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 Summit of the Americas 2001


November 10, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Jean Chrétien today issued this statement to mark Remembrance Day 2000:

"Each year, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Canadians take time to remember the gallantry of the brave Canadian heroes - men and women - who, throughout our history, have freely given their lives in the cause of freedom and peace.

Their’s is a legacy of victory and triumph etched in tears. It is a legacy of freedom and prosperity which we have enjoyed, but that they never had chance to know. It is a legacy of an unmatched quality of Canadian life which would not have been possible had they not made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Above all, it is a bittersweet legacy to the families, loved ones and comrades they have left behind: one of great pride mixed with terrible loss; of birthdays never celebrated and memories never shared.

In return for this legacy of courage and sacrifice, all that our veterans ask is that we remember them – an infinitesimally small request when measured against the enormous gifts they have given us as nation.

Let us come together to honour their memory - with the same sense of gratitude that brought thousands of Canadians out this past spring to pay their respects as we laid our Unknown Soldier to rest. Let us honour those who returned home, raised families and built a stronger Canada. Let us honour those who are still among us - bearing the scars of war both seen and unseen. And let us honour those who stand ready to carry their legacy of courage into a new century.

From a grateful nation I offer our humble thanks."


PMO Press Office: (613) 957-5555

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