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Guide to Canadian Ministries Since Confederation
Seventeenth Ministry

(The document is currently under review)

Nineteenth Ministry

(The document is currently under review)

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15 November 1948 to 21 June 1957

Prime Minister
The Right Honourable Louis Stephen St-Laurent[2]

The Ministry

Minister of Agriculture
Rt. Hon. James Garfield Gardiner
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Hon. Walter Edward Harris[3]
18 Jan. 1950 - 30 June 1954
Hon. John Whitney Pickersgill
1 July 1954 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Defence Production[4]
Rt. Hon. Clarence Decatur Howe[5]
1 Apr. 1951 - 21 June 1957

Secretary of State for External Affairs
Hon. Lester Bowles Pearson
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Finance and Receiver General
Hon. Douglas Charles Abbott
15 Nov. 1948 - 30 June 1954
Hon. Walter Edward Harris
1 July 1954 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Fisheries
Hon. Robert Wellington Mayhew
15 Nov. 1948 - 14 Oct. 1952
Hon. James Sinclair
15 Oct. 1952 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Justice and Attorney General[6]
Hon. Stuart Sinclair Garson
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Labour
Hon. Humphrey Mitchell
15 Nov. 1948 - 2 Aug. 1950
Hon. Paul Joseph James Martin Acting Minister
3 Aug. 1950 - 6 Aug. 1950
Hon. Milton Fowler Gregg
7 Aug. 1950 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Mines and Resources[7]
Hon. James Angus MacKinnon[8]
15 Nov. 1948 - 31 Mar. 1949
Hon. Colin William George Gibson
1 Apr. 1949 - 17 Jan. 1950

Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys[9]
Hon. James Joseph McCann[10]
18 Jan. 1950 - 12 Dec. 1950
Hon. George Prudham
13 Dec. 1950 - 21 June 1957

Minister of National Defence
Hon. Brooke Claxton
15 Nov. 1948 - 30 June 1954
Hon. Ralph Osborne Campney
1 July 1954 - 21 June 1957

Associate Minister of National Defence[11]
11 Feb 1953
Hon. Ralph Osborne Campney[12]
12 Feb. 1953 - 30 June 1954
1 July 1954 - 25 Apr. 1957
Hon. Paul Theodore Hellyer
26 Apr. 1957 - 21 June 1957

Minister of National Health and Welfare
Hon. Paul Joseph James Martin
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of National Revenue
Hon. James Joseph McCann[13]
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources[14]
Hon. Jean Lesage
16 Dec. 1953 - 21 June 1957

Postmaster General
Hon. Ernest Bertrand
15 Nov. 1948 - 23 Aug. 1949
24 Aug. 1949
Hon. Gabriel Édouard Rinfret
25 Aug. 1949 - 12 Feb. 1952
Hon. Alcide Côté
13 Feb. 1952 - 7 Aug. 1955
8 Aug. 1955 - 15 Aug. 1955
Hon. Roch Pinard Acting Minister
16 Aug. 1955 - 2 Nov. 1955
Hon. Hugues Lapointe[15]
3 Nov. 1955 - 21 June 1957

President of the Privy Council
Rt. Hon. Louis Stephen St-Laurent
15 Nov. 1948 - 24 Apr. 1957
Hon. Lionel Chevrier
25 Apr. 1957 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Public Works
Hon. Alphonse Fournier
15 Nov. 1948 - 11 June 1953
Hon. Walter Edward Harris Acting Minister
12 June 1953 - 16 Sept. 1953
Hon. Robert Henry Winters
17 Sept. 1953 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Reconstruction and Supply[16]
Hon. Robert Henry Winters[17]
15 Nov. 1948 - 17 Jan. 1950

Minister of Resources and Development[18]
Hon. Robert Henry Winters[19]
18 Jan. 1950 - 16 Sept. 1953
Hon. Jean Lesage[20]
17 Sept. 1953 - 15 Dec. 1953

Secretary of State of Canada[21]
Hon. Colin William George Gibson[22]
15 Nov. 1948 - 31 Mar. 1949
Hon. Frederick Gordon Bradley
1 Apr. 1949 - 11 June 1953
Hon. John Whitney Pickersgill[23]
12 June 1953 - 30 June 1954
Hon. Roch Pinard
1 July 1954 - 21 June 1957

