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Prime Minister Honours Outstanding Canadian Teachers

May 28, 1998

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced the recipients of the 1997 Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence. These awards are given every year to recognize the achievements of elementary and secondary school teachers who are leading the way in preparing their students for the new, knowledge-based economy.

"As we approach a new millennium, technology and globalization are rapidly changing our world. And Canadian students must be ready," said the Prime Minister. "The teachers we honour today are helping young people across Canada equip themselves with the skills that will help them build strong futures for themselves in the new economy, no matter what career path they choose."

The Prime Minister was joined at the awards ceremony by Ron Duhamel, Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development and Western Economic Diversification), as well as representatives of the program's corporate partners: Bell Canada, G.E. Canada, Kraft Canada, Merck Frosst and The Royal Bank Financial Group

"It is crucial that our children have their shot at success in the knowledge-based economy," said the Secretary of State. "This places a high premium on the leadership and creativity of Canadian teachers. This year's award winners are fine examples of these indispensable qualities."

The Prime Minister's Awards have evolved from their original focus on science, technology and mathematics to recognize the contribution of teachers in all disciplines.

Recipients were recognized for a variety of achievements in areas including computer animation, community and peer outreach, cultural and language development and environmental assessment.

A total of 72 teachers (17 Certificates of Excellence and 55 Certificates of Achievement) were selected from almost 300 nominations. Certificates of Excellence are presented by the Prime Minister. Recipients of the Certificates of Achievement will be honoured later at events held across Canada. All recipients will also be recognized in an Exemplary Practices publication, available in September. It is designed to share the proven teaching methods of Award recipients with educators across Canada and throughout the world via the Internet.

Some of Industry Canada's many on-line resources for education were demonstrated following the event. The Cyberpal Internet Adventure, a partnership between the National Capital Commission, the Canadian Capital Cities Organization and Industry Canada's SchoolNet Grassroots was highlighted. Guests also had the opportunity to view one of the newest SchoolNet Digital Collections sites, an on-line gallery of the Royal Bank of Canada's art collection.

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For more information, please contact:

PMO Press Office

(613) 957-5555

Office of the Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development and Western Economic Diversification)

Josée Roy

(613) 995-1333

Kathryn Fredericks

Industry Canada

(613) 998-7168

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