Government of Canada Privy Council Office
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Privy Council Office > PCO Secretariats

List of Deputy Minister Committees

Coordinating Committee of Deputy Ministers (CCDM)
Provides a forum for discussion of Government policy and priorities and ensures coordination across the deputy minister committees.

Committee of Senior Officials (COSO)
Functions as the human resources committee for the senior executive cadre of the public service.

Economic Trends and Policies (ETP)
Examines trends and develops scenarios with respect to economic issues and future challenges to Canadian competitiveness and long-term prosperity, including flows in trade and investment, the effects of new technologies on policy, ethical issues and regulatory capacity.  Examines the role of government and the impact of policy interventions such as regulatory frameworks, labour market policies and incentives for investment, in sectors such as transport, infrastructure, manufacturing, natural resources, fisheries and agriculture.

Climate Change, Energy and the Environment (CCEE)
Examines trends and develops scenarios with respect to environmental issues, both domestically and internationally, such as energy production and use, climate change and the stewardship of resources and natural capital, including sector-specific environmental issues and impacts.  Examines the impact of policy interventions, such as the prevention and mitigation of, and the adjustment and adaptation to environmental impacts, as well as the effect of developments in environmental sciences and technologies.

Social Trends, Policies and Institutions (STPI)
Examines trends and develops scenarios with respect to social issues, including inequality and the exclusion of at-risk groups, crime and justice issues and threats to our health and well-being, individually and in our communities.  Examines the impact of policy interventions to address these issues and to strengthen communities and belonging, and the role played by institutions and jurisdictions in these efforts.

Global Trends, Foreign Affairs and Defence Issues (GTFAD)
Examines trends and develops scenarios with respect to international and defence issues, including shifting global power dynamics, failing states and other potential threats to international stability, as well as the objectives and impact of policy interventions such as diplomacy, military efforts, development assistance, state-building and support for human rights, democracy and global institutions.

Security and Public Safety (SPS)
Examines trends and develops scenarios with respect to the area of security and public safety, including threats to safety and well-being, both domestic and international.  Examines the impact of policy interventions such as threat identification, intelligence gathering, surveillance and emergency management. 

Deputy Minister Coordinating Committee on Afghanistan (DMCCA)
Considers diplomatic, defence, development and security issues with respect to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.

Public Service Management Advisory Committee (PSMAC)
Provides a forum for discussion of the public service management agenda.

Public Service Renewal Committee (PSRC)
Provides a forum for discussion of public service renewal issues.

Public Service Commission Deputy Minister Advisory Committee (PSCAC)
Provides a forum for discussion of the staffing and assessment services provided by the Public Service Commission.