Oct. 1917 - 30 Dec. 1919
Hon. Arthur Meighen C
31 Dec. 1919 - 10 July 1920

Minister of the Naval Service[15]
12 Oct. 1917
Hon. Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne L
13 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of the Overseas Military Forces[16]
Hon. Sir Albert Edward Kemp C
12 Oct. 1917 - 1 July 1920

Postmaster General
Hon. Pierre-Édouard Blondin C Senator
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

President of the Privy Council[17]
Hon. Newton Wesley Rowell L
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Public Works
Hon. Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne[18] L
12 Oct. 1917
Hon. Frank Broadstreet Carvell L
13 Oct. 1917 - 1 Aug. 1919
2 Aug. 1919 - 5 Aug. 1919
Hon. John Dowsley Reid C Acting Minister
6 Aug. 1919 - 2 Sept. 1919
Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton[19] L
3 Sept. 1919 - 30 Dec. 1919
Hon. John Dowsley Reid C Acting Minister
31 Dec. 1919 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Railways and Canals
Hon. John Dowsley Reid C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Secretary of State of Canada[20]
Hon. Martin Burrell[21] C
12 Oct. 1917 - 30 Dec. 1919
Rt. Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton L
31 Dec. 1919 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment[22]
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed C Senator
21 Feb. 1918 - 10 July 1920

Solicitor General of Canada[23]
Hon. Hugh Guthrie[24] L
5 July 1919 - 23 Jan. 1920
Hon. Hugh Guthrie L
24 Jan. 1920 - 10 July 1920

Minister of Trade and Commerce
Rt. Hon. Sir George Eulas Foster C
12 Oct. 1917 - 10 July 1920

Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Francis Cochrane C
12 Oct. 1917 - 22 Sept. 1919
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed[25] C Senator
12 Oct. 1917 - 20 Feb. 1918
Hon. Alexander Kenneth Maclean L
23 Oct. 1917 - 24 Feb. 1920
Hon. Gideon Decker Robertson[26] Lab.
23 Oct. 1917 - 7 Nov. 1918

Not of the cabinet

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for External Affairs
Hugh Clark[27]
12 Oct. 1917 - 6 Nov. 1918
Francis Henry Keefer
7 Nov. 1918 - 1 July 1920

Parliamentary Secretary of Militia and Defence
Fleming Blanchard McCurdy[28]
12 Oct. 1917 - 22 Feb. 1918
23 Feb. 1918 - 6 Nov. 1918
Hugh Clark
7 Nov. 1918 - 1 July 1920

Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers'

Civil Re-establishment[29]
21 Feb. 1918 - 22 Feb. 1918
Fleming Blanchard McCurdy
23 Feb. 1918 - 6 Nov. 1918
7 Nov. 1918 - 1 July 1920

Solicitor General of Canada[30]
Hon. Hugh Guthrie L
12 Oct. 1917 - 4 July 1919


[1] The Tenth Ministry was in effect are-organization of the Ninth with the addition of a number of Liberal and Labour Ministers. In addition to Borden, it was composed of 15 Conservatives, 9 Liberals and 1 Labour.

[2] See Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue.

[3] Sifton was also Minister of Inland Revenue. He was appointed Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue on 18 May 1918.

[4] The Department of Customs and the Department of Inland Revenue amalgamated and combined under the name of the Department of Customs and Inland Revenue and the office of Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue was created by Order in Council dated 18 May 1918, pursuant to the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act. Statutory provision was not made for the office.

[5] Sifton was appointed Minister of Public Works on 3 Sept. 1919.

[6] The Prime Minister was ex officio the Secretary of State for External Affairs.

[7] The office of Minister of Immigration and Colonization was created effective 12 Oct. 1917 by Order in Council dated 29 Oct. 1917, pursuant to the War Measures Act. Statutory provision for the office was made by Statute 8-9 Geo. V, c. 3, and assented to on 12 Apr. 1918.

[8] See Note 11.

[9] See Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue.

[10] Sifton was also Minister of Customs. He was appointed Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue on 18 May 1918.

[11] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[12] The Minister of Marine and Fisheries was ex officio, the Minister of the Naval Service.

[13] Hazen, Minister of Marine and Fisheries in the Ninth Ministry, resigned from office on 13 Oct. 1917. Since he could not be considered a member of the Tenth Ministry, the office is shown vacant for 12 Oct.

[14] The Department of Mines was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council and who was to be called "The Minister of Mines". Until 31 Dec. 1919 the Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Minister of Mines, at which time the Minister of the Interior was named Minister of Mines.

[15] The Minister of the Naval Service was also the Minister of Marine and Fisheries.

[16] Statute 7-8 Geo. V, c. 35, assented to on 20 Sept. 1917, provided for the termination of the offices of Minister of the Overseas Military Forces, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for External Affairs and Parliamentary Secretary of Militia and Defence at the end of the session of Parliament in which the war, which had been declared on 4 Aug. 1914, ended. An Imperial Order in Council declared the war terminated as of 31 August 1921. However, on 20 Dec. 1919 the Governor in Council had approved an Order in Council which recognized that the war had in effect ceased to exist and provided for the repeal of all Orders in Council passed pursuant to the War Measures Act by the end of the next session of Parliament. That session of Parliament terminated on 1 July 1920, and as of that date the Government considered the Act creating these offices to be Spent.

[17] The Department of Health was created by Statute 9-10 Geo. V, c. 24, assented to on 6 June 1919, and was to be presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council. During the Tenth Ministry the President of the Privy Council was designated to be ex officio the minister to preside over the department.

[18] Ballantyne was appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries on 13 Oct. 1917.

[19] Sifton was appointed Secretary of State of Canada on 31 Dec. 1919.

[20] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada. See Note 14.

[21] Burrell was appointed Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue on 31 Dec. 1919.

[22] The office of Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment was created by Order in Council dated 21 Feb. 1918, pursuant to the War Measures Act. Statutory provision for the office was made by Statute 8-9 Geo. V, c. 42, and assented to on 24 May 1918.

[23] See also not of the cabinet, Solicitor General of Canada.

[24] Guthrie was appointed Minister of Militia and Defence on 24 Jan. 1920.

[25] Lougheed was appointed Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment on 21 Feb. 1918.

[26] Robertson was appointed Minister of Labour on 8 Nov. 1918.

[27] Clark was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Militia and Defence on 7 Nov. 1918.

[28] McCurdy was appointed Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment on 23 Feb. 1918.

[29] The office of Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment was created by Order in Council dated 21 Feb. 1918. The terms of appointment were similar to those for the two parliamentary secretary offices established during the Ninth Ministry. Statute 8-9 Geo. V, c. 42, assented to on 24 May 1918, made statutory provision for the office, which was abolished by Statute 18-19 Geo. V, c. 39, assented to on 11 June 1928.

[30] See also The ministry, Solicitor General of Canada.


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