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 Summit of the Americas 2001

Prime Minister Chrétien to Attend APEC Leaders Meeting and Visit Singapore and China

November 6, 1998
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today announced that he will attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 16-18, following an official visit to Singapore November 13-14. The Prime Minister will then travel to China to meet government leaders, attend the Canada-China Business Council (CCBC) annual meeting and visit Canadian-sponsored projects, November 19-21.

"This visit reflects the broad agenda for progress that Canada has long pursued with our Asia Pacific friends and partners," said the Prime Minister. "One of building prosperity and a better quality of life through development, good governance, respect for human rights and the rule of law, and open markets."

In Kuala Lumpur, APEC leaders will review progress achieved in restoring regional economic stability, as well as initiatives to remove trade barriers among members. They will receive the annual recommendations of the APEC Business Advisory Council. Prime Minister Chrétien will also explore with fellow leaders opportunities to expand APEC's involvement in civil society.

"APEC Leaders reached an important consensus last year in Vancouver to coordinate efforts to respond to the economic instability in the region. This included exploring financial market reforms and remaining committed to trade liberalization," said the Prime Minister. "It is essential to take stock and plan our next steps."

In Singapore, the Prime Minister will meet Prime Minister Goh Tok Chong and will address the Canada-Singapore Business Association.

"Singapore, a key player in world financial markets, is committed to sound practices and transparency in financial markets. Working together, we can help restore economic growth and stability to the Asia-Pacific region," said the Prime Minister.

In Beijing, the Prime Minister will meet Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji, address the CCBC annual meeting and speak to students at Qinhua University. On November 21, the Prime Minister will travel to Lanzhou in the eastern province of Gansu to visit a potable water project supported by the Canadian International Development Agency.

"Canada is involved with the Chinese people at many levels and in many ways," the Prime Minister said. "We believe this diverse relationship has many positive influences on both our societies."

The Prime Minister will be accompanied by Secretary of State Asia Pacific, Raymond Chan. Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy and International Trade Minister Sergio Marchi will precede the Prime Minister in Kuala Lumpur, where they will attend the 10thAPEC Ministerial Meeting, November 14-15. Mr. Marchi will then travel to China November 16 where he will attend the CCBC meeting and lead a trade mission in support of Canadian firms including a number of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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