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 Summit of the Americas 2001


October 26, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued this statement on the news of the end of the hostage-taking incident in Moscow:

"While gratified and relieved to learn that no Canadians were among those who lost their lives last night, I know that the thoughts and prayers of all Canadians are with the families and loved ones of the innocent victims.

Yesterday, in my telephone call with President Putin, I told him that he could count on the support of Canada as he dealt with this terrible situation and that we will continue together our fight against terrorism.

Indeed, the events of the last few days are an unwelcome reminder of the threat posed by terrorism – a threat that respects no borders and indiscriminately targets the citizens of all nations. Canada stands with all civilized nations in its resolve to oppose this threat and to fight terrorism in all of its forms."

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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