Solicitor General of Canada[24]
Hon. Joseph Jean
15 Nov. 1948 - 23 Aug. 1949
24 Aug. 1949
Hon. Hugues Lapointe[25]
25 Aug. 1949 - 6 Aug. 1950
Hon. Stuart Sinclair Garson
7 Aug. 1950 - 14 Oct. 1952
Hon. Ralph Osborne Campney[26]
15 Oct. 1952 - 11 Jan. 1954
Hon. William Ross Macdonald
12 Jan. 1954 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Trade and Commerce
Rt. Hon. Clarence Decatur Howe[27]
15 Nov. 1948 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Transport
Hon. Lionel Chevrier[28]
15 Nov. 1948 - 30 June 1954
Hon. George Carlyle Marler
1 July 1954 - 21 June 1957

Minister of Veterans Affairs
Hon. Milton Fowler Gregg[29]
5 Nov. 1948 - 6 Aug. 1950
Hon. Hugues Lapointe[30]
7 Aug. 1950 - 21 June 1957

Minister without Portfolio
Hon. Wishart McLea Robertson Senator
15 Nov. 1948 - 13 Oct. 1953
Hon. James Angus MacKinnon Senator
1 Apr. 1949 - 13 Dec. 1950
Hon. William Ross Macdonald[31] Senator
14 Oct. 1953 - 11 Jan. 1954

Parliamentary Assistants

Not of the ministry

Robert McCubbin

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
15 July 1949 - 13 June 1953
26 Aug. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Defence Production
George James Mcllraith

1 Apr. 1951 - 4 Feb. 1952
12 Feb. 1952 - 13 June 1953
John Horace Dickey
27 Aug. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

External Affairs
Hugues Lapointe

19 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
12 July 1949 - 23 Aug. 1949
Jean Lesage
24 Jan. 1951 - 31 Dec. 1952
Roch Pinard
14 Oct. 1953 - 30 June 1954
Louis Joseph Lucien Cardin
9 Feb. 1956 - 12 Apr. 1957

Gleason Belzile

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 25 July 1950
James Sinclair

19 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 14 Oct. 1952
Jean Lesage

1 Jan. 1953 - 13 June 1953
24 Aug. 1953 - 16 Sept. 1953
William Moore Benidickson
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

John Watson MacNaught

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 13 June 1953
24 Aug. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Paul-Émile Côté

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 13 June 1953
24 Aug. 1953 - 31 Dec. 1953
Joseph Adéodat Blanchette
9 Feb. 1956 - 12 Apr. 1957

Mines and Resources
Ralph Maybank

25 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 17 Jan. 1950

Mines and Technical Surveys
Ralph Maybank
18 Jan. 1950 - 23 Jan. 1951

National Defence
Hugues Lapointe
15 Nov. 1948 - 18 Jan. 1949
Loran Ellis Baker
19 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
Joseph Adéodat Blanchette

19 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 13 June 1953
24 Aug. 1953 - 8 Feb. 1956
Ralph Osborne Campney
24 Jan. 1951 - 14 Oct. 1952
Paul Theodore Hellyer
9 Feb. 1956 - 12 Apr. 1957

National Health and Welfare
Ralph Maybank
15 Nov. 1948 - 24 Jan. 1949
Thomas Reid

25 Jan. 1949 - 30 Apr. 1949
13 July 1949 - 6 Sept. 1949
Emmet Andrew McCusker
24 Jan. 1951 - 13 June 1953
Frederick Greystock Robertson
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

National Revenue
Thomas Reid
15 Nov. 1948 - 24 Jan. 1949

Postmaster General
Léopold Langlois

24 Jan. 1951 - 13 June 1953
1 Sept. 1953 - 13 Oct. 1953
Thomas Andrew Murray Kirk
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Prime Minister
Walter Edward Harris

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
18 July 1949 - 17 Jan. 1950
William Gilbert Weir
25 Aug. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Public Works
Maurice Bourget
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Resources and Development
George Prudham
1 Feb. 1950 - 12 Dec. 1950
Ralph Maybank
24 Jan. 1951 - 30 July 1951

