Government of Canada Privy Council Office
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Privy Council Office > PCO Secretariats

Results for the 2003-2004 Performance Cycle

Deputy Ministers, Heads of Agencies and Other GiC Appointees

Deputy ministers, heads of agencies and others received a total of $1,904,100 in at risk pay. There was total of $192, 600 in bonuses. In addition, those who received at risk pay and who were not at the maximum of their salary range were awarded in-range salary adjustments totalling $212, 700.


Number who received no at risk pay

Number who received some at risk pay only

Number who received maximum at risk pay only

Number who received a bonus


5 (15.6%)

14 (43.7%)

8 (25.0%)

5 (15.6%)


2 (5.7%)

25 (71.4%)

6 (17.1%)

2 (5.7%)

DM-3 & 

1 (7.7%)

5 (38.5%)

4 (30.8%)

3 (23.1%)

GC-1 to 

0 (00.0%)

5 (55.6%)

1 (11.1%)

3 (33.3%)

GC-7 to 

1 (9.1%)

4 (36.4%)

5 (45.5%)

1 (9.1%)


0 (00.0%)

6 (42.9%)

3 (21.4%)

5 (35.7%)


9 (7.9%)

59 (51.8%)

27 (23.7%)

19 (16.7%)

*Included in the DM data are those who are paid within a DM salary range but who are not deputy ministers of a department (e.g. heads of mission or agencies)

**Includes individuals paid at salary levels equivalent to members of the Executive Group or in personal salary ranges.

Crown Corporations

CEOs of Crown Corporations received a total of $637,321 in performance pay, including in-range movement and at risk pay. 


 Number of eligible appointees

Number of appointees who received some performance pay  

Groups 1 to 3


9 (81.8%)

Groups 4 to 6  


14 (93.3%)

Groups 7 to 10


5 (55.5%)