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Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation
Eleventh Ministry

(The document is currently under review)

Nineteenth Ministry

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Unionist - "National Liberal and Conservative Party"[1]
10 July 1920 to 29 December 1921

Prime Minister
The Right Honourable Arthur Meighen

The Ministry

Minister of Agriculture
Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmie
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Customs and Excise[2]
Hon. Rupert Wilson Wigmore
4 June 1921 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. John Babington Macaulay Baxter
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue[3]
10 July 1920 12 July 1920
Hon. Rupert Wilson Wigmore[4]
13 July 1920 - 3 June 1921

Secretary of State for External Affairs[5]
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Immigration and Colonization[6]
Hon. James Alexander Calder[7]
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. John Wesley Edwards
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs[8]
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed Senator
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of the Interior[7]
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed Senator
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Hon. Charles Joseph Doherty
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
21 Sept. 1921 - 3 Oct. 1921
Hon. Richard Bedford Bennett
4 Oct. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Labour
Hon. Gideon Decker Robertson Senator
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Marine and Fisheries[9]
Hon. Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Militia and Defence
Hon. Hugh Guthrie
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Mines[10]
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed Senator
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of the Naval Service[11]
Hon. Charles Colquhoun Ballantyne
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Postmaster General
Hon. Pierre-Édouard Blondin Senator
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. Louis-de-Gonzague Belley
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

President of the Privy Council
Hon. James Alexander Calder[12]
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. Louis-Philippe Normand
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Public Works
Hon. John Dowsley Reid Acting Minister
10 July 1920 - 12 July 1920
Hon. Fleming Blanchard McCurdy
13 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Railways and Canals
Hon. John Dowsley Reid
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. John Alexander Stewart
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Secretary of State of Canada[13]
Rt. Hon. Arthur Lewis Sifton
10 July 1920 - 21 Jan. 1921
22 Jan. 1921 - 23 Jan. 1921
Hon. Sir Henry Lumley Drayton Acting Minister
24 Jan. 1921 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. Rodolphe Monty
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment
10 July 1920 18 July 1920
Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed Senator - Acting Minister
19 July 1920 - 21 Sept. 1921
Hon. Robert James Manion
22 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Solicitor General of Canada[14]
Hon. Hugh Guthrie Acting Minister
10 July 1920 - 30 Sept. 1921

Minister of Trade and Commerce
Rt. Hon. Sir George Eulas Foster
10 July 1920 - 20 Sept. 1921
Hon. Henry Herbert Stevens
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Sir Albert Edward Kemp Senator
13 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921
Hon. Edgar Keith Spinney
13 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921
Hon. Edmund James Bristol
21 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921
Hon. James Robert Wilson
26 Sept. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

Not of the cabinet

Parliamentary Secretary of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment
10 July 1920 - 29 Dec. 1921

Solicitor General of Canada[15]
Hon. Guillaume André Fauteux
1 Oct. 1921 - 29 Dec. 1921

[1] On 10 July 1920 Borden resigned as Prime Minister and Meighen and most of the Eleventh Ministry were sworn to office. Initially twelve of the ministers were from the Tenth Ministry, and ten retained their previous portfolios.

[2] The office of Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue was abolished and the office of Minister of Customs and Excise was created by Statute 11-12 Geo. V, c. 26, and assented to on 4 June 1921.

[3] The office of Minister of Customs and Inland Revenue was abolished and the office of Minister of Customs and Excise was created by Statute 11-12 Geo. V, c. 26, and assented to on 4 June 1921.

[4] Wigmore was appointed Minister of Customs and Excise on 4 June 1921.

[5] The Prime Minister was ex officio the Secretary of State for External Affairs.

[6] The Department of Health was presided over by the minister of another department who was to be named by the Governor in Council. Until 21 Sept. 1921 the President of the Privy Council was designated to be ex officio the minister to preside over the department. On that date the Minister of Immigration and Colonization was designated to administer the department.

[7] Calder was also President of the Privy Council.

[8] The Minister of the Interior was ex officio the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs.

[9] The Minister of Marine and Fisheries was ex officio the Minister of the Naval Service.

[10] The Department of Mines was presided over by the minister of another department, who was to be named by the Governor in Council and who was to be called "The Minister of Mines", During the Eleventh Ministry the Minister of the Interior was named Minister of Mines.

[11] The Minister of Marine and Fisheries was ex officio the Minister of the Naval Service.

[12] Calder was also Minister of Immigration and Colonization.

[13] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada.

[14] See also not of the cabinet, Solicitor General of Canada.

[15] See also the ministry, Solicitor General of Canada.


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