Trade and Commerce
George James McIlraith

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 13 June 1953

William Moore Benidickson

24 Jan. 1951 - 13 June 1953
31 Aug. 1953 - 13 Sept. 1953
Léopold Langlois
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

Veterans Affairs
Leslie Alexander Mutch

15 Nov. 1948 - 30 Apr. 1949
11 July 1949 - 13 June 1953
Colin Emerson Bennett
14 Oct. 1953 - 12 Apr. 1957

[1] On 15 Nov. 1948 King resigned as Prime Minister and President of the Privy Council. On the same day the Seventeenth Ministry assumed office. It included eighteen ministers from the Sixteenth Ministry, seventeen of whom retained their previous portfolios. Howe dropped one of his: Reconstruction and Supply.

[2] St-Laurent was also President of the Privy Council.

[3] Harris was appointed Minister of Finance and Receiver General on 1 July 1954.

[4] The office of Minister of Defence Production was created by Statute 15 Geo. VI, c. 4, assented to on 21 Mar. 1951 and proclaimed in force on 1 Apr. 1951.

[5] Howe was also Minister of Trade and Commerce.

[6] By Order in Council dated 7 Aug. 1950, pursuant to the Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act, the powers, duties and functions of the Solicitor General of Canada were transferred to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, and were exercised by him until 14 Oct. 1952.

[7] The offices of Minister of Mines and Resources and Minister of Reconstruction and Supply were abolished by Statute 13 Geo. VI, c. 18, and the offices of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Minister of Mines and Technical Surveys and Minister of Resources and Development created by Statues 13 Geo. VI, c. 16, 17 and 18 respectively, each assented to on 10 Dec. 1949 and proclaimed in force on 18 Jan. 1950.

[8] MacKinnon was appointed Minister without Portfolio on 1 Apr. 1949.

[9] See Note 7.

[10] McCann was also Minister of National Revenue.

[11] Statute 1-2 Eliz. II, c. 6, assented to on 11 Feb. 1953, amended the National Defence Act to provide for the appointment at any time of an Associate Minister of National Defence. Previously the Act had provided for the appointment of three additional Ministers of National Defence and three Associate Ministers of National Defence only during an emergency.

[12] Campney was also Solicitor General of Canada. He was appointed Minister of National Defence on 1 July 1954.

[13] McCann was also Minister of Mines; and Technical Surveys.

[14] The office of Minister of Resources and Development was abolished and the office of Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources created by Statute 2-3 Eliz. II, c. 4, and assented to on 16 Dec. 1953.

[15] Lapointe was also Minister of Veterans Affairs.

[16] See Note 7.

[17] Winters was appointed Minister of Resources and Development on 18 Jan. 1950.

[18] See Note 7.

[19] Winters was appointed Minister of Public Works on 17 Sept. 1953.

[20] Lesage was appointed Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources on 16 Dec. 1953.

[21] The Secretary of State of Canada was ex officio the Registrar General of Canada.

[22] Gibson was appointed Minister of Mines and Resources on 1 Apr. 1949.

[23] Pickersgill was appointed Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on 1 July 1954.

[24] See Note 6. The National Defence Act of 1950 (Statute 14 Geo. VI, c. 43) provided for the designation by the Governor in Council of any other person in addition to the Minister of National Defence to exercise any power or perform any duty or function vested in the Minister of National Defence. By Order in Council dated 24 Nov. 1952 the Solicitor General of Canada was so designated and exercised that function until 12 Feb. 1953. See Associate Minister of National Defence.

[25] Lapointe was appointed Minister of Veterans Affairs on 7 Aug. 1950.

[26] Campney was also Associate Minister of National Defence.

[27] Howe was also Minister of Defence Production.

[28] Chevrier rejoined the Ministry as President of the Privy Council on 25 Apr. 1957.

[29] Gregg was appointed Minister of Labour on 7 Aug. 1950.

[30] Lapointe was also Postmaster General.

[31] Macdonald was appointed Solicitor General of Canada on 12 Jan. 1954.


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