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 Summit of the Americas 2001

Canada Day

June 29, 1998
Ottawa, Ontario

The following is the text of a message from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on the occasion of Canada Day:

"On Canada Day, we come together to celebrate our rich history and many blessings.

And Canada Day 1998 is truly special because it finds a new spirit on the move across our land. A new sense of confidence and optimism. A feeling that anything is possible if we put our minds to it.

Together, we have overcome many of the economic challenges that plagued our nation for far too long. There is new prosperity - for the first time in 30 years our economic house is in order. Canadians have regained their historic freedom to build better lives for themselves and for their families.

This new confidence at home has allowed us to reassert ourselves on the international stage and take a leadership role in fighting for what is right. All Canadians feel pride in the signing of an International Treaty banning Landmines last December in Ottawa, as well as the prominent role taken by our peacekeepers in places like Bosnia.

Our challenge as a people is to harness this new spirit and work together to ensure that our country continues to be recognized as the best place in the world to live.

In 131 years we have accomplished much as a nation. And we have much to look forward to as we celebrate the best Canada day yet!

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PